Hey Sup Forums, I have a girlfriend, and as of now, I kinda feel bored of having sex...

hey Sup Forums, I have a girlfriend, and as of now, I kinda feel bored of having sex. It has became a hassle and I'd rather just do it to porn. It usually comes and goes, but recently It's been with me for a good while. I do in fact really love her.

Well I fucked that up. I wanted to ask if this is normal though.

you don't love her you're just used to her

Really? How can you tell if you Love someone or when you're too Used to someone? This is kind of my first relationship

wah im in a rut with my girlfriend, sexually.

boo hoo faggot, happens to everyone, now learn to appreciate what you've got, or move on, quit crying on Sup Forums.

I do appreciate what I have you dumb fucking nut.

I'm just questioning why I don't feel sexually attracted as much as I used to. It comes in periods.

maybe you're just watching too much porn.

When you love someone you will feel like you are a better person around them, or in other words the person you are with them is your 'best version' of you.

Think of how you are a different 'you' around your friends, mother, uncle, strangers, that mechanic down the street that looks at you funny, ect.

Most people don't know or care about this and just go for someone that makes them feel good for the time being which wears off (and wears of quicker each time) and is mostly useless.

sex drive isn't constant, it comes and goes in everyone, it may have something to do with the partner or may not.

Thinking too hard into it only really makes it worse. If you're really just bored with her try out some new fetishes or something.


have you tried doing it while watching porn?

Sounds like you suffer from onegina, horrible condition to have, my condolences.

I've been a relationship therapist for about 12 years and I've seen this many of of times. almost every time it ends up being the same solution. OP IS A FAG

no one calls me a nut and gets away with it

oh shit, I've never thought of it like that before.

You need to try some new stuff. Make it fun. Learn to laugh. Try some nasty shit.

I feel like a much better person around her, and she motivates me to do stuff that I normally wouldn't as single.

I feel really good around her, but at the same time I don't, because lately I have been turning into a lazy faggot who doesn't do much at all.

I used to get butterflies, but they are gone. I used to think about her 24/7, but It's just "now and then" now.

You're right, next time she'll be the one on top!

Shit is gonna be crazy!

I have fetishes that she doesn't really like helping me with, which is completely fine. I don't want to push her to do stuff that she doesn't want to do.

>I used to get butterflies, but they are gone. I used to think about her 24/7, but It's just "now and then" now.

That stuff is just infatuation, it never lasts and really shouldn't.

You becoming lazy is on you though, loving someone can't substitute loving yourself. You have to keep yourself in shape and productive or your will become a burden both of you.

>I have fetishes that she doesn't really like helping me with

OP is a serial killer

Ah, that clears it up.

I really thought it was all about the "thinking" and the "butterflies". Guess I was wrong.

The problem is, I don't find much motivation to be "productive". She wants me to be sweet to her, and I try, but eventually I forget about it, because it becomes a hassle for me.

We're both really lazy to be honest, but we're still pushing strong, and we talk daily, and we argue now and then.

Close, but not quite.

She doesn't like the idea of getting ripped a new anus.

Don't be lazy, don't be in a relationship with someone who is lazy. You're doing both of those things right now, fix yourself first and then ask her to fix herself. If she does, great, if she doesn't, new non-lazy you will likely know what to do.

Just because you love someone doesn't automatically make it healthy, if you're making each other worse people than maybe it's best to move on.

Contrary to popular fiction, love is not always the only thing that matters.


It is. It's time to end it. Because here's how it will pan out:

You'll be bored and be to lazy to give her attention. Shell be insecure and think it's her fault. Yall won't communicate resulting in mote insecurity. You'll try to make her happy but it's different and seems forced. She will interact with some swinging dick in the wild and have a special feeling (this was you but you quit trying). She runs on feefees not logic so she fantasize about new guy and eventually make herself seem available (leading him on). This is your last test. She wants you to wake up, try harder, or fight new guy to prove your worthy of her pussy (she wants strength and security, and feeling love/lust will provide that) if you don't succeed, she'll cheat on you or , best case, break up with you.

If you're getting boted, or the relationship feels like a chore, then it's over.

Breaking up sucks, but it's the mature move here.

Don't be a timid cuck.

new non-lazy you will likely know what to do.

The problem is, once I get into a relationship with someone, I have a hard time ending it, because I get periods of where I get annoyed at how little effort she puts into it, while I try my hardest to put effort into it.

