Post whatever you like

Post whatever you like

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fine thread so far


anyone have the source on this?






>This is what an ordinary day in straya looks like

google image search newfag








I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really like these threads


Dumping poor taste.



damn refugees, leaving their garbage on our beautiful beaches...




I tried that already faggot

This thread is now about bees












67.38% of you are shit cunts.







This picture always brings a smile to my face.



Battle Pope.
It a comic book.






Supergirl gonna get raaaaaaaaped!





Made me lol.


nice trips

thanks Sup Forumsro looks like an interesting comic



Thanks for checkin'







>Post whatever you like















that's what you call a sour puss


