Would you fugg

Would you fugg

WWYD thread
Bonus point wwjd?
Post Moar?

Yank that skirt up and fuck her pussy.


posting with wife when she was preggo,
unless ppl want pre or post preg body, let me know too

Don't make a request without responding to people that's how the thread devolves into spam and no content

Watch naruto

not your wife
tell her to lose weight
show me those tits



Shit on my hands and clap

my gf, would you cuck me?

nah, that would be rude

Please include pee anons.

I'd do terrible things like take her to McDonalds and force her to watch me eat it all

Run up to her and push her into the grass

And watch her pee?

Have fun raising my kids annon. Your wife is my personal fuck toy.

No I'd tie her up

And when she starts crying and says she needs to pee?

No I make her watch as I suck my own dick and per in my mouth

And when she can't hold it anymore?

hell yeah nigga
post moar

Idk how am I meant to know I just wanna suck my own dick after I'm done I start reading ghost stories and shit