I don't really mind if she becomes lazy, as long as she doesn't stop talking to me, or caring. She cares about me, and I care about her a ton, but tons of shit we used to do, is now gone and died out, and nowadays we just hang out and play video games.

> if you're making each other worse people than maybe it's best to move on.

Nah, we have both became better since we started this relationship, which was 9 months ago.


The relationship itself doesn't feel like a chore. I like the relationship, and I am happy around her. We're all fine in terms of communicating and talking and doing whatever we have to do, but It's from my side, where the sex turns into a chore, because I'd rather sit alone and stroke my greasy dick to porn.

>It comes in periods.

theres your problem, youre a girly little faggot

It's normal \b\ro
All relationships ebb and flow from one cycle to another. Right now you're in a low-sex cycle. Communicate and try to get that shit restarted if it's bothering you or her. If it's not, then just live and love together and find other things to occupy your time.

have you tried asking her to stroke your dick to porn?

This was a relief, thank you.

Yeah, we seem to "Live and Love together" as we find things to occupy time by playing video games we both enjoy.

Though, It worries me if It's a big hit to her, considering she has been more sexually active than me.

Nah, I haven't, and never will. She doesn't want me to watch porn at all, in fact. So I keep it a secret.

that bitch got turned into a mii

Only thing you can do is to talk it out with her and find out. Don't press the issue as she may be ok with not thinking about it much. However, if she does need it more than you, do your part and go with it. A relationship is give and take. Don't do more of one than the other.

Yeah, I do actually do my part and go with it, though I find it difficult to remain hard, so It's a problem.

not a good sign

tbh, if that's a major problem you may want to cut down on the porn some. Work out, read, get a hobby/project, or just game some more. See if that helps at all

Sooo, that's how they made them.

Yeah, I've been considering cutting down on the porn, and just wait till we decide to have sex again.

I'm too lazy to work out, I do read daily, and I have thousands of hobbies. I currently do programming. I play video games daily however

1: tell her you're bored with her vanilla sex
2: buy her an enema kit
4: Profit!

Learn prostitutes, faggot

"too lazy"
Might be something to focus on there as working out even just a little will help the ol' sex drive. I know this because it's helped mine. I've been married for three years and hit that point where the sex has dropped off significantly. I cut back on the porn to help my performance in the sack and the ramped it back up again once my drive was operating on all cylinders again

I lost

I suppose I should try working out then.

I'll start working out tomorrow, and I will stay away from porn. I appreciate the response(s).

just to be clear, is the porn you look at all about girls suffocating in plastic?

If so I might understand why she's nervous about you looking at it.

Find a new girlfriend you beta fucktard

Thread full of estrogen filled cucks

>he said, adding himself to the thread

if you're bored trying doing some of the fantasies (whatever porn you most often searched.
if you are truly in love you will both do whatever it takes to make each other happy and be accepting of all fantasies. obviously dont just rush to straight tying up spitroasting but start small. itll make a huge difference in your drive


You got me in tears.

Nah, It's just the casual shit. Feet and so on.

good. as a pro-tip, just start easy. don't go full tilt in the early days. don't train the same muscles that are sore from the previous workout.
good luck bro

In my opinion, just make sex more about romance. Don't do it as often, but really go overboard with the frilly romantic shit. Make sex important to you, make it a testament to your guys' love.

We grown-ups have long had a solution for just this problem - find ye a mistress

Gotcha, thanks a ton, man. Big relief, and I can finally walk away with a smile on my face, lol

Appreciate it bro

Pics of gf needed for quality advice

Put it in her pooper

How are her feet btw?

>not just becoming swingers


Perfection. Especially with nail polish

Then you have no choice, you're locked in for life so make the best of it.

Why don't you just cum on her feet?

She doesn't like my foot fetish because she is insecure about her feet. I am able to get her to use them for stuff, from time to time ,but most of the time It's a no.

try harder

being with someone who doesn't enjoy or even accept your foot fetish is going to make your life a nightmare, no wonder you're not sexually satisfied.

yeah, porn is better than actual sex. Except when you get tired of porn and want to puss. If you love her though and like her companionship, don't let her go user. I have made this mistake myself. Also make sure you don't mix bread if you are white. You will thank me later. If she is white or azn then wife it now. half asian white mixbreads will one day rule the world.

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