Prove to me that Trump supporters aren't uneducated

Prove to me that Trump supporters aren't uneducated.

>Protip: you can't

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I am about to graduate college. So yeah, I am educated

Online colleges don't count.

>murican college

Can't be deported if youve married a citizen unless your a complete retard

This :^)

We are talking about Trump supporters here, so...

What country do you suggest I go for college then?

I attend Uni in Germany and the U.S.

U.S. schools are a joke

Where did you go in the US?

Talking about people that CNN paid to say they supported trump or fabricated outright.

Some country that provides actual education. Since you are an american you need to take small steps so your untrained brain can keep up.
I suggest Somalia for starters.

Can't think of an example. Nice..

This isn't a CNN exclusive. I just linked to the CNN version of the article.


The problem is things like HW, extra credit, mandatory attedance, and group projects, allstuff that belongs in high school

And as we've seen before, the media (especially the liberal media) will report on stories "broken" by another outlet without validating or even omiting pertinent information while ignoring actual scandals

I believe the user suggested Somalia, no? Are you so uneducated that it is difficult to read?

Yeah I agree with you there. They made it so undergrad is a harder version of highschool and graduate school is basically real college. All created to generate more money. Luckily I earned free schooling so I don't pay shit, cause I regret ever going to school. With all that said, you can't say I am uneducated after 4 years of college. Because majority of democrats received the same amount of schooling that I did

Just Google "Trump supporter deported" there's plenty of sources. I believe the original source is the Washington Post or Times

Nice cherrypicking. The pot always looks 'educated' as it calls the kettle black.

Look up the PISA rankings and chose one of the countries above murica.
That's 23 countries in reading, 24 in science and 34 in math in wich the USA score below average.
Plenty of examples to chose from.

I am educated enough to understand that I have received the same amount of education in the same country that most of the democrats have. Them saying we are uneducated while going through the same amount of schooling makes no sense

>Prove to me that Trump supporters aren't uneducated.

Why would we want to do that?
You morons underestimated us in 2016 and we want you to continue doing that in 2020.

"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
- Napoleon Bonaparte -

I am not American though.

this is actually a cnn article no wonder trump keeps winning

Yeah the average. Taking thousands of our schools and averaging then is obviously going to lower the average for the amount of community college we have. I didn't do research, but I would bet money that our top 100 universities would beat most of those country's top 100 any day

It's against the law and if you want to avoid deportation you'll have to "document" yourself

What did you major in user?

Also, some people, Democrat or Republican, cheat their entire way through school. Look at Monica Crowley.

Confusing schooling with education..nigga you just proved you are a fag and no amount of schooling can convert you.

Community College technically don't count there and top schools don't really matter as much because most people don't attend those schools. It's better to look at school systems.

Pick one, my dude.

The man himself has claimed that vaccines cause autism. Is it any surprise his rabid supporters are fucking tards?

More people voted for Hillary than Trump. About 3 million more. Sounds like the Republican party needs affirmative action to win anymore. Example: Look at the huge difference between the house and Senate majority margins.

Business. But cheating is going to happen in any school or any country.

You obviously didn't do your research since recent testing showed that average universities in central europe can easily compare with the ivy league. So our pendant of community colleges equals your elite.
And it is the average score from every country, every country has plenty of rednecks to lower that average.

I know the difference, but there is still education in schooling

i cant prove that however i can prove that non trump supporters are somehow more stupid than the average trump voter.

how is this possible you ask?

Dumb frogposter.
Back to r_thedonald with you.

Yeah I didn't research so I will take your word for it. I honestly don't care cause school just prepares you to work for someone else, and that is not my plan.

Anyways, this debate was about Trump supporters being uneducated. A lot of people at my school support him and he even had a rally here. Thousands showed. If Trump supporters and dems have the same education system, then they can not have more education than the other, generally speaking.

I got trips twice this thread so I'll take that as my cue to leave

Are you so uneducated that you failed to understand the sarcasm in the suggestion? Oh no, you are just a typical libtard that piggybacked the response and pretended to know what you are talking about. Good job outing yourself as a complete fucking retard!

their fake news 24/7 newfag

Democrats: "We're so much smarter than you that we got out asses handed to us in what should have been an easy election".

/Yeah, they really are that stupid.


The ride of Fake News never ends.

>Democrats: "We're so much smarter than you that we got out asses handed to us"
We are smarter because we have the power of diversity.

McDonald's still calls their training program that?

Waah they used the same words to mean 2 similar things and I can't comprehend context clues

Just because steven hawking can't beat 10 niggers in a fistfight doesn't mean he doesn't have more collective intelligence

Said the redditard

That's not for universities just 1-12

How does the "husband" of a US citizen get deported?
Or is "husband" the new libtard word for "guy who's fucking the bitch"?

This sums up everything wrong with democrats.

This. Dumbest bloke I know was icy league. Thinks the moon landing was a hoax and pizza gate is a real thing.

I legit have a hatred for furfags. Not joking, not conforming to a meme or whatever. I genuinely hate everything to do with furfaggotry.

