No Friday Night Feels thread? Let's start a new one!

No Friday Night Feels thread? Let's start a new one!

Hey, i'm pretty rubbish night
i don't even know why anymore

*having a




Some user posted about a long distance relationship he had a couple days ago with a girl he's been knowing for like 5 years and she just went back to her ex. You around man? I'd like to talk with you, I'm in the same situation.

If we're really meant to be, maybe our paths will cross again one day. Until then...

Falling for a female friend who's a lesbian
Fucking hurts man

Anybody just want to talk about random shit right now? I don't have it as bad as most of you just been feeling lonely for a while.

You would've thought I was going to read that long ass post

Go for it

Yea man

I'll start with the generic how was your day? Any highlights or things out of the norm etc?

Feels mild when compared with the other stuff but the girl I wanted to ask to prom and had a crush on for a few months (yeah I'm 18. Senior year.) just got asked by one of my friends. It's not that bad, and I've basically transitioned out of high school, but it's got me more down than I think it should.

I've just been doing research about elctroconvulsive therapy for my delusional disorder and my social anxiety. Then I went to my sister's job and we went to a psychic's store and bought some rocks and a money mist spray to bring us money

hey guys
some thing to make you laff.....

more funny shit
because chernobyl

What's going on, user?

Don't have any pics to share, but I just broke up with my GF of 2 years this morning. I thought I'd have an easier time dealing with it but it's a lot harder than I was prepared for.

Don't wait on her user, you'll miss out on so much

whyd you break up

lonliness is always that way..but the thing to remember is you are making up worse things in your head then are actually happening...grieve for awhile then get in with life

She's worth the wait tho. She's not like the disposable, trashy hoes you usually see out there.

Same thing happened to me two years ago in my senior year. I ended up dating her, and then the relationship crashed and burned six months into first year of college.

Consider yourself lucky. You'll meet better people in college and you won't be depressed about losing her two years later

no ...she isn't . because she hasn't thought of you are just feeling sorry for yourself.. get on with life...

This is solid advice. Internalize it and your wellbeing goes up despite the problems of life.

It was because it was long distance for too long with no end within reasonable reach. I thought I was bored of her; I thought when I agreed to break it off that I'd be completely okay. But it's 2 years down the drain.

You're right user, I'm trying. I know things will get better, it's just hard to fill the void at first

She's gonna finish HS and go to med school first, while I start working and fixing my citizenship and finally enlist in the Marines once it passes thru. Right now is not a good time for our relationship (2 years today), so I'm letting her go and basically work on ourselves and maybe rekindle our relationship in the future once the two of us are ready. Pic very related, she drew it for me and I took it for granted

Is long term always this hard or does it depend on the individuals' situation?

ya ....I know....also remember you are sad because of the " what might have been thing" you are thinking about ....hang in there it gets better...your puzzle pieces just didn't fit with hers ...look around find a few other pictures you might want to fit into....


funny thing is, we both agreed to ending it. I just want to focus on getting my shit together as well for her to do the same. It may sound impossible, but if anything fails, I probably won't be coming home anyways with how things are going on in the sandbox.

not really sure how to word this but I just feel empty inside like there's no part to me and I have no one to fill it. I feel like shit and have no one to talk to (even if there was it be short lasted and I'd fuck it up somehow, I'd fuck it up by trying not to fuck it up). So I come on Sup Forums because this is the only place I can let my feels and deepest secrets out and anons are here to help my life has just become school, work, Sup Forums, sleep

>I'm 18 and senior in HS


I've resorted to omegle to find someone to talk to (takes like 1-2 fucking hours) even though it's short lasted it gets me by. Honestly at this point I wouldn't care if I died we all died eventually

>inb4 suicide

Best friend tried to kill herself. Anyone wanna hear the story?


ya is still the what might have been thing...
I do think it is funny how all you anons look at everything as either success or fail ...and not as ..hmmm how can I make this happen? there is no such thing as success ...only balance... and this thing you call fail ? a learning curve....failing only applies when you stop making attempts at the balance

>hmmm how can I make this happen?

Can you elaborate on that, user?

Anyone mind if I post my little story. Just some stuff about failed and currently failing relationships.


Go right ahead mate

Go for it user.

