Walk into your home

>Walk into your home
>You find Taylor Swift standing there

Wat do?

Have the sex

Wonder how she got out of basement. Check to see if gimp is still there. Reinforce her shackles.

make her tea and have a nice conversation with her

Boop her snoot

Offer to call her a taxi to the nearest airport

immrdiately fuck hger in the pussy cfuck yher in the pusy

>Wat do?

Ask to touch her penis

ask her if she really did post on Sup Forums all those years ago

There is only one correct way to treat a goddess.

Ask if she needs to use the bathroom, then kneel down and offer her my mouth.

Tell her tits or GTFO

I shoot that bitch for breaking and entering. Castle doctrine in action.

Put that 2x4 back where it belongs on the deck.

i only kinda digged her when they redid her makeup

oh man you were so close to quints
I feel sorry for you

fucken oath m8
that reaction piuc whs my fuicken face when it hapend


While we´re at it, i´d ask how the hell she´d get into my house, and then why


Give her a sammich

absolutley man
i am so fuen durknk

I tend to be pretty cool, funny and charming in such situations, really, try me.
Unfortunately this is a post about a fictitious situation, so nothing interesting comes to mind, sorry.

It's alright user

Tell how much I hate her music.....actually first I would ask her to pay off my student loans but if she said no then I would tell her how much I hate her music

ask to smell her feet while i jack off and cum to the odor of her sweaty feet


>Walk into your home
>implying I even go out for this to be possible

Give her an orgasm with a small dick...something the hollywood niggers and kikes she dates can never do.

Call an exorcist