Transgender people are mentally ill. Along the same lines of people with anorexia and body dysmorphia...

Transgender people are mentally ill. Along the same lines of people with anorexia and body dysmorphia. Not sure how people don't see this.

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You're preaching to the choir here son.

You have not done the research. Transgender brains show structures that aren't naturally in the brains of their sex, suggesting brain development physically grew (at least partially) in the opposite gender. It is more reasonable to call it a birth defect, and your persecution is based on personal emotions, not a medical explanation.


anorexia isn't a mental illness. its how girls become hot.

>confirmed transgender
Fuck off with that science shit.

go back 2 neogaf tranny whisperer

Exactly. You don't have an argument, you're just cunts.

In all seriousness though how do transgendered people affect you? I don't understand people who are legitimately mad about this.

Just because you're born with it doesn't mean its not a mental illness.

90% of trans people you meet will probably have some underlying mental illnesses, like depression, autism, etc. Its like a package deal. Buy 1 mental illness get the 2nd one free.

I'm just sick of seeing James being called brave because his MENTALLY SICK degenerate ass chopped his penis off and got pockets of silicone stuffed in his chest, now I have to called this faggot Jasmine instead of James, or else I'M the one thats fucked.

Fuck off keep your mental illness to yourself, I'm not calling you she if you were born with a penis.

I have no problem with whatever you choose to do with your body and your mind, but why would I have to contribute to YOUR false sense of identity.

>Implying that birth defects can't cause mental illness

It's true that even schizofreniacs usually have structuraly different brains than normal people, but it's still a mental illness, because it causes damage to the psyche of a person.

In the same way transexuality is highly correlated with mental problems such as body dysmorfism, depression, identity problems, personality disorders and suicidal behavior. These have not been proven to be caused by outside forces, such as the society, but instead are mostly personal problems.

I believe the major problem to actually be rejection of identity as the born gender, because of major issues in self esteem and view of self. Transexuals sick in this way escape their issues by trying to deny who they are, which in turn causes lots of cognitive dissonanse and dissociation in general.

I'm mad because their preference in bathrooms takes precedence over issues that actually harm people.

I fucking hate hearing about bathrooms on the news when kids are fucking starving in America in greater numbers than trans-population's hurt feelings.

>Hey doc I wanna chop off one of my legs

Lol you're crazy

>Hey doc I wanna chop off one of my arms

Lol you're crazy

>Hey doc I want you to chop off my penis and put a faux pussy where it used to be

lol ok

>MFW they claim its not a mental illness

Can we speak on the fact that for some reason, these people are being called "brave" and 'heroes"?


Seems like you're going out of your way to be mad and not willing to put up with a minuscule inconvenience of calling someone a different name because you find gay people "gross".

At the end of the day is it worth it?

>Source the article(s) please, otherwise its just another bullshit claim. And even if it is true, it doesn't change the fact that its a mental illness one bit. Birth defects can still be a mental illness.

See:autism, downs, etc.


But I'd fuck the shit out of Natalie Mars.

Would you give into a schizophrenic's delusions or is that potentially destructive and does nothing helpful in the long term?

BTW there are more schizo's than trans people.

yes, its official psychological condition, so?


how are trans people getting surgeries and taking pills harming you and society?

Transgenderism is a mental disorder, its a sickness. My younger sister has always been cancerous but now she decided she wants to be a boy, and if i was my in my parents shoes, i would send her to an institution

Hey, do you think that might be why it's treated as a medical issue by the medical community, and why people with it seek out their help to deal with it? So why do you feel the need to politicize it as you are currently doing here? Do you approach say liver cancer, or epilepsy in the same manner?

why u sent a pewdiepie photo OP?

>calls out OP for not doing research
>proceeds to make random illogical statement without providing proof

By taking resources and attention away from real issues like starving children? They deserve zero media time and zero praise for leeching on the system because they can't grasp the fact that they have a penis.

Why would I have to call you a gender you aren't? You're the one with the self image issues, not me. I'm not contributing to your MENTAL ILLNESS just because you went and got some surgery.

