Native-Swedes haven't done anything to deserve this kind of treatment from immigrants. They haven't been wreaking havoc all over the world like some countries have... Actually quite the opposite. They have helped refugees and offered them asylums in their country. And this is what Native-Swedes get as return for helping them?

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Agreed user. This is really fucked up. Civilians anywhere don't deserve this coward bullshit.

But what makes terrorist attack to Sweden ever worse is that Sweden hasn't attacked to any countries or people like some other countries have. Swedes are innocent to anything as humans can possibly be. They haven't bombed anyone or invaded anyone. Yet they are being replaced in their own native land and being attacked like today...

Yeah I genuinely feel bad because of that too. Sweden seemed like the country that could be an example to the world, take in refuges and help them. Now everyone will be saying "I told you this would happen"

And yet they keep voting for the same politicians that welcome those refugees with open arms.

No sympathy at all.

Don't you understand that there's pretty much no stopping it anymore. 17% of Swedens current population is foreign born not the even mention about their children who are born in Sweden to immigrant parents but are not counted as foreign born.

Native-Swedes are done. They will not see a day anymore when they are in control of their own native country. That's not going to happen anymore.

Only question remains does United Nations treat this as a genocide in the future. Because it considers very similar population replacements as genocide as is happening in Sweden right now. Good example would be Tibet which United Nations considers that China is conducting cultural and ethnical genocide in Tibet. Will United Nations and countries on this planet treat replacements of Native-Swedes as genocide in the future because it fills criteria for the cultural and ethnical genocide by population replacement which is policy of United Nations. Or isn't the normal "It isn't genocide since it happens in a country where white people are the natives" crap.

But that's a fact. There is ongoing genocide in Sweden by United Nations standards.

same.. i have a swedish friend :(

Sweden is being attacked specifically for taking in refugees. That is how ISIS works - they don't want people escaping.

"native swedes"

racefag detected

This. Swedes can't reverse it anymore even if they wanted.

NO. Immigrants and especially muslim immigrants are oppressing Native-Swedes. Swedes thought that they could help muslims and that muslims wouldn't harm them but that has proven to be false.

But you are completely fine with Native-Americans, Native South-Africans and Native-Australians, right? Europe has native people also and they aren't black or asian so better start to get used to that idea.

the fact that you can't differentiate between different types of Muslims, or even acknowledge that there might be different motives - shows just how narrow minded and willfully ignorant you are.

worst thing about sweden is, it's being ruled from leftist stockholm like everything people there doesn't understand what it takes to live out in the country side...

>imblying I have ever used those words before, much less give a fuck about any of them

genocide lol. fucking grow up.

Doesn't matter which kind of muslims they are. They are immigrants in Sweden oppressing the native population. No matter which muslims they are.

It's easy to talk when you aren't native yourself.


lol ok. how are you "oppressed"

That is true. And you sound just like those whiny bitches who think they deserve special treatment because their ancestors shit here 1000 years ago.

no one gives a fuck.

Found the non native ;^)

But when it's Native-Americans you give a fuck, right?

please, tell me your sorrowful tales of being denied job opportunities - not being allowed to get educated - being beat by the police, just for being "native"

are you joking? we shit all over those fags. Do you really want a little reservation so poor you can barely feed your kids, and your best and brightest end up drunks and in prison?

It's almost like there's millions of muslims who believe in a kind of parasitic/radical version of the islamic religion

No but I want you to lift up Native-Swedes and let them talk first. It's called "progressive stack" in America. Your job as immigrant is to make sure you lift up native people and let them speak before you. Even let them infront of you in lines.

You should respect Native-Swedes because they let you stay on their native land to begin with.

P.S. I'm not Swede myself, I just see how badly immigrants are treating Native-Swedes.

But why Sweden? Native-Swedes haven't done anything to any muslims or muslim countries.

It's what they get for being so stupidly naive

Because sweden is a representative of western culture.

Why is this so fucking hard to understand? Radicals want nothing less than the utter destruction of ALL western civilization and the spread of islam and islamic culture throughout the ENTIRE world.


So it's a hate crime then? Hate crime against people of other culture and different skin color.

If that's what you want to consider it

To them its just spreading the will of Allah

Check them