Sapp Sup Forums! I'm getting kicked out of home in a couple of days. Need some advices

Sapp Sup Forums! I'm getting kicked out of home in a couple of days. Need some advices.

>be me
>19 years old
>freshman year in college
>fight with dad and younger brother
>parents give me 12,000 $ and say to GTFO in two days

I dont want to drop out of college, but I dont have enough money to study. Gotta find a place to live and a way to make money to go through college
What do b?

Man the fuck up, apologize, and make something out of that $12k. $12k can get you a place to live for a little bit and pay a semester at least? Get a job

12k are you for fucking real Jesus
I'm 19 living at home and gonna go college this year I would never get 12k


Either you turn that 12k into a stable living situation, or you beg your way back in, or your life is over.

They told me to never come back. Im a scumbad and not going to apologize. Id rather die.

Like this guy said , man the fuck up, and get a job. I know you can't just magically get a job, but you at least have to apply everywhere. That's what I did and I'm 18.

If you're complaining about receiving 12k, you're already fucked. $12k can go a long way if you don't have autism. Which apparently, you do.

Get a shitty job, apply for federal aid, get on food stamps, take out loans. Youre a freshman? Good, go into a stem program. Youre far from fucked, get dat pell grant

>turn that 12k into a stable living situation

Fuck you then. You can't even apologize to your family? What kind of pathetic man are you? You deserve nothing


Get a job

You know how lucky you are to even be getting any kind of money at all? You're fucking scum I hope your parents rescind the offer and just kick you out. Then you'll really wish you had the 12k to do something with.

With the money you got can't you live in college.? And rent a room

>buy gun
>kill self
that'll show them

Im from LA. Living costs and rent are pretty damm high.

Shit he could become an ra, free room/board and a stipend, get the pell grant and be fine

Question A
Are you black.?
Question B
Do you know what social welfare is.?

Donate it and go fucking neck yourself

Join the military. Air Force or Navy, get a safe desk job or a job that teaches you a trade like avionics electrician. Use the 12k to live off while you're going through the process. Stay in school and finish your semester, go to school while in the military, get your two years done. After your 4 year contract, get out and transfer to a four year university with junior status if you truly want to go to school.

This the only option that guarantees you're not homeless.

try being a car salesman. im 19 atm and thats what i do, so with comission im making about 10k a month

Only do this if you have a car nigger
>Step 1: Find local wrestling school
>Step 2: Sign up with payment of 2000 dollars for entire course
>Step 3: buy gear and live in car until done training
>Step 4:????
>Step 5: work and profit

joining the military is the only option that assures you're not homeless and without a future.
12k is not going to last long.

and you can't "just get on welfare"
it doesn't work like that.
I've known homeless people who can't even get an EBT and that's literally the easiest form of welfare to claim.

>fight with dad and younger brother
>Parents give me 12k
Spoiled fucking brat detected