When will the faggotry end?

When will the faggotry end?


We'll have to wait for the ww3



takes one to know one

whats up, faggot?



Going to see how bad reCore is. What you up to, healslut?

nothing at all interesting, im tired and listening to some music. you should let me know how bad recore is so i can laugh and then ask what recore is

Well, the combat sucks so far.

cant be THAT bad


Its a 3rd person shooter with an auto-lock-on.

any options to disable?

No, its a core mechanic. You can shoot without it, though, but you need it to extract cores.

wow. thats pretty bad

There's also random narration from someone that's not even part of the game yet.

that breaks the immersion, the L O R E hasn't been introduced

It feels like someone wanted to make an old school 3d platformer, but they were forced to stick on a shooter element.

video games are dead, move on to books

i'd say make a refund if applicable.

im gonna go lay down, i may or may not be back.

Video killed the radio star

National beer day and I finished my last one last night.

My fridge is full of beer, I will give you one if you stop by.

Oh, I rented it from Gamefly. Wasn't going to drop $60 on this.

I'm going to kill your penis.

Beer isn't good though

It's awful, why do you think I'm trying to give it away?

Oh right, trying to poison us

What did it ever do to you?

I'm going to kill it through exhaustion and suffocation, with my anus.

gay as fuck

what kind




When you die. Bitch.

should I watch regular show?

these are the ones we have right now.

I'd eat that ass.


stupid file sizes

why wouldn't you buy something good to drink?


I did not buy it.

Well save it for when you lose control of your life and want to end it all then

That's what I save my bleach for.



Shit taste.


I'll submit to you, that artist is far superior.