Tobacco should be fucking illegal. Personal freedom my dick. These people are selling death

Tobacco should be fucking illegal. Personal freedom my dick. These people are selling death.

how about alcohol

lsd ?

Think about it in this way user:

If all the idiots get cancer and die, the human species will be much better.

Cheeseburgers should be fucking illegal. Personal freedom my dick. These people are selling death.

how about walking across the street
you guys are going down a slippery slope

Cars should be fucking illegal. Personal freedom my dick. These people are selling death.

Death is inevitable.

No way teach me more.

Sky is blue. Except SkyWilliams, he's black.

Well shit gasoline is also death of you consume it or like said. Alcohol doesn't only take people's lives it also fuck up a lot of people near the addict. And personal freedom is good to an extent, if people want to smoke let them


Freedom should be fucking people. Selling Personal dick. Tobacco these are death.

Double cheeseburgers have a body count too.


I had a triple once. It was fucking godly and I'd gladly die from eating too many

>Freedom should be fucking people.
>Selling Personal dick.
>These are death.

You are a poet user that no one tells you otherwise.

Holy shit, cheeseburger-mind

Should fucking people freedom my dick? Personally, my ass. Tobacco should death.

You say, while being on the most cancerous place on earth

Everybody is selling death, so how about a little fucking personal responsibility.
If you don't want cigarettes to kill you don't smoke.
Don't do coke or smoke weed or drop acid or drink or do mushrooms or peyote or cocaine or meth or eat salt or fatty foods or have unprotected sex or drive a car or get on a plane or drink a glass of water in Michigan.
Fuck, grow a pair and get out of other peoples lives.

The earth is the most cancerous place on earth.

Tax dollars need to be spent somehow. Plus it's north americas way of weeding out the idiots. Population control.

Fuck off commie:
>people get their cigs
>they are happy
>put money into the economy
>better economy
>lower prices
>higher wages
>everyone happy

Typical leftist cuck who wants to shit over everyone's happiness

I kind of agree but I think it's more complex than that.

For instance, I think it's a good idea for it to be illegal to advertise tobacco. You don't need to advertise heroin to heroin addicts, and you shouldn't.

Lay off the internet for a while, kid. This is not how you make a point.

Everything that sells must be advertised. It's called marketing.


>people take 30 minutes off work every day to smoke
>billions in lost productivity every year
>increased insurance prices for everyone from the poor heart and lung health of smokers getting treatment

Don't try to insult people by calling them communist if you have no idea how the economy works.

They are evil. Insurance companies are evil. Healthcare industry is evil. Military industrial complex is evil. The media is evil. There is much evil my young friend. Making laws does very little.

No that's called anarchocapitalism. Marketing would be a symptom of having a product, not the cause.

Why the fuck am I talking to this idiot?


hahahhaha your points are correct.
but sadly...

maybe you should lay off the internet... this user has a point as well... what the hell hahahahha I could just see you telling your co workers or family this.

When was the last time you saw a fucking toilet ad? Some stuff doesn't need to be advertised to sell

Think of marketing as a pie. Advertising is a huge portion of that pie. No need for insults man, I'm just trying to make a point.

Better tobacco than xanax

>billions in lost productivity (citation needed)
>by feeding an industry worth trillions and employing hundreds of thousands

Yeah i'll take that trade.

I agree. If it only harms you then fine no biggie. If it harms the environment or others near you who dont get a say in the matter then yes, make it illegal

Objection! I'd rather chew that shit daily than smoke fags

>what the hell hahahahha I could just see you telling your co workers or family this.

The forced phony laughter doesn't make you any less of a pleb.

So cars, planes and factories should be illegal?

Xans change a man.

I know it can fuck you up severely but still. I hate cigarettes

There are toilet ads. And sink ads and the like. Just because you haven't seen one cuz u can't afford cable doesn't mean they don't exist. Half wit

I actually don't see a lot of ads anymore because I've stopped watching TV

Glad ur not in charge lol. Why t f would you illegalize something that generates so much tax money????!????

Eh it's up to personal preference, I personally don't get any benefit from xans, smoking calms me down probably going to switch to vape when I have the money

Well there u go. Probably why u haven't seen any.

Ayy you're a good guy user
Yup. Feels good to watch the shit you want without any commercials

No because it also weakens the mind

fuck you faggots OP is right, lets make tobacco and alcohol illegal, that definitely won't have negative repercussions like an increase in crime profitability, or drain the government of money as they waste taxes upholding silly laws.

Yeah and while we're on it we could also implement a program where everyone who has unprotected sex before marriage is killed by stoning


[insert vehicular death statistics]

>name calling is an argument right?
>r-right guys?


Publicly fund driverless car technology and give people who own them tax breaks. Also make it illegal for governments and companies to be able to update or manipulate the software. Make the software encrypted so it can't be easily hacked.

>[insert wheeled explosion cart death statistics]

Not name calling. Disregarding people who can't be sober. I don't consider them in my argument because they are diseased as far as I'm concerned.

Personal my fucking dick. Freedom should be death. These people are selling illegal.

>the source of a legitimate argument is more important than the legitimacy of said arguments
>gonna assume anyone who disagrees with me is a smack head degenerate kiddy diddler
>gonna name call and pretend i wasn't trying to
k kid get some sleep you have school in the morning

I don't smoke cigarettes and still want it to be legal, faggot

I use my breaks my employer allots me, I don't take any extra time to smoke.

