Wanna have one of these threads, Sup Forums?

Wanna have one of these threads, Sup Forums?

Let's make a character.

Here's your guy. Let's decide his stats. For old time's sake, dubs gets it.

Give the player character giant tits

Well, alright, user.

Now we need to cover those nipples. How about a microbikini? That doesn't offer much protection, so throw in a single armored glove as well. Then hike agility up as far as it can go so we won't get hit by anything

We'll decide those stats next, user. For now, the name, age, and gender, please. Suggestions for looks, however, are open to all.

give them a cape


Dicky McGee
Needs a penis nose
He's 35 transexual
Oh and it needs a neon green pixie cut.

give the character some cheap whore makeup

Name is Hal Hütler, 25

He also needs a massive shlong

Wasn't sure about the color, so here.

Also, any suggestions for name, gender, age...?


Sothy Aaminah Agema

god damn it why are dubs so difficult

Let's give them one awesome mulfro. It's half mullet, half afro.

Age: 17
Gender: Dancing Queen

Name: Cunt Blaster
Age: 22
Gender: Fluid

done [i think?]


give him dark circles


Weeb eyes


You are CUNT BLASTER! You just turned 22! You're FLUID, so die cis scum etc.

Also, OP is retarded and forgot to include race. Silly me. Next post ending in 5 decides.



make him a jew, add some kipa !

Race : sandnigger

Please let it be nigger


liking it so far. regardless of race just keep it the uncolored white skin tone it just looks better that way


nigger catfolk please

Race : fucking white

Hyper Nigger Catfolk

nigger catfollk



Jew Nigger

Jew nigger catfolk

Nigger jew catfolk neckbeard

what if this son of bob ross / axl rose was jew ? he need some jew hair (i mean the thing on the side)




We got one!

Jesus Christ you guys missed

Had to end in 5

the neckbeard will probably ruin the design tho

it was first to 5, even if i'm the faggot who say sandnigger

this design was the best tbh

its gonna get too complex to draw quickly. keep it simple, cuntblaster


i agree with you, this one was the best

Did my best.

So, we have your raicial bonuses and negatives here. All of it look good? Good! Moving on...

You have 20 points to spend. For ease's sake, let's copy fallout's SPECIAL style and you tell me where you'd like to distribute those points. Two points per post simply say the stat you'd like to add your points to, and if it's dubs, you win! We continue until all 20 points are used up.

Add to bartering

Agility so we can dodge easier since she's wearing almost nothing

I aknowledge your Dubs, and give you borwnies for your effort to our autism.
Dump everything into Strength. No need to be smart when you can just retard smash

Actually changing this to ends in 5, 6 or 8 for expediency's sake.

+2 strength, do you even lift bro ?

this nigger jew catfolk neckbeard need some str, add 2 points

s p e e d

+2 in niggerness, it means he is darker

i guess this one is fine too. but still leaning towards too much stuff.

im tempted to make bad fanart now though


do it pls

do it OP

it might have to wait till tomorrow. its 2 am here and i want to function tomorrow

Stats so far.

And go for it! Also I know it looks ridiculous, but you gotta give the people what they want. I'll probably figure out a way to let people change the looks in the story, idk.

sleep is for the weak, stay a little longer please

hint im not OP by the way

more str

Shouldve took the first 10 posts. This is going to take forever.

she's cute @.@

I honestly didn't know if this was going to live or not, I didn't think this through.

Should I just roll the stats on a random generator?

Put a lot of stats into speed

and the rest in str


where are you op

bump, is op died?