Alright flat earthers. What happens when the Japanese start drilling through the earths crust...

Alright flat earthers. What happens when the Japanese start drilling through the earths crust? When they make it to the (((mantle))) will they:

(A) Fall through the crust into an empty void

(B) Hit an endless well of lava

(C) Hit an impermeable barrier and break their drill

Or (D) None of this is really happening and the scientists are really lizard Jews. The project is a Rothschild conspiracy from the hollow moon mothership planned by Lizard Obama to keep the populace ignorant.

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I'm gonna go with option (E) this causes catastrophic tsunamis and earthquakes bringing humanity to its knees

Do you realize there has been no flat eathers for centuries? You've been meme'd by Sup Forums fake Christians...

You can't drill through the crust motherfucker we have nothing hard enough the bit will melt from pressure and you get nowhere after a certain depth

Interesting perspective. I see you also enjoy the syfy channel. What animal do you think they'll awaken?

Mantle Squids?
Earthquake Amoebas?
Tsunami Pteradactyls?

Japan loves suicide so much they publicly fund their country's death "for science."

Shut the fuck up and let the retards larp you nerd.

Fucking Japs, drilling down to hell to hog all the cute demon girls to themselves

(B) and they're gonna pop it like a zit, we're all doomed!

Yes we do dweeb. Japan has super drills like from the movie The Core. If you stick a laser on the end of a drill you can drill as deep as you want.

They're clearly going to fall out of the bottom because the earth is flat huurrrrr

>mfw soviet Russia almost did but then pussied out when it sounded like the molten metal was screaming


Post proof or fake and gay you poopsmoker

Isn't there a possibility that drilling into the mantle could fuck up the entire planet?

i personally know one so fuck you

No screaming, but the temperatures were too hot for the drill bit to keep functioning


You should google it. The stories are weird as fuck.


That's a famous hoax. See