>Just because steven hawking can't beat 10 niggers in a fistfight doesn't mean he doesn't have more collective intelligence

You super-smart faggots were outsmarted by all the stupid and uneducated Trump people.
None of your faggotry can change that fact.


Plz like and share this on social media if your a revolutionary anti-fascist like me.

Kek. Serves her right.

Choosing a political party rather than being an independent like George Washington recommended.

Both parties are pretty shite. Sure Republicans are arguably worse, but damn both parties are just glorified American sports teams.

> I genuinely hate everything to do with furfaggotry.
Check your privilege shitlord, we furfags are the future of the democratic party.

This is a guy who will blame Mexicans for him not having a job in 5 years.





You mean out-voted

How a libcuck is made the instruction manual.

I can Photoshop better on paint...


dont expect alot from furries....

I can literally tell you're from Reddit and don't even try denying it.
>muh redditor
Says the newfag posting frogs.

>Roberto Beristain, 44, was deported back to Mexico despite having no criminal record, family attorney Adam Ansari said.

>"He hadn't committed any crimes. He didn't even have a parking ticket," Ansari said. "From everyone's accounts he is probably one of the most lovable guys you will ever meet. He is a loving husband and father. And he put a lot of work into his restaurant."


Wait 5 days for it to come out that he has 5 convictions of domestic violence

1 Trump-voting wife was distraught when her undocumented husband was deported. I was glad, she ruined her family. (I'm sure a friend/enemy with a grudge ratted him out, though.)

Now these fucknut Trump lovers are having their land taken away to build the wall, kek.

You wanted it, faggots.


Waste of dubs. Fuck yourself

Pretty sure this is an Rtard's work. Furryfags are way to shallow to not edit Hillary in.

You guys are taking up space for a Fluffy thread or Fur thread or YLYL thread or rekt thread or Rick and Morty thread or Trap thread or another fur thread or a banana thread or a get thread or a trump hate thrread or a fur thread or a YLYL thread or a b8 thread or a rekt thread or a rick and morty thread or a banananana thread or a fur thread or a another fur thread or a extra fur thread or and faggot thread thread


>An ICE spokeswoman said Roberto Beristian was arrested because he didn’t leave the United States when ordered to do so by a judge in 2000, at which point his “voluntary departure order reverted to a final order of removal.”

>told to leave the country 17 years ago

>17 years later they make good on their promise


He knew for 17 years he had an order of removal. He was told 17 years ago to leave the country because he broke the law (illegally migrated into Canada in 2000 after sneaking into the US in 1998, guess the USA didn't have as many handouts?)

But Canada found him within 5 minutes of him crossing the border. The USA didn't ever find this spic hopping their border

See the difference between USA and Canadian border control?

One of our countries actually consistently defends their border against unknown invaders.

>has no argument
The absolute state of frogposters.

But as far as I can see, a grove of cherries.

Fuck yourself and stop bullying me


That just means they didn't pay to get brainwashed by jews.

gender studies degrees arnt worth the paper they are printed on and only bring down the real degrees that others have, eg engineers.

>You mean out-voted

No I mean outsmarted.
You idiots thought you were heading for an easy win all the way into election night. The polls gave Trump an 8% chance of winning and people stayed home on the Democrat side.

Just curious.....How do you think that polling was so fuckin' wrong?
Just bad luck?

Just one of 100 examples.
You got assfucked because you were manipulated to bend over and spread your ass cheeks.
Smart move, Snowflake. It must have taken a lot of education to get that smart.
I'm sure it had nothing to do with all the liberal brainwashing that taught you "Be a good, smart, little drone and believe all our liberal bullshit. All the smart people believe it".

i know a lot of trump supporters who are Mexicans and undocumented I hope... i hope they get sent back and all trump supporters go to war and get killed they don't deserve to be alive.


Am I really going to be the person to point out that it says "nigger" right at the top?

England is famous for its fantastic universities. Trinity in Ireland is great too


kys Trumpian

Top 3 school in the world are in the USA

But, f-fake news!

You are so uneducated that you actually believe that CNN is entirely fake news. What sources do use? Breitbart? The national enquirer? Redstate?

Not only that, but we are educated enough to know to make well thought out, calculated decisions, instead of the typical knee jerk reaction of the right.

You'll find whatever you want to find if you check the News enough

Check the publishing dates on these two articles

>Implying Oxford and Cambridge aren't the best schools in the world

>You are so uneducated that you actually believe that CNN is entirely fake news.
>entirely fake news.
One sure sign of the ignorant is that they see the world in absolutes.

You guys only won because of affirmative action and gerrymandering. More people voted against your agenda. Numbers don't lie, but Trump does, and his supporters are so uneducated that they believe it.

"I-it was the Russians"

Harvard, Stanford, MIT


I'm not the one who is running around crying fake news at CNN. Is it possible that perhaps you disagree with your own statement that CNN is fake news?


>Not only that, but we are educated enough to know to make well thought out, calculated decisions, instead of the typical knee jerk reaction of the right.

Assuming that bullshit is true.........How'd that work out for you?