Drawthread we need more cancer edition

drawthread we need more cancer edition

Other urls found in this thread:



Requesting Julie Smith (from the Powerpuff Girls episodes "Supper Villain" and "Just Desserts") grinding on some futa (or strap-on) Powerpuff Girls cock. You can use her normal outfit, or her evil outfit. (unless Spraykid actually did it)




nuthin, actually enjoying this thread
I have a channel for fun and random crap but it's just getting started
ugh my apartment with no a/c is 1200/mo. I'm in Glendale


>trips of normie

That would be fantastic if she didn't have multiple boobs
I dunno about other furfags but I'm not into animals, so extensive animal anatomy is a huge turnoff


What would it take to get you to draw a minotaur goring some poor schmuck that was sent to kill him.

Good grief.
So many people dawdling around and not even asking for requests.
It's like they've stopped caring.
They can't pay back what they owe... With commissions!

Taking requests while I'm working on an old one.


Audible Guffaw


I would like to request a greedy (You) merchant.


What do you think of Sabaton

Still requesting Spoilerina Loli rape up the butt of your tablet is working now.
Optional spank marks on her bum

>Some power metal band

Oh I don't care. Metal is trash.

I'm still here
*creepy laugh*


Why was the thread filled with vocaroo links?

>metal is trash
I cant believe EHG has such mismatched bad or good taste man

OR of Looking forward to it if you are drawing it. Keep up the good work though.

wow that sucks pretty hard bro
I'm actually buying my house the mortgage is 450 a month

got a 10 year 30K loan shows how cheep the house is but it works as a cozy little pad

Oh, ok.
What kinda music is this kind of person into then

You're style looks familiar. You got a tumblr?

Spergs thought it was the new drawthread Discord server.

One person started, some other people followed and started talking etc

nobody really cares about you coming into thread anymore. Go back to fucking a 16 year old

I'd fuck a 16 year old....

>go back to fucking a 16 year old
where is this coming from?

Who wouldn't

Where is this from?


6 year olds...

It's legal in some states

It's legal in most countries.
Canada used to be 14 not too long ago. Germany still is.

>buying a house
man that's a dream for me. someday...
anyway glad you found a nice place friend, congrats!
it's kind of a mess though, sorry about that

I wouldn't, probably. Too old.

Short gag

Shin Megami Tensei OR here?

who the fuck is even 16 in the drawfags


All of them.


>I cant believe EHG has such mismatched bad or good taste man


just not my thing. A lot of metal music is really impressive technically, but so is theoretical physics. And I wouldn't want to listen to someone drone on about that either.

>What kinda music is this kind of person into then

My tastes are all over the place but it's 99% plebshit

to that Pixie guy. hope you are still here

Grips just turned 18, like a week ago....

That's not goring... that's just gory. Goring is stabbing with the horns.
Still though, very nice. Face is a bit fucky though...
Maybe a line above the nose holes to give it depth/distinction from the eyes?

Also, obligatory nose ring.

Gotta stop forgetting to add the links....

Also, dubs town!

Can someone draw this THICC monster for me?

Doesnt have to be lewd, just THICC

>It's legal in some states

Kind of. Well, I don't know about most other states but here in the heartland there are some conditions and almost every situation with a 16yo can get shithoused if their parents just don't like you.

the resemblance is uncanny

Yeah this tbh

added to the list
do you have any backshots
thinkin about it

Yep. Still here

sup i heard we were shitposting

>We're all just 16 year olds
you right
I can respect that opinion at least, metals not as interesting to listen to as opposed to rap in all honesty
Damn damn aight
got confused there for a second with all that extra shit at the end there jesus
So's fucking animals but that dont make it acceptable

sauce me famboni

also, taking furry requests no anime girl requests allowed

>entity left carne for a 16 yo
kek she must be pissed

This is as best as I can get

Same maturity level, wasn't too big of a jump.

she's actually cucking him with another drawfag

nah you missed the vocarooposting

you missed the vocaroo wars

>not dating spergy manchild anymore
I'd be pretty happy tbh tbh


>the resemblance is uncanny

you lie

she always deserved better. I'm pretty happy for her too



Thank you so much user! I love you

Now that, my friend, is much better!

Thanks for both, friend! Even though v 2.0 looks annoyed to have this human on his horns now....

oh, phew
nobody has to hear how deep and stupid my voice is for a grill


Why do you guys always look so close at my shit?


Gave me a good laugh, thank you.
Thank you too!

slavebunnygirl whipped by dom foxlady

i never click on vocaroo links anyway

OR. Quite some lucky numbers, and quite a cute embarrassed pixie there! That ass looks plush.

But yeah I plan on brushing up my SMT before the anniversary game comes out for the switch. Thanks mate

I lied. Here's another if it works

Oh yeah! Do you have a tumblr or anything so I can credit you?
Same with you. Who are you so I can give you credit!



tbh he was way too ugly for her too


magic can i lick your little clit?

>brandon is too ugly for a fat shitskin

i be-leave sexy is done more like this

how is it so far?

To study a pure shitpost maybe?

It looks good but she needs more buttrape.


when you cant even spell my name right?
not fucking likely

its a shame
if it wasnt for him being a spergy autistic manchild they couldve just worked it out
carnes pretty qt though

Magik must succ, then.

OR. Looks nice so far. Think the ass can be bigger?
Or if you're feeling good, a small window to see her reaction

I want you.