Today is my birthday, Sup Forums. Ask me anything

Today is my birthday, Sup Forums. Ask me anything.

Im 23

Happy bday, are you going to get some prostitutes?

Is today your birthday?

have you planned out your suicide yet?

where are you hiding the gun?

Thanks. There are none from where I live unfortunately. I cant drink either since my P.O is coming over tomorrow to piss test me most likely. Sort of a let down compared to most of my other ones but im making the most of it now since i worked 9 hours today


fuck the haters
happy birthday

Almost but since i moved out and got a promotion i dont need to.

Inside ur mum

Thanks man

What ya doing for a living? I'm just working at a minimum wage job at McDicks.

Have a wonderful day user

Supervisor for a bakery. I dont make much but its enough to get me by these days now. I make 9.40 now but i think I'll get up to 10 in easter.

Thank you user. You do the same

waddup fellow april 5 guy
stay positive, find the good in everything. be good to others and good things will come to you

Happy birthday user

Happy birthday faggot.

Hm. You want a question for a present? ...

What's your fetish (the one you'll never tell any girlfriend)

In all seriousness though why haven't you yet?

Small world. My Birthday is today too.

>tfwI was 3 hours and 26 minutes from being born on 4/4/1994


What did he mean by this

yo holy shit lots of us april 5 niggers

OOOooo nice. Had any shitty clients of recent?

Happy birthday to you user. Hope you eat a cake. Or cupcake. Or muffin.

Thanks for the kind words user. Those are words i will go by

happy bday anonymous :)

I have too many fucked up ones to say. When you stay on here for a period of time you'll get into some fucked up things. I have friends that lurk here too that know me so i cant say honestly.

How big is your cock?

>tfw you were born on the exact day Kurt Cobain killed himself