I'm a pizza driver AMA

I'm a pizza driver AMA

>in b4 where do you work

Papa johns mother fuckers.

No questions.
But Papa John's is the nicest take-out pizza you can get.

It's okay after working here awhile it's like bleh man it all tastes the same

Where do you not work?

Do you deliver pizza to malta?
(Small island in Europe)

Oh shit its a quads

Nice quads

Ever get laid on the job?

How do you feel about not getting tipped? If you had to deliver pizza to the same house who didnt tip you, what would you do?

Asking for a friend

Quads checked. Lord Kek is monitoring this thread

Anywhere except papa johns

Once mostly I get weed tho in place of or with a tip

Whats your largest tip?

I think Dominoes edged them out when they decided to stop being total shit

The pizza from papa johns, sucks dick.

Not getting tipped sucks but what's more annoying is when someone only tips like 20cents so they can round the order up to an even number, like bitch I know you wouldn't tip if you could avoid it asshole

On the job currently give me time between responses

Any tricks you'd like to share with a poor pizza loving student?

If you
Order from papa johns and make them wait maybe 10 minutes and then complain that they forgot your nacho cheese cups (which you don't order in the first place) they will send you a free pizza and cheese cups

No Malta does not have a papa johns im in NC

I agree it's bad unless it's still hot

Man I'm fucking on a roll dubs quads trips
Praise lord kek

I live in the UK so we get VERY different pizzas to you even in the same company.
I get Papa Johns on a luxury buy... there's a place 1 mile from my house that does buy one get one free pizzas all day every single day, and they do KEBAB MEAT PIZZAS...
Still... American pizzas always look so much better.
I went to Florida for 2 weeks once and all the food looked like movie props... it was all just so greasy and perfect.

yeeeeea. i'm a manager. literally nothing you have to say is interesting or true. whatever all you anons imagine a being a driver is like is accurate and, again, uninteresting.

ps. don't get robbed, we don't give a shit.