List a single thing I've done that wasn't justified

List a single thing I've done that wasn't justified.

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Existing solely as a career politician to serve your own agenda while forsaking all others unless compensation was involved.

Wearing pantsuits

To an extent, those happened. Not as the mainstream media portrayed them, but there is some truth to it. But it WAS justified. nothing she did wasnt in the best interest of the american people. WAS justified.

citation needed

Don't post alt news sites. Actual facts only please.

Practicality and style combined in one item of clothing. Justified.

>arabian oil money
>colluding against sanders
>claiming russians hacked the election when you employed the exact same tactics by hiring people to argue online and using twitter bots
>pro fracking
>pro DAPL/keystone

You were born a woman, we hate women.
You married bill. We hate bill.

Therefor we will disregard any justification for your actions and will hold you to an impossible hypocritical standard. We will persecute you for things we defend Bush for.

And that differs from any other politician how?


b-but her emails

Dubs of truth. She did was needed to be done

Being born for starters, there're enough ugly ass bitches out there already.

Also, who are you ?


It doesn't. Never claimed it did. OP asked, answer was given.

exactly. sure, she walked the line...but things we skewed far enough that it made her look bad. she was just a smart politician (for a change) doing what she had to do.

fake news.


No, her only justification was that it benefited herself politically and financially.
Just like what ever other career politician has done since the 1800s.

I bet you're god's gift to women. Please bless us with a pic of how attractive you are. Also height and weight.

All I'm saying is she did the same crap, just without russia's help.


not technically true, since people like, obama, biden, and trudeau are out there

I just really don't like her. I know a lot of shady shit she has done is common among politicians but Trump came along and I would rather have a meme in office than a cunt. At least this outcome is entertaining.

I still see lying on there.


She hired american to do it, SHe created american trolling jobs. Trump outsourced those jobs to Russia. He's so full of shit.

All of those fucks are career politicians who use their political power to make money for themselves and keep themselves in power.

See that's the dangerous thing about justifications. Anything can be justified whether it is right or wrong.

Stayed in a marriage with a rapist

>what is inferring?

A false statement is not a lie unless you know it's false when you make it.

You're seeing "lies" when the chart doesn't even show "lies"


Yes Obama sure "Kept himself in power" lol

Who did he rape?

Not just entertaining, it's about the same result. How much is really all that different? We'd be keeping the TPP, but how is that a good thing? She'd have less controversy? I doubt it, conservatives HATE the Clintons and would go after her just as hard as Liberals are doing with Trump. Honestly the biggest difference is Trump is racist, sexist, and a xenophobe but ultimately impotent to do that much about it while constantly under scrutiny. If nothing else, he provides an opportunity for a political awakening.

Ambassador Chris Stevens. *dead*

What difference does it even make tho right?

I still can't justify how hard I fucked your mom.

that guy looks like a faggot. glad he's dead.

Married Bill

So by your rationale then, Trump could be the same way if he doesn't know he's lying and just using the information that was relayed to him.
So they're both actually just honest people, only both too incompetent to do their own fact checking before opening their fucking mouths.

well, he was a faggot, so uh good one?

voted FOR the defense of marriage act, then expecting /lgbt/ to vote for you even tho you never strongly endorsed /lgbt/ protections so that you would seem more mainstream.
>oh and u made one of ur aids kill himself by throwing him under the bus while u were first lady

Oh and the 4 fbi investigations of you while you were first lady
>or the 10 other fbi investigations of you since then

you were born

She likes Margret Sanger.

Us blacks are still here and Margret is still dead.
Oh and Hillary lost.


>career politician since 1997
>can go back into politics just about anywhere now with his connections and likely will like all others have when they left their current offices
>being your level of retarded

Well the environment is fucked for one. Our tech in renewable energy won't get the subsidies it needs to compete with china green tech (china just invested 2.1 trillion in green tech) So China will own the future of energy now, they will have better tech they can export to the rest of the world, europe, asia, while we sit around with our thumbs up our asses burning coal and blasting it out of mountains completely destroying rivers and ecosystems and air quality.

The park service is going to get huge cuts, we're going to more of those oil pipelines that rupture and spill all the time and contaminate groundwater.

And that's just for starters.