>k kid get some sleep you have school in the morning

I'm gonna disregard you because of that hack line.

You're right. The tobacco industry doesn't till their crops very well so there's more radiation in cigarettes than the normal amount of background radiation.

That's why they give you cancer; the naive Americans smoked long before we came over and they were not dying of cancer.

>use ad hominem
>disregard legitimate arguments because the punch line is ad hominem
are you even trying?

Any man who would give a little of his life for a little time to think is a man who has lived more than you could imagine.

Not all tobacco is deadly like snus and electric cigarettes

Best not to call it tobacco and call it what it is, nicotine.
And nicotine has been shown to be near harmless in healthy adults, similarly to caffeine.

I'm not quitting till you admit you're a hack. This isn't about the topic anymore. This is about your bad lines.

If I can ad an extra bit to OPs post. I think it should be illegal to sell tobacco, but I think it should be perfectly legal to grow your own.


Who's ad hominiming now?

Two wrongs make a right.

Here's the thing, the Tobacco Iron Triangle exists.

>For the politically inexperienced, it's basically Congress, some part of the Bureaucracy, and a Corporation/Industry create a series of agreements that help one another. In this case, FDA lowers regulations to give the corporations more leeway in production, Congress gives the FDA a better budget, and the Corporations support various Congressional Acts, and lobby to make sure their support makes it into action.

Thankfully, Congress has begun to not be completely stupid, and have made it harder for the corporations to sell their products with the massive 'THIS CAN KILL YOU' notice. Hopefully the industry dies out within the next few years. I've seen how damaging it is first hand, and wish it ended immediately.

>doesn't realize the rich feed off the poor

Who else here is sick of the retarded truth and ad council commercial they play over 9000 times a fucking day? They constantly say shit like "don't give big tobacco advertisement" when they have several fucking brand ads in windows behind the half-nigger bitch. "It hurts black communities more derppity and I have no sources to show on this commercial niggerp. You just have to go to our website derp" ...ffffffuuu-

Think about it in this way user:

Second hand smoking exists.

When people talk about banning things, I wonder more about the individual calling for the ban than the object to be banned.

Using OP's logic, we should ban everything that causes cancer, and be subjected to existing in a round rubber room in a straightjacket so we cant hurt ourselves.

Not OP, but I'm on board with every word of this. As long as the public is at least made aware of or able to educate themselves on undeniably associated risks inherent with products like cigarettes.

And the less entrenched govt lobbying by industries with more cash than you'll ever see in your life to tell self-serving lies at the public's expense, the better.

If it becomes known that chewing Stride bubble gum for decades makes me extremely likely to develop unstoppable tongue necrosis, I don't want to be another unknowing bastard death statistic in 5th-grade textbooks someday.

it's nice having a functional brain isn't it

Smoke from fires also exist too, you gonna try to ban those as well?





Now I'm hungry

Eat this dick

Is it spotted?

Did you learn nothing from the prohibition in the US in the 1920s?
>alcohol is banned
>people still want it
>moonshine happens
>no federal regulations or standards
>it gets cut with chemicals and stuff
>leads to blindness, sterilization, and even death
>gangs make shitloads of money
>there's a massive influx of murders and organized crime everywhere
Yeah, banning tobacco is a great idea! Fuck yourself, shit for brains.


Last I checked In any civilized part of the world, anybody from the age of like 4 and up knows cigarettes are bad for you. The public is well aware. Everyone knows it causes cancer and can kill you. It literally says it on anything tobacco related, not to mention all the anti-smoking material as well. It's why it amazes me when people go up to smokers and say, hey you know that's bad for you right?
Like what they expect the guy to go really? These are bad for me?!? I thought they had vitamin c in them and shit. Thanks man you saved my life.

Live and let live, if people want to poison themselves that's their prerogative. I don't understand my generations insane obsession with wanting to control how other people lead their lives, what they think and believe in, what people should be allowed to do and what not.
Yes second hand smoke does kill, that's why it's pretty much illegal to smoke anywhere around other people. Shit in California it's almost to the point you have to be inside, with the lights off, under the blanket

What a fat pussy. McDonald's should be illegal. Personal freedom my dick. Those people are selling death.

>Heart disease remains the leading cause of death in the U.S., accounting for almost 1 in every 4 deaths, and affecting significantly more men than women.

Count me in lad

Thing is, OP enjoys cheeseburgers. You can't ban what he likes. Only the things other people like.

this is a well thought out and written post, too bad the average person is triggered by this kind of shit


No! You fuck yourself!

>presented facts and history


>repeats precisely all of my talking points
>still somehow misses the principle of my post completely and resorts to dense sarcasm

How 'bout you calm down and have a smoke or two yourself? Last time I checked, I was more than aware of how saturated the general public is on a matter settled by the surgeon general more than 40 years ago. I'm not pointing it out in public like some dense simpleton hellbent on controlling your life so don't get riled up.

The principle is what stands, and it bears repeating--like in my example with an arbitrary product like bubble gum--that we can't forget history repeats itself when the public loses interest in demanding to be reasonably informed about what they consume. I was agreeing with that reply in a way that might help shed light for OP on why banning tobacco is an inane idea BECAUSE we already have public service announcements to balance out your right to puff whatever the hell you want.

The fact that we have education and even effective treatment programs is why I support decriminalizing many still-illegal substances. But that's a different discussion.

Fuck yourself