Well it's over Sup Forumsros. i accidently tasted my pee and it tastes like fucking sugar. i got the beetus. diabetes

well it's over Sup Forumsros. i accidently tasted my pee and it tastes like fucking sugar. i got the beetus. diabetes.

i don't have health insurance so how long do i have until i die? am i fucked forever?

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how'd you accidentally taste your pee

you tasted your pee lmao

Do you never jack it with your legs above your head, usually with a wall as support?

no i'm not retarded

i sat down to poop after i peed and a little got on the toilet seat, i just wiped it off with my finger and instinctively tasted it. i know it's fucking disgusting but can we focus on my imminent death now.
yup i'm a fucking idiot

Why tf do you not have health ins with Obamacare in effect?

I might be retarded but at least am not sexually repressed, user.


>tasted my pee on accident
>i tasted it off my finger

buddy, come on.

neither am I but i dont have to resort to forcing blood to rush to my head to get off.

sorry you have to go to such lengths to finish, friendo.

OP just go to the doctor, health care or not

Sugar in your pee doesn't automatically mean diabetes.

Better sign up for Obamacare before they remove the "preexisting conditions" stipulation.

can't afford it. i barely make 500 a month and that's the lowest cost, so i just give up my tax return rather than pay 60+% of my money.

it's irrelevant now that my death is imminent and there is no help for me ever. i will never qualify for medicaid or medicare so i'm fucking screwed. or i can give the government all my money and not eat and not have a place to live.

>have to

do you know not of desire, anonymus?

You have to have health insurance. It's the law

2hat the fuck... how do you accidentally 5aste owe nigga. What the fucking he'll.

Btw, I'm fucking annihilated right now and mad that nobody told me wild turkey is way better than javk.p

what the fucking fuck?

how the fuck do you accidentally taste your pee? and how do you know sweetness equals diabeetus? and the beetus? what the fuck. it's not gonna kill you user. jesus youre retarded

>had a good laugh, good job user

oh, sorry you're right.

*sorry you go to such lengths to finish, friendo

you dont deserve those double dubs you fuckin drunk

i did it without thinking.

oh ho ho, and lose EVERYTHING?

i don't have options for healthcare.

that's what they taught in my physiology class in colelge
i can't afford it ;-;
the penalty for not having health insurance is they take my take return. which is better than taking fucking everything i guess. sucks that they take money for fucking nothing, what the fuck am i supposed to do.

Youre so fucking right bro. Sorry I sniped those.

i know sweetness is diabeetus because i took physiology in colelge, and the professor was this old doctor who said way back in the day (before they could test for it a better way) that tasting the urine was THE test for diabeetus.

it'll kill me if it goes untreated right? i'm so fucking scared


If your income is that low you can get an exemption or Medicaid.

I'm calling bullshit

Naturalist Fag here, just research foods that can cure your type of diabeetus, Type 2 is good with yucca root and jack fruit

not in my state, no single adult male can get an exemption for medicaid. you have to have dependents.

So get some dependents

call bullshit but here's the facts

looks like i'm dying Sup Forumsros

Shit, I did it twice nigga.

Srsly tho, wild turkey is so much fucking vetter.

no one would ever hug me before, and now that i got diabeetus you expect me to jump all the way to having a kid? can you even have kids if you have diabeetus? i bet the sugar fucks with the sperm

Big problem simple solution get your ass to Canada and stay there. Free heath care.

No don't come here we all got fucked by Trudeau because of you faggots stealing our taxes and health care and voting and shit. Stop it.

Well you can't change your age or become pregnant... You're gonna have to become disabled. Good thing you've got diabeetus, they can take off your legs

It's a symptom, and it's also potentially temporary.

I've had sugary urine before and my blood sugar is actually low.

You can claim that you can't afford the insurance and they waive the fee...you don't have to be a tax guru to figure that out.

You probably apply for Medicaid if you only take home 12k a year bro.

6k my bad

Poorfag lmao

why are you saying that to me? I'm not the guy you initially responded to. anyway, you have nothing to feel sorry about man. just take it easy


>>tasted my pee on accident
>>i tasted it off my finger
>buddy, come on.
Not cum, just peepee

I think the lack of a sexual partner is now considered a disability in some states. Your wizard status might finally pay off user!

die-uh-beets, you have 3 to 12 months of fiery burning slow painful death to look forward to as the cells throughout your body deteriorate and die slowly until you die. pain meds don't block the fiery burning pain either. have fun.