>only had sex one time
>no gf ever
>obsessed with females
>what is it like, how do they feel, what would they do
>just want to talk to one and ask them all these things they would probably find weird

Ask away user.

do you ever wipe your pussy and smell your hand?

Sex one time. No GF. SO, was it gay sex??

I feel like every chick has done this at some point. It's more out of curiosity than a sexual thing though.

you need to grab some girls, drop your standards and work from the bottom to the top. Speed date them mmo grinding style until you're comfy with them.

Keep em comin hun



What is it like to be the constant thought of desire for strangers?

Do you find it odd that the clothes that are popular to wear for women are systematically designed to sell your sex?

do you suck dicks?

>what is a one night stand?


Its always nice to feel sexy. I don't know why other women always complain about guys staring or eyeing them up. Many women choose clothing simply based on how attractive it makes them look. Typically how it emphasizes the bust and narrows the waist or makes legs look thicc. So even clothes are chosen to attract men. Sometimes it's only for comfort but even then it's usually something that is still considered 'cute'

As far as being an object of desire, men can also tell you what this is like. Believe me, nobody goes through their life without someone at some point looking at them and wanting to fuck

Absolutely. Any woman who is 'too proud' to do so clearly isn't focused on how good it makes their partner feel. Plus it's fun to be in total control


Do you recognize your shape as a female is the most aesthetically pleasing?

Do you find yourself shaped by what is expected of you?

I exercise and don't eat like a cow, so it isn't hard to keep my figure. I believe I've got the ideal female body, and I'm totally happy with it.
> inb4 proof
I'll supply proof in a short while. Right now watching an episode of voyager

Breasts 34c, 5'2, 116 lbs

I think you missed my point, compared to a mans body I think a womans shape is superior. I don't put women on a pedestal, I mean this purely from an artistic point of view.

Do you find it odd to meet guys who are more emotional than "the norm"?

Is there a part of you that is looking to be controlled or at least told what to do by men sometimes?

Artistically so, I agree. A woman's body is much more attractive aesthetically and the curves make it more interesting than the flatness of a man's body.

Tons of guys are more emotional than you might think, and it seems to indicate that they feel more than others. People who feel things more intensely tend to be more interesting in my opinion.

And for your bottom question, yeah. I think maybe all women have at least a slight desire to be controlled by a man. Obviously not all the time, but sometimes it's nice.

are you a peter puffer? i bet you're the type of guy to fuck a person in the ass and not even have the goddamn common courtesy to give em a reach around

To piggy back, do you look at sex like it's a mutual thing?

For some reason that is biological there is a feeling that vagina is a hole for them something to claim.

I don't feel that way, yet part of me says so....once again, biology.

Do you view sex as just sex, an end to a mean, or do you see your self as a receiver and someone who benefits from pleasure?

Personally I feel that sex is a very romantic thing. It shows the other person that you trust them and that you're willing to give your body to them. In a way yes, we are definitely giving our hole to the guy to use and enjoy, but technically he is in turn giving us their dick. It's about letting the other person enjoy your body and you enjoying theirs. It's a great way to deepen an emotional connection in an established relationship. It makes you feel very close to the other person. I don't know if I'm explaining it well or not.

Certainly, makes sense.

To be lusted over, and fulfill that lust would be very satisfying, and emotionally gratifying.

Also knowing that someone you have that feeling for has the exact feelings for you. I've never had sex with someone I wasn't dating or that I didn't love, so I can't offer advice on anything like a fling or b one night stand. It's something that makes you very vulnerable, so I only do it with someone I know I can fully trust.


ah shit nigger

I tell myself I'd be fine with a one night fling, but my standards are so high it would backfire.

I've heard it's not healthy for you emotionally, but like I said, I really don't know anything about that. I just wouldn't recommend if



>had sex with one woman
You're already ahead of 99% of the faggots on this board. Congratulations, you're in the top 1%.

Women are infamous --- for talking a lot, and about EXACTLY the kinds of things you're wondering about... So quite literally wherever you find girls, you will inevitably get some insight. Good luck!

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If they don't understand where I am coming from, it would weird many out for sure.

I've been answering you and I'm not weirded out at all

this thread made me gay thanks

women are just as curious about us as we are of them, that's what I think.

Dude no strings attached sex is entirely possible with a casual friend that you're sexually attracted to. It's great. What the fuck were you born in the 40s?

I don't want to give myself to someone that I'm not dating and could potentiality spend my life with. It's just how I am.

Man that's really sad and kind of cringey... but whatever makes you happy. Just know that 99 percent of people on earth disagree with you. You have a long, lonely road ahead.

> long lonely road
Yeah right man. I'm quite happy with how I do things. And I'm in no way lonely. I've got a boyfriend and some really good friends. As long as I'm happy, that's all I want.

Oh you're a woman. That changes things. Good for you and carry on. bless you for not being a whore. You just gave me some hope.

Haha thanks I guess.


You're welcome!