And I don't find gay people gross, nothing wrong with regular gay people. I don't like fucking the same sex, but I don't have a problem with people that do. Its transgenders that are gross, and mentally unfit to even be getting surgeries. We need to be getting this guys/girls THERAPY. They are sick and need help.

These people have a high rate of suicide post op because they were mentally fucked to begin with.

Imagine if it were flipped. Anorexia was held in the same light as transgenderism. Could you imagine someone with Anorexia getting surgery to reduce their stomach size being called "brave"?

Just baffles me that people with blatent mental illnesses are being paraded around like brave, special snowflakes that we all have to respect and shit, instead of getting these people the help they ACTUALLY need.

It's coming out of your insurance premiums too.

Do problems have to affect me directly for me to have an opinion on them?

>Transgender people
Have only existed since the mid 1950's OP
Before that it was only man and woman
Nothing but a construct just like Homo's and Lezzo's.There was none of it until the mid 1950's

Imagine you paid into an insurance system that's now supporting the failing body of person who intentionally loaded themselves up with hormones and suffered organ damage or cancer as a result.

YAY I'm paying to keep these fucks alive after they intentionally sabotaged their bodies!

"Transsexualism appears in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD, currently in its tenth edition). The ICD-10 incorporates transsexualism, dual role transvestism, and gender identity disorder of childhood into its gender identity disorder category."

So showing them in media as "cool" or "normal" is fucking up society...

You dont promote people with Alzheimer as "cool guys"

Because it isn't just about you. You guys want the whole world to take part in your mental delusions, because it makes you feel secure. Fuck off.

Its gone to the point if I were to go out in public and see a transgender woman (born male), and called him a he, I'd be the one getting crucified. Not the 6'7 tall nigga with an adam's apple bigger than his fake tits.

Basically this. Im not gonna play along with the delusions of the mentally ill.

that's a silly argument, the media are always going to sensationalize what's en vogue, if transgendered people aren't on the news something else that's more interesting to people than "starving children" is going to replace it. you seem to have this silly notion that the space that starving children and "real issues" had on the public consciousness was replaced by Caitlyn Jenner when in actuality it's competing for space with Kanye West and Donald Trump...

THANK YOU, someone who gets what I'm trying to say. You took the words right out of my mouth

>So showing them in media as "cool" or "normal" is fucking up society...

These people need help, not to be called heroes because their enablers allowed them to act on the whims of their shattered minds.

There sure are a lot of fundraisers and parades for them, it would be nice to see that money go somewhere useful.

>Have only existed since the mid 1950's

lgbtq issues are en vogue so the media sensationalizes it but your issues is with the media...

not the transgendered people whose surgery and pills can actually help them...

Help them what? Become depressed and/ or kill themselves afterwards?

yeah but there's more people who do harm to themselves because of schizophrenia, depression alone, etc...why transgendered people in particular? why don't you get mad at everyone who has mental illness?

>Tranny whisperer

I am a Psych Major Graduate who has a minor in woman studies AMA

Also... I am a Cis Gendered Male.

It isn't about me period, since I do not have the condition, nor am I aware of anyone whom I personally know having. It is none of my concern what medical treatments strangers pursue. I don't feel the need to get outraged and angry that strangers with disorders and illnesses that I do not understand exist. I don't feel the need to treat them like shit for existing, and I can certainly understand why they do not wish to be. Not many people want to be treated like absolute shit, especially by strangers. Them asking not to be beaten, murdered, or treated like pariahs isn't unreasonable. Asking me to hate them, mistreat them and help you try to force them back into the closet because you find them icky is very much unreasonable.

Of course they are mentally ill. They are outright diagnosed with gender dysphoria, and given treatment in the form of reassignment procedures. These are known to vastly decrease incidences of depression, self-harm and suicide, and therefore we can conclude the treatment works.

