Ask an extremely intelligent individual studying at Oxford anything

Ask an extremely intelligent individual studying at Oxford anything

are you a beta faggot?

What kind of retard goes to oxford?

I was born here, this all rests on how you'd define 'studying'

a beta faggot

How did you study for the SAT/ACT

I don't know what ACT is but we did sats in year 6 (10 years old), im in college studying graphic design, basically if you say you study at Oxford you are seen as intelligent, at least in the uk its like that, i dont know why i made this thread, possibly to prove a point? I don't know

I think you're supposed to show us the person first.

Have you had an IQ test? Are you in Mensa? The 999 Society? C'mon, we need a basis for your intelligence. There's a spectrum for Oxford student intelligence, just like for Ivies and the UC schools. Got a scholarship?

I've been to Oxford before... Talking to people there is just as exciting as watching paint dry. It's like they're so focused on class that they're completely devoided of any social interaction. I almost feel bad for them, their community college counter parts are much more memorable.

On a sale of 10 to 10 how annoyingly pretentious yet beta are you?


My IQ was like 96 last time I checked.

I would say ask me anything but I wouldn't be able to answer very well...

They sound like good people user.
Don't be such a hedonistic little shit.

can you triforce?

what subject do you do

I go to a not oxbridge uni in the top 4 and do maths, I'm still superior to you unless you are doing a hard science

Are you a loli genius girl user?

How the fuck do they sound like good people and user a hedonistic little shit?

Do you measure the goodness of people based on their focus on school and lack of a social life?

Does the World Bank, and a very small number of families own everything?

are you royalty?
Are you british? or some migrant?
what do you study?
Is there a good social atmoshpere?
Are you politicly involved?
When will you end this brexit bullshit?
is it expensive being at oxford?
What is your iq, and who has certified your iq score?

No, but clearly you do

>Ask an extremely intelligent individual studying at Oxford anything

All right, is there anything we can ask you until that person comes along?

You should make an effort to make sense when replying to people. Otherwise dont't reply.