>without russias help
It's too bad there isn't any evidence for any Russian interference tho :( even after msm claimed that the RNC was also "hacked" the RNC came out and said that was false. So you're just gonna trust the CIA right( a small group in the CIA at that) ? Because they're so honest.


she actually had people posting on Sup Forums for her.
>they were really bad tho, easy to spot and they seemed to have a "hillary's good deeds" list they quoted. but if you pointed out shit she had done they wouldnt have a retort, sometimes like 2 weeks later they would be able to respond to what people were accusing her of, like they reported back to headquarters and had to wait for a "what do i do" response for her horrendous background

Could be. Trump is a LOT more incompetent looking at those charts.

Politics is usually choosing the lesser of two evils.

If i have a choice between dumb or completely retarded, I'm going with the dumb bitch.

She's literally the only candidate with a body count behind her

- had a kid

Yeah, it's not like the CIA ever employed experiments using illicit drugs like LSD and set up drug trades worldwide to fund their black book operations...

May he rest in peace.
At least that diaper wearing dirty old murderous hag lost.

Thanks TRUMP.

riggs democratic primary
>Claims russia "manipulated" our elections

No thanks. I'll choose the asshole who's not a politician over the asshole who is every time.

He's a faggot so he's burning in hell now. His soul with never know peace.

This is fake news

You're lying about being black. Want to know how I know? Black people aren't capable of saving an image that without a WorldStar watermark.

When that asshole who's not a politician turns out to be a conman....I guess that makes you the asshole.

Yeah, those huge pipelines that Hillary Clinton wasn't against. Obama could have condemned them, never bothered. He never took a stand on a lot of shit. Hillary was paid for partially by a lot of oil money. I. SEE. NO. DIFFERENCE.

Nope - I didn't vote for any of those assholes, they were all piss poor choices.
Voting for the lesser of several evils is still voting for evil.
I just voted on my local shit.

I'm so sick of the Russian narrative, they didn't hack people's minds and cost Hillary the election. The same people who believed in fake news are the people who always believed in fake news...they're the same people who read tabloids in the 80s and 90s and always wondered why USA today and the NY Times never commented on the stories. Hillary offered nothing, absolutely nothing to the middle class.

You prefer a demagogue to a politician?

HAHHAHA that's some SOLID logic there new friend.

But she is a women.

Defending and getting a child rapist off the hook when you knew he was guilty.

Doing nothing is also evil.

Your hands are dirty either way friend. DOn't think yourself clean.


Michelle Obama has a dick and I'll vote for her first.

You might wanna look up demagogue's meaning.
Clinton falls under it too.

Wanting to make Syria a no fly zone.
Cry about it.

I agree with everything you said.
oh, and....

So what. Bitch still lost.

it's true
she gots me my gibs from privileged whites


Totally fake, if Russia really wanted to influence the election they would've donated to the Clinton foundation like the Women-and-Gay-Loving Saudi Arabia

being the devil

Just because I didn't vote don't assume I am sitting on my ass doing nothing as this shitshow reigns down.
No, I am doing what I can with my representatives, usually at the state level but some things at the federal too.

half her campaign was circle jerking minorities and perpetuating the false wage gap myth as truth.

i've killed 5 of these evil insects. they didn't do any harm to me, but they entered my room without my permission. i hope it's inside natural law to kill insects that break into my home.




i.e. leaving messages on their answering machine, or bitching to an assistant who doesn't write anything down and tells you he/she will pass along the message and thank you for your concern. Or maybe filling out that online form that gets emailed to an assistant, or even emailing them directly, only to get the same cookie-cutter response everyone else gets thanking you for your concern and interest and explaining where the rep stands on the issue.

Yes, a lot of good work you're doing...


I don't think sacrificing children to Moloch was very justified






Also starting petitions, getting with local state politicians to speak about the need for state laws being enacted that counteract some of the bullshit Trump is signing off on for the protection of our state's citizenry.
I am doing what I can do short of running for election myself.
How about you?




I voted for Trump and laughed when Hillary lost. I've already done my part.

>Also starting petitions, getting with local state politicians to speak about the need for state laws being enacted that counteract some of the bullshit Trump is signing off on for the protection of our state's citizenry.

Yeah, that's kinda how Democrats started the first Civil War.

So really nothing then since your vote means dick thanks to the Electoral college.

This thread didnt turn out the way you hoped did it?