Is Sup Forums good at picking birthday gifts?

is Sup Forums good at picking birthday gifts?

I got invited to a bday(a chick) and i havent got the slightest idea on what to get her

pic related, its her

Buy her a scratch off lottery ticket.

i got 30 bucks to spend, got anything else?

A bottle of non-cheap booze.
Vodka usually does the trick.
No need to spend silly amounts, just a bottle that isn't cheap as fuck and nasty.
I am assuming she's one of those kinda hot girls that parties and drinks a lot though.

get her a single red rose and tattoo her name across your heart.

Try to remember something she's mentioned in a conversation.

shes cool, so definitely not an average gift, maybe a bag of dildos

Fist sized anal beads. Every girls favorite!

a fedora

How old are you / her

shes turning 20

Four words, faggot.
>Bath and Body Works

nahh shes a maniac, probably wont care about that, gotta be something weird


posting moar pics for good iddas

Are you trying to poke her?

nahh not really

$20 Starbucks gift card

we dont have starbucks here

She really has a fat ass

Nipples tassels and $10 in singles


Fuck, all right get her candy poker chips, a scratcher, mini shots of booze and tell her you wanted to take her to Vegas but brought Vegas to her

Sunglasses. Check out steep and cheap for a good deal. I recommend Smith, Spy or Vonzipper.

Get her some shoes those suck.