Whats a good replacement for Sup Forums?

Whats a good replacement for Sup Forums?

> This place truly sucks now
> Traps, Ylyl, You mad white boi are fucking everywhere now

Is their a Sup Forums esque website with less fags and 15 y/os? Im done with this place

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try selling crack

newfag detected

How old are you?

If you have to ask you cant afford it

I heard 9gag is pretty good

eight chan

Stay off b try other boards.

Go to 2chan

Good. Go fuck off an die you little cunt.

Yes, it's called going outside. Go to a bar or other place where underage kids just can't fucking go.

It's refreshing. Also usually noisy and annoying but just order a drink and stare at a TV if anyone bothers you.

>>Whats a good replacement for Sup Forums?

A barbwire dildo. Enjoy.

If you're this hateful of us then a feminist or black lives matter forum should suit you fine.

See you again next week when you come back.


been on since 2010

you mad?

Some things just end.

What you're looking for is over.

I feel you OP
This guys suggestion is best of all these

>fuck man I'm 22
Been on since 06
What a time wasted.
Honestly op I agree Sup Forums isn't the same as it was.
I keep trying to get away but somehow I keep getting pulled back in. Maybe its the traps.

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if i hate Sup Forums because of black supremacy and tranny threads everywhere why would I go to a feminist or black lives matter forum? Most the fags on here are prob their too

and yet your asking for advice, go fuck yourself like you did yesterday and every day before thay

you mean its the porn. that's what keeps me here. that and the occasional OC / fuck with people threads.

If you've been on Sup Forums for 7 years you know the system and all of its various layers. You're either retarded or a child.

best answer TBQH

I didnt ask for these feels


This. I'm a sucker for porn.

Well thats it then. It was a good run.

RIP Sup Forums.



Feeling the feels.