Im tired of being bullied i just want friends an to get laid please help me

Im tired of being bullied i just want friends an to get laid please help me

Good luck pal

budget leafy

I just want friends will you be my friend

I'll help you get laid, show that boi pussi

Try r9k

Thats not nice

nice try OP, shoot up the school fag

Ill show u my sister

get on hrt and your bullies will fuck you all the time, its your only option by the looks of you

do it


Kill them all!

Hookers my friendo just shut the light off before she gets there

Ill be your friend. Contact info? You look like you could use someone to talk to.

You got a long road ahead but in the end you'll look good. You need double jaw surgery. Look for a good orthodontist in your area and talk to him about it. It will cost a fuck ton and you'll need braces too. Your journey begins when you save the first dollar towards this venture. Keep your hopes up and aim for the stars kid. Good luck.

My sister

Jesus fuck maybe if you actually showered and practiced decent fucking hygiene or didn't wear shitty clothes you would be alright

What's hrt?

Give us a message on kik mate. Kik: liam_Helmsworth. idm having a chat now and again

Even Google is like WTF, sorry dude kys

Welp. Is she single, OP? Also, where you from?



You have no other choice OP

Found your problem LOL

Will those guys be my friends?

kys OP death is inevitable for us all your just gonna get older and older and look saggier and more disgusting

Tired of getting bullied - Start lifting in the gym, after awhile they will notice your gains and leave you the fuck alone.

Friend's aren't super important, find something you love todo and just keep going.

Getting laid - start off by actually caring about yourself. Making sure you are looking as good as possible. fresh haircut, fresh clothes, also goto the gym. Find a hobby, maybe join a club in school.

Once in college nobody cares about what happened to you in highschool. Won't get bullied, and chicks are everywhere

If that really is your sister, 6/10 would prob bang.
share contact info - we'll talk to you

Thank you friend

Yea thats my sister want more pictures

What's wrong with Ohio

Another picture of me

Yes. Show us what you got

sure lol

Might as well kill your self

you look like stingy from lazy town.


Guys this guy is obviously autistic or super desperate. Please don't get him to do anything stupid that will make him sadder. Cmon guys.

>Shitty camo shirt
>Greasy shaggy hair
Put some actual effort into your appearance and your chances will go up significantly. Also, start lifting weights because bullies usually go after the easiest looking targets.

lol why are all the pics you have of your sister black bordered with that dog filter? Also, you never answered if she was single

This site exists for people to get a reaction out of each other. Or to egg people on who are in a disagreement. No earnest OP gets what they want here.


Cause she thinks she is a model and yes

Can I get her digits? I'll be your friend :)



You just want to fuck my sister what kind if friendship is that?

you look like some of the characters from the movie Antz.

you wont get laid in a long time buddy.

I'd pound that vagina hard.

Possibly an honest one. I'll help you get fit and show you how to defend yourself while i'm at it.

I mean tbh to all my new friends my sister has some hot ass feet and i seen her thong

autist stop posting pictures of your sister online wtf. show decency

Any pics of her tits?

Go on. You've got my interest OP

decency obliteraated.
ET phone retard police

lol theoddone

These people are not your friends OP. I'm a master hacker and found our your bullies are actually the ones trying to get pictures of your sister. Don't fall for their tricks. Your real friends are the ones trying to get you to stop. Don't let your bullies win.

You should spend some time helping others. It will make you feel better to give back to your community.

A better hair cut and some time in the gym
Worked for me

Fuck off Putin

This user is 100% correct.

You look like Credence from Fantastic beasts moive, Leafy and Stingy all had an orgy baby

Not op but I know my hair looks insane retarded probably chick demagnet but still gonna keep it fuck those hoes

i work out tho


I mean if anybody has questions about my sister just kik me hitler_didnt_do_it


Nice try kiddo

Well those are two thing i think would depend allot on your personality. If your not a nice person or alteast your not smooth about it you cant have ether.



Dude get a haircut and trim those eyebrows n ur done

You are gonna have to get used to taking shit from people. I've done it for years. Develop strong will and work hard for the things you desire in life. I was able to do it, so can you.

>Im tired of being bullied i just want friends an to get laid please help me
>comes to Sup Forums

How old are you?

yeah, not the best choice

it's like throwing yourself in the lions den because you wanna snuggle a kitteh

pic of ur feet?

hold on let me put em on