I completely agree with you and all the retarded people that think this is ok are the kind of people that are makeing this planet a joke. Transgendered people belong in a circus

>I don't feel the need to get outraged and angry that strangers with disorders and illnesses that I do not understand exist

It does exist. Have you read the DSM V ... its called Gender Dysphoria

So if they're deformed we're supposed to treat them like normal people we don't treat retards like normal people if there is a deformity in their brain aor genetics doesn't that make them a retard

Nobody here gives a fuck about Africa.

I know this, however I am a machinist, and not a medical doctor or psychologist. I'm saying that I'm not qualified to practice medicine, not that the condition doesn't exist.

Eh, this, pretty much.

I don't give a shit if people have a debilitating psychological tendency to hate their genitals, and insofar as we can give them the piece of equipment they would feel at home with, then why not?

Literally why should I care?


he said that disorders may exist which he does not understand, not that they do not exist at all.

We do try to allow them to live as normally as possible, or at least not live in absolute misery. By we, I of course mean civilized people, and not bottom feeding trash that we also kindly allow to exist within our society, even if it's on the fringes that they seem to prefer for some reason.

>not a medical explanation
Let me break it down for you.
Presence of y chromosome (and the occasional occurrence of a rare gene that acts as the y chromosome):male or mutated male that didn't fully transition (intersex)
No y chromosome/extremely rare gene: female

Do you understand?

Trans people should be killed to cleanse the gene pool

dutch people are mentally ill

Surely therapy is better for them than this grotesque and irreversible surgery, which still doesn't fix the underlying issue, it just makes an absolute mess out of their body and causes an unnecessary drain on medical resources. It's just insanity in every quarter.

I agree but I think we need to learn more about it to both ensure which side is correct and start working on a "cure".

this argument is invalid it's very hard to determine the sex of a human brain as it is so drawing this conclusion is a far stretch... sorry'

also what IS the underlying issue? is it so implausible that surgery can fix a mental problem?

wow no one could rebut this, what a fucking surprise.

I've read an article from Scientific America and I wasn't convinced one way or another by the end of it. It basically said at the end "we don't know", IIRC it also said something about there being a wiring issue which I've also learned that pedos have, tho it's most likely not the same wiring issue. If anything, I think people are having a knee jerk reaction to the phrase "mental illness" and I think both pedos and transwhateverbecausesexandgenderarenttheaameforsomefuckingreason are mentally ill and need help.

Went to school with this he/she. Know what they did to kill themselves? Jumped in front of a truck. So now the driver has to live with that daily because some mentally ill boner decided to kill themselves

>ITT people who obsess over opp are mentally ill.

IN this case, yes. Absolutely implausible.

Seriously, I get that it's the "polite" thing to do when you address a transgendered person by their "proper" pronoun but I like science and being factual. Until science proves that transgendered people really are born in the wrong gender, and are able to change the chromosomes, will I do it of my own volition.

why don't you open the link and read it?

Giuliana, Transgender from Germanys Next Topmodel by Heidi Klum.
Such abgood loking Woman


>the media are always going to sensationalize
So your counter argument is that it doesn't matter because the media system is failing, fucking great!

This negro speaks the truth!!

that's not the point. Most of us dont care what they do. We care that libtards are trying to force the narrative that being a mentally ill, self mutilating retard, is normal and should be accepted and applauded as an act of bravery. And to add insult to injury, we're supposed to allow them special priveleges and refer to them as a gender that they biologically aren't, just to accommodate their special snowflake feelings, even though it blatantly flies in the face of modern science and is empirically disprovable. That's why we're upset.

no my argument is that you should be mad at the media, not transgendered people.

I have read it, and there's a fundamental lack of actual evidence. I'm a psych major, not that that even matters, a middle schooler could pick that apart with basic knowledge of human cognitive function.


My queste is, when did brains get a sex/gender? Can they also reproduce with other brains? Will there be brain babies?

More importantly, can I fuck these brains?

what are you going on about? you claim surgery cannot help them, an actual legit study proves otherwise.

