My cherry crush thread?

my cherry crush thread?


fucking faggot

I will help you because I love her




OP is a faggot who is contributing


i have every one of her videos



I wonder what it's like being such an easily recognized slut. I wonder how many times someone mimes the blowjob motion to her everyday.





The girl for faggots who like traps.


How many do you get in a day?

Being this virgin



4 or 5, but it's always your mom. She loves gagging on my cock.


she's cute. i'd let her smash my balls but i might be sad if she emptied her bowels on my childrens' grave

>liking this skinny dickless trap with a horse face.


Classic mom jokes
very funny

>nobody liking you because you are gay and pretends to be a man



>waaa someone doesn't find the dirty whore I like hot.


I thought this was going to be an ASMR thread xD

I have every single one of her videos

>Waaa I could not even have a dirty whore like that

You are funny, you are the only reason I am still posting over here

she has an asmr channel 4 the lonely guys like me

I didn't know she did porn, I only watched her ASMR channel.
I'm not sure what to feel right now.


She only does porn with her boyfriend


a lot of asmr channels are made by camgirls


I am done guys