I am black and educated. Prove me wrong

I am black and educated. Prove me wrong

Other urls found in this thread:


no thanks.
try and reproduce a lot.
avoid associating with less intelligent blacks.
good on you, dude.
you have my respect.


nicely played

You're posting on Sup Forums

Intelligent people don't need to post about how intelligent they are on the internet.




> youtube.com/watch?v=QqPjojl92l4

Dunning-kruger effect. If you're really fucking stupid, you think you're the smartest one around b/c you don't understand what others do. Nigger.

Your a nigger, so that already proves you aren't intelligent

Are you black? Yes or no. Are you retarded? The answer will be the same.

Wrong. You're not educated and you're not black.

If you're educate answer this:
In 500 words, how would you describe the effect of mercantilism on the development of a colony? Use at least two example.

If you're black post timestamp with your GF Tits

is this a prompt for a history essay?

Nice trips Satan. I don't think Satan is black

Your second sentence lacks a period.

Back to school, nigger.



It's all relative.

While unlikely to be educated in the western sense of the word, it's possible he's educated by African standards and knows how to orally stimulate cows, shower in their urine and build a crude hut out of shit. OP probably can't explain Pythagoras' theorem but I bet he's damn good at lying on a sun baked plain while flies land on his face.

Fuck you damn nazi




>You're a nigger
there I fixed it for you.


I bet you're a blast at parties.

That shit is getting old.

The English is poor with this one

Pls stop posting and sage this thread

>taking me seriously

Correct it for me please me no england pupperly

>I was retarding to be pretended

knowing how to use google don't make you educated fuking monkey

If you were really an educated nigger, you wouldn't be wasting your time here to prove yourself to a bunch of neck beards.

CorrEct It For Me PleAse My EnGliSh Is Poorly WRitten



Stop fucking replying and sage

niggers cant read stupid fuck

ur a puss

Fuck off OP. Why do you go on internet and pretend you're smart you fucking idiot?

As a black person, I bet you've committed a number of violent and sexual crimes with the occasional theft and drug offence.

How long is your criminal record?