Hijabi/muzlim thread

Hijabi/muzlim thread

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Too soon

i've got a few, what would you like to see






fucking mudslimes


request granted



My Muslim gf

Those are some bomb ass titties


I know they're perfect

I fucked some muslim bitches, and they all told me turks and other mudslimes have small dicks. Damm how they loved being truly fucked good by my Polish dick!

i'm unfamiliar with this term



any more from this album?

there's a lot, can't remember name



Dont derail this thread with these fakes. Every fucking time.

it's my understanding that she's an indonesian prostitute and that in some of her sets the scarf is faked but in others it's not

but i've posted more than enough for interested parties to find more on their own

i appreciate your integrity


lol nice baby dick


lol yeah didn't catch that in the thumbnail



thank mr op

commencing dump













anyone interested, those posts are all a woman known as Miss Iran or Fairuza












That's all I got, hope you enjoyed.

Fuck off

the fact that these girls literally risked their lives for sex turns me on so much doe some reason

thank you for your service

oh fuck wheres the full vid


i don't give a fuck about the people. i only care about the doggo.


So THAT'S why they're forced to cover themselves.

They're hideous.

"i'm all, 'if you want me like this, all right,
and if you want me like this, OK!'"



literally always fat and nasty underneath

"I look like this when I'm riding a boat
and like this, who's going to ride me?"





yeah, if no one's lurking/entering requests but you guys i might as well, right?

LMFAO angry sandnigger found

i lived in UAE for a year and mate, once they strip down to their bikinis in summer (the non devout ones) they are fucking gorgeous beneath. fat ones are very rare, they take care of health, hygiene and appearance like its part of their fucking religion

sometimes you see these arabs there who are green-eyed and blonde haired, always thought it was contacts and hair dye but apparently its a rare mutation.

never seen such genuinely beautiful women in my life as they had there.

peace y'all

god damn it i hate these people. probably better they wear their jhijab bc they're all hairy mudskinned jawa creatures

Poor dog never did anything to deserve that

that's a swell attitude

isn't there supposed to be a whole mega collection of her?

How did i know i would see this?



i think so


>bomb ass titties


Jesus that's a small cock. And I thought I was small, then again he's the one getting his dick sucked and I'm over here commenting on it...

what's with the hate bro, i'd fuck a muslim women any day before i touch a dirty kike whoring nigger jewish slut

That's a nice outfit

Anymore of this girl?

lawl - that looks to be approximately average

But we've certainly selected predominantly larger cocks for publication so...


Death to all Muslims

These aren't even real muslims you fucking idiots. they're too god damn obsessed with following the rules of their degenerate Allah.