And what ?

dude we've hit a point where we can choose what we look like through elective surgery, boob jobs, face lifts, tummy tucks i literally have no fucks to give if a dude wants to walk about sporting big fucking double D tittes or a chick decides she wants a 12 inch schlong , so what, don't care, do what you want.

Stop being such a little pussy cuck bitch getting your panties all in a bunch because some fucks you don't know want to change their body when it literally has zero impact on you or your life.

Some em, yeah. Others may just be concerned with the way things are going. Prevention is better than a cure, and it'd be best if we fully understood why people claim to be transgender before we let them fuck their bodies up only to find out that it's a mental illness and then have to help these people out again because we let them & encouraged them. I mean, if they really are transgendered then the transgendered community has nothing to worry about and should encourage the science to be done to prove it to everyone else.

One study with an inadequate sample group, loose variable control, poor pre study discovery, highly probable confirmation bias, etc.
There are also studies that suggest that the correlation bewteen lead and cancer is negligible.
See what I'm getting at?



Can't I just be mad at everyone? Well, so long as it's got nothing to do with human interaction I'm okay with it. I still think people are rushing the conclusion that the transgendered are trans and we should let them get operations and hormone treatment when there's no hard evidence of it.

Dubs speaks the truth.
For fuck's sake-- pussies have their panties in a bunch about other people's choices on how to live their lives.

I think the OP's point is that we should be encouraging these people to seek mental health treatment, rather than engaging in their illness.

It would be like we all pretend that a schizophrenic's paranoid delusions are real and just and necessary, rather than saying "this person needs help."

and they should keep it to themselves and pay for their own elective surgeries instead of doing it on the taxpayers dollar.

inadequate sample group: how is 232 inadequate?

loose variable control: one surgeon using one consistent technique

high probable confirmation bias: where the fuck are you getting this from? do you know the biases of the people who conducted the studies?

poor pre study discovery: again where the fuck are you getting this from?

Then dont applaud it as an act of bravery simply ignore it, you're still all busy giving fucks about what other people want to think and do, a big hairy dude ask's you to call him Miss it's not costing you anything, be polite don't care let them carve themselves up any which way they want, and ignore the media.

sounds like you're just an insensitive asshole and don't understand how hard trans people have it. You're probably a cis white male and you want to talk about privileges? People like you make me sick.


I looked up the full study write up, check it out.

If having a dick makes a chick feel better about her self then why shouldn't she have a dick, Having big fake titties put in is probably a sign of some sort of mental illness as well.

Isn't it about time we all just stopped giving a fuck about whats in each other pant's, i don't care whats under our clothes unless im trying to fuck you, and even if whats under there isn't what i was expecting then fuck it, probably still a hole for me to shove my dick in somewhere.

I'd have an issue with it if they're doing with the taxpayer dollar, or insurance.
Taxpayers, or insurance companies, don't pay for people who are transracial, because that'd be really fucking stupid, and it has no effect on me so long as that's the case.
However, until we know more about it, we shouldn't let them change something about themselves in such a drastic way before we have all the facts. If we don't then it's societies fault for letting them and could very easily be argued that society should pay for the damages they let happen.

Mostly I'm concerned about possible arguments that can crop up in the future, look at what black people are doing now because of slavery. It's not a stretch and to prevent it would be better than to deal with it later.

link me.

and the simplest, most effective treatment is to help them transition to live the life that they want.

problem solved.

But I think the point is that it doesn't "make them feel better about themselves," as evidenced by the fact that post-transition suicide rates are just as high as pre-transition suicide rates.

Clearly, by indulging these peoples' mental illness, we are not giving them the medical care that they need. We as a community are actually doing them a disservice.

Like, would you ever say about schizophrenics: "Who cares if he thinks the government is out to get him and that Satan speaks to him thru the microwave? Isn't it about time we stopped giving a fuck and just let these people destroy themselves?"

I call a duck a duck, friend.
I'm not going to say things I know to be incorrect to spare an ill person's feelings, sorry. The same way I don't pretend to see the hallucinations of a schizophrenic to make them feel better. It's not helping them or me, just enabling them.