I met a nice girl in my early years of school, 4/10 but I wasn't getting any better at that point. Things started out nice and innocent, awkwardly holding hands and going to the movies. I get more confident and some more girls start to like me. One girl really stood out to me. She looked like a loli Mia kalifa (Legal I'm not trying to get arrested) and was very clear about what she wanted. I was still was first gf at the time but that didn't stop lmk, She wouldn't take no for an answer. It started simple just a few kisses here and there. I was held down at first but I was to intimidated to stop her anyway so she would just go for it. So my first kiss was forced on me but it makes a funny story when people ask. She started getting bolder over time and would cry whenever I hesitated. I eventually drew the line when she tried to get me to put a shampoo bottle in my ass. Gf found out but was understanding and blamed lmk. I haven't heard from her much. People tell me she transferred schools to be in a "special" program because of her treatment of the younger male students. Gf was more than a little jealous after. She started to push for more and more and I was fine with it, it was nice for a while. One day I was hanging with my buddies and she showed up, no big deal she would drop in like this all the time. She was acting a bit weird, trying to pull me aside and wouldn't leave me alone. Everyone starts to head out to get lunch but gf insists that I stay back with her but I was hungry so I tried to leave anyway. She ran off crying and her parents made me go looking for her. Along the way my phone dies and I miss some calls from her. When I get home I learn she called the police because I wouldn't answer her. After this little mess I lost interest in the relationship but she only got more obsessive. It wasn't the last time she called the cops after a few missed calls. I decided things weren't working out and I was going to try to leave

When I bring it up she doesn't take it well at all. She winds up in the hospital because of a suicide attempt. She survived and when she came back to school she quickly tried to get back together with me and because I was afraid saying no would kill her I went with it. She wasn't exactly a model example of mental health before but now she was more unstable than ever. Most of our conversations were me talking her out of cutting starving herself and killing herself. It was a constant fight with her and I worried that one day I wouldn't see the phone and she would take the chance to die. I would wake up early and go to bed around 3 am when I knew she would be asleep. The stress and lack of sleep started to make me sick. I wouldn't leave my room if I wasn't going to school or work. I couldn't keep living like this. I grew to hate my old gf for how much she would make me work for her. I thought she would be better off dead and in a way I still do. I break up with her for the last time and don't look back. Sure enough she tried committing suicide once again but she keeps on surviving. At least she's not my problem anymore. Because of my only experiences with girl being as they were I developed a full fear of girls. I couldn't bring myself to even talk to a girl without running away.

While this was all happening I had been taking language classes at the local county college and I got a scholarship to study abroad. I was just looking for something to put on a college application so I boarded the plane without a second thought. I spent those months seven thousand miles from home in a dorm where girls outnumbered guys seven to one. The time away and the exposure did me good and I got over my fear of girls, at least a little bit. Shortly after I came back to my home country my friends set me up with a girl. Things were going pretty good, things were always a bit awkward because my skills with girls were far under developed and I was still a bit nervous but I was just happy to have her. I would try to take her out to dinner or movies so I could show off with what money I had but she would suggest we go on hikes or to the park and just enjoy each other's company. We didn't live pretty far apart so we wouldn't see each other much but when we did I would do my best to make the most of it. I would spend weeks coming up with things to say and then forget it all last minute and awkwardly stutter my way through our conversations but I always found my way through. One summer we decide to go to a fair that I would go to every summer since I was a kid. I tried all the clichés like winning her a stuffed animal and sharing a milkshake all building up to the end of the night where I planned to kiss her at the top of the Ferris wheel. The moment finally came and when I turned to her to make my move I realized just how afraid I was. I wasn't sure what to do so I just started laughing at my own embarrassment, which I'm sure came across as at least a little creepy.

>have best friend, kinda emo but she's chill
>she had and emo boyfriend and broke up with him
>she didn't go to uni for a month after that
>starts putting emo shit on instagram and snapchat
>she comes back to classes
>talking with her
>she starts talking about oding on pills
>don't think much of it
>two days later her ex had to call the cops
>sent a snap to him with a mountain of pills
>caption says 'down the hatch lol'
>cops found her seizuring on floor
>shes still in the hospital
>feel like shit because she was trying to give me a sign

