Feels thread? ill start

Feels thread? ill start.



The fuck is the numbers for pal

The numbers mason what do they mean

a code for a buddy of mine


You have been bamboozled it was me ha pranked

oh shit nice quads

wait what the fuck

Brienne Fag (is a huge weeb tho)

weeb is right


yeah hard to believe josh broke up with her and not the other way around

i should have known when it said pal

And she still wants to be with him kinda and he's like just fuck off and tyrant that skinny redhead fuck isn't helping

life is strange


dont even know what pic this is

Yes very


I remember that ha


Lover nigger a fine gentlemen he is




How can I stop hating myself, there doesn't seem to be anything redeeming about me at all


well suicide is always an option



Fuck off m8 I got quads

Does anyone else here actually want to die? Cuz I do, and im just looking to relate to someone because I'm done with people irl. They only care when it's too late.

yeah well you didnt predict it like i just did fgt

well lets see what this pic is

I'am basically god

That's ameizing

ya well chekem

i mean...CHECKEM


take 2?

Any other opinions on others

take 3

smells like newfag in here

my son thinks im some kind of superhero when im actually just a bullshit call center dickhead. i dont have the heart to tell him that were financially capsizing

well no not really.


Any opinions on anyone in our group



mate your kid will always see you as a superhero unless you do something completely fucked

just work hard for him and do the best you can to not let your financial struggles reach him, and if they do, be frank and tell him how much you're trying. he won't mind yo


Mr fucking mysterious

whats in the fuckin briefcase


I think I'm going to puke

the rigid joke is just funny

Not at the godess Aubrey

but tell me that face is not mysterious


I'll make it in DC comics in spite of you

inside joke. and certainly not at her.

that guys not me

Nope I'm pretty sure how she feels like how she always does

yeah well....



Check xbox

ok chekd


thanks bro. im making rent, but i just wish i could buy him nice things to fill the void where his mom should be

No like another thread

ok in like 20 mins ill make new one. no more xbox chat

Nevermind scratch that 8162

Wanna go on another someone else made

Screw it see ya

how old's your kid? if he's a teen he'll probably get frustrated that his dad can't afford the inane shit he wants. just remember that when he's in his 20s, he won't care. he'll just remember his dad did the best he could to provide for him.

if he's younger then you don't need to buy him stuff, they don't care at that age. just do things with him, whenever you've got time.