Be in your room chilling

>be in your room chilling
>this guy barges in through your door
What do?

Pop him like a zit.

>"Wrong room, dude"
>continue eating chips and smoking while browsing this website

Laugh my ass off. And then deck him an deflate him.

keep sitting down because he cant get past the doorway

>dude, you broke my door frame

Drink some of his delicious, refreshing Kool-Aid

pop that bubble

Inform him he's an idiot who won't live to see 40

Do nothing, the synthol will do work on it's own.

pop his water baloons

>nigga, stop sleeping in a bee hive

>Walk in away at moderately fast pace
>watch as his heart explodes when he tries to catch me.

Inform him that women hate guys built like that and that he's wasted his life.

>you're paying for my door

>Shoot him.

Suck his cock.

Tell him the gym is next door.
>I literally live next to a gym

same brother, and I don't even fucking go

I can't help but think he'd pop into a red mist at the slightest rupture

Poke him with a sewing needle so he pops like the balloon animal that he is...

Apologise that I have no Synthol for him.

Call the doctor cos that shit aint healthy


Tell him sorry for the small dick and blast his fucking head off

give him the steroids that he wants so he'll fuck off

poke him with a needle and watch him fly around the room

ask him why people from worst America are so fucked up