Even though I made an absolute fool of myself things stated the same. I was starting to work up my confidence to try again when the old gf came back with the same hatred I left her with. There's no good way to explain what happened that night so I'll just tell it plain and simple, she had a knife a wanted me dead. I got out alive as you might have guessed but it shook me up inside, a lot of old feelings came up and any confidence I had before was shattered. She started telling people I was the one who started the fight and she was only acting on self defense to both save face and tarnish my reputation at the same time. I've had family members tell me to never be around her without a camera and witness so she doesn't make up anything about me groping her when we're alone. Some people even suggested a restraining order but she hasn't bothered me since and I would rather avoid the legal drama. Despite all this I still keep trying with my current gf. She started to grow more distant because we've been together for more than a year and I've been too afraid to even hold her hand. I came to Sup Forums a few weeks ago and posted this story in the hopes that someone would have some advice. The one response was something along the lines of "just go for it user, it's only scary the first time" hearing this from someone else gave me a reason to try again. I had been drinking that night and it was late. For some reason I thought it would be a good idea to send her snapchat rambling about how great she is and how much I love her. She took a screenshot of it and no she won't respond to my texts. We haven't spoken in a couple of weeks despite my efforts

As I sit here looking out to the Sea
As I sit here with a razor deeper then ever before inside of me
As I sit here with my heart rate higher then ever before
As I sit here with my blood thinner then ever before
As I sit here admiring the world as I slowly pass out I know something has changed
As I sit here knowing the day turns to the 8th I know what I must do
As I sit and prepare to finish it after I tell her why I know what must be done
As I walk, I get stopped. Unable to finish or drop it off.
As I sit in the ambulance I know, I am not the same person as I once was on the 7th

most of the time to get the thing you want most ..has nothing to do with thing you has everything to do with improving your outlook or something you need to add to you ....but what happens most of the time is you try to do things that will make the other person happy...with in turn makes them run instead of attracting the thing you want most to you actually push it away in order to attract what you want to you have add to you ....what it is you add is the thing that makes you happy....there by attracting that which you want in short make you happy....and you will attract more of what you need and want

The Laughs, The Smiles, The Love And The Comfort
Thank You For It All
It Was A Feeling I Had Long Since Forgotten

I really wonder when there will be a day that goes buy that I don't think of her once. I know it could never have worked out and it's all for the best but her ghost just lingers.

Up upon this mountain which brought me to my new high; it will bring me to my new low. A new low down below where I shall remain

If anyone wants the stories behind these poems I will greentext it. Til then I am going to keep on bumping with some more poems I've written

bro your story is confusing af lmfao
is there a crazy girl and then your girlfriend or just one girl

I see what you mean, user. Thank you.

Two different girls

Well three technically.
1. The first gf that tried to kill herself and me
2.crazy girl who tried to shove shampoo bottle up my ass
3. Current gf who won't speak to me

I rest unaware of what has occurred
I rest covered in my own blood and puke
I rest staring at the pills, spilled with puke covering it
I rest with my head pounding, my heart racing and others around me
I rest unsure if this is what death feels like
I rest slowly recovering
I rest and check my watch its 12:08PM
I rest unsure what happened in the last 6 hours
I rest til I recovered enough to clean up and beg for success
I rest til Nov.7/16

fucking christ

Brehs, it's time to stop being lonely. Time to work and improve on yourself and become the best version of yourself. If you become interesting and work on yourself to become attractive (lifitng etc), or even things like boxing/archery, you'll be miles ahead of everyone. Most people prefer a passive lifestyle of vidya games and staying inside.

I'm 21, 5'7 and weigh 155lbs. I'm around 12% bodyfat (last checked 4 weeks ago with my PT). I went on a date this morning with a girl that was 2 inches taller than me, I don't let my height get in the way.

Further background: I recently broke up with a gf of 3 years, and started having panic attacks shortly thereafter. I'm picking myself up slowly, and have tonnes of internships coming up.

We're all going to make it brehs. I believe in all of you. I also had a suicide attempt two weeks ago. If I can make it, you surely can. I love you all. You're going to make it

change happens in an a instant.... it is the procrastination kills you ... the fear that you might look goofy to people...but people like other people who are interesting... and not letting " failing or non success " define who you are interesting.....



yeah the world sucks, get the fuck over it, you're living a better life than most people nowadays. there are people who can't even motivate themselves to get a girl let alone go outside for anything more than to get the mail.

your problems aren't your problems, there must've been thousands who've already went down your same path and ended up killing themselves or stalking their ex's in hopes of garnering their attention.

if you ever cry about anything in your fucking life you need to slap yourself and get over it, you fucking pussy. i know, its cliche, its been used thousands of times and there are those that will denounce me for saying so, but it fucking works.

work on getting over it because its not even that big of a fucking problem.




>mangled on life support

oh fuck you i laughed



the word mangled was just a funny word to use lol

Call me a wise bro. If u are depressed ask me some questions. Believe me i have answers.

all me ....a last note to you all...I have been on this site for 13 years off and on...I am wealthy and have a lot of stuff...but money and stuff does not make you happy... so my advice to you all is to learn from other peoples mistakes because you wont live long enough to make them all your self....I made a lot of them myself but I also learned what does not work and what will... learn to be content with less and you will have more then you can imagine and balance will follow you everywhere.... be happy and strive to improve yourself and don't be satisfied with mediocre then you will have to riches of pharaohs and kings...

been there done that

it sucks and i really have no advice to offer, keep your head up man

>be me
>senior year HS (i'm 18 now, inb4 b&)
>This girl i'd had a crush on all Junior year who I was kinda friends with
>she's perfect, smart, funny, absolutely adorable
>never had the balls to get closer to her
>seemed kinda distant, fatigued, just generally out of it all year
>eventually late may she was out for a month with mono, her closest friend told me
>decide she would have said something if she wanted it known
>came *this close* to just hugging her when she got back, I missed her so much
>summer passes, we don't talk much really
>get back to school, see her, and old feels resurface
.finally go for it and ask her out
>she says yes
>over time, she tells me about herself. Some really shitty stuff happened junior year
>She was dating this douche in secret (I'll call him B)
>B was super manipulative and emotionally abusive
>turns out by the end he convinced her to sneak out of her house, and just do dumb shit.
>B tried to make a move, she said no, he did anyway.
>GF tells me "user, remember when I was out with mono? Well what happened was like... I tried to kill myself"
>had to spend month in mental health ward
>mfw I realized my GF wouldn't have been raped or tried to kill herself if I had just paid attention to the signs
>feels bad man

She still gets flashbacks to it, and i'm pretty sure I'm the only reason she still wants to be alive at this point. Every day i regret not talking to her. Maybe I could've helped or gotten her out of that situation. She hasn't pressed charges because she doesn't want other people knowing she got raped and tried to an hero. Sorry, just needed to get this off my chest.

its not youre fault man don't do that to yourself

shitty things happen to good people all the time thats just the way life is

but you can be there for her now and be the best bf ever, be that man user


Thank you man.
It just feels like I'm alone in this with her, since her parents aren't too good at helping, and her therapist can help with meds and stuff, but she only meets once or twice a month. GF's only friend who knows all of this got distant because of some standard teenage drama. So right now I'm the only one who knows the full story who can actually help.
I just always feel like things would be better for her if I had just been closer to her

I try to help as much as I can but fuck man it's hard, and I can't even imagine how difficult it is for her.

Thank you though

>be me
>good natured goof
>never intentionally hurt anyone
>but my goofs get me in trouble a lot
>mom hates it, hits me
>dad works all the time, traveling a lot
>get angry
>act up in class
>clASS clown
>start bullying kids
>middle school starts, then i get heavily bullied
>get angrier
>act up more in class
>fight with mom every day
>play cod all day to cope (bretty good at it if i say so myself)
>high school
>freshman year
>make friends
>still act up in class but its more innocent
>no bullying by me or too me
>lifes pretty good
>sophmore year
>develop insomnia, don't know why
>get angrier still
>start lashing out at people, friends
>relationships dwindle
>senior year develope xanax addiction to cope with insomnia
>for 2 months
>insomnia comes back, pulling 80 hour stretches now
>drop out of high school
>get into weed HARD
>smoke myself retarded for a few months
>2 weeks into community college have nervous breakdown
>develop bipolar and ocd
>drop out
>stare at a screen for 2 and a half years
>finally stable enough to get a job
>going back to school in the fall
>finally getting my life back on track
>helping other anons in feels thread

feels good man

damn dude... i bet its hard living with that. Maybe you could make it a bit better by being the best damn boyfriend there is to her

just be there for her at every second you can

i love a girl who was crazy fucked up and i made the mistake of dumping my problems on her and guess what fucking happened

honestly just cuddle on the couch and watch shitty movies and tv shows, thats the best thing you can do for her




the more dead troops the better

I try to, it's just so hard seeing her in a state like this. It breaks my heart seeing her talk about herself the way she does sometimes. At one point she was talking about how she wanted to die really badly and was fed up with life, and through all this, she said a lot, but before she went to bed she texted me that saying "user you just deserve someone so much better who isn't broken like me"

Fuck that just brought me to tears honestly. I just feel so awful knowing this is what she thinks of herself, and through all of this, the last thing she thought of is what she thought I "deserve"