Take a look at this and tell me trump was wrong to bomb the base. Libs Suck Assads Ass

Take a look at this and tell me trump was wrong to bomb the base. Libs Suck Assads Ass

Fucking Retard Libs

Islam is evil.

and yet if you were to see how much climate change is affecting the world and will continue to devestatingly impact humanity you'd say the same thing...you're a hypocrite and should kill yourself

you are trying waaaay too hard to bait.

liberals will never understand until they die. i kinda wish trump was an actual nazi, and maybe america really could be great again

shit b8 m8

>Not a dead kid
>America isn't the only country investigating climate change

you lose
Trump still wins



Seems like a lot of missiles for not so much progress... I say bomb AGAIN, but make it more brutal.

Didn't the US start it?

Who cares? Trump says a lot of things.

totally, like hit a hospital next time!

If you look at the targets hit from satellite and connect the dots it draws Pepe.

>children grow up to be murderous terrorists like their parents

why let them live.

Honestly the world would be better off right now without islam.

>a single picture of one person changes my political stance
Dumb ass cunts. It's either we bomb the shit out of them with a few hundred casualties, or we let their murder toll reach the millions.


Yeah too bad theres no pictures of it actually causing any problems whatsoever. I remember when they said the world would end by now... the irony.

You dumb fucking basketball american. Thats what hes saying. That trump was right to bomb them.

>>a single picture
how many pictures do you need?

He saw hurt and dying kids, he stood up for them.
Good heart.

Obama wouldn't have done anything.

Didn't you all vote for him because he "says it like it is?"

>Be 2016
>Republicans praise Trump for saying he will get the US out of the middle east and away from the problems of the world
>Republicans bash Hillary for her continued support of intervening in the middle east
>Take a look at this and tell me trump was wrong to bomb the base. Libs Suck Assads Ass
>Fucking Retard Libs

Or we let them into America to escape the torment. Look at that pic! Doesn't it pull your heart strings?

>believing anything the media says

Get off the drugs. Plenty of pictures of glaciers receding and low lying islands/land suffering from flooding.

Obama dropped thousands of tomahawks on Syria, you fucking idiot

>You dumb fucking basketball american


He stood up for something that benefits him.
Millions of kids suffering in Africa why isn't he helping them?

The picture is of a little girl who was injured among other dying kids by chemical weapons. Trump was bombing the facility that harbored these illegal chemical weapon. And libs went crazy with no knowledge of what it was all about.

Let her in.
The rest need to send photos.

Why should I give a fuck about what people in the middle east do. Let them all kill each other.

Yes, of course, there is money to be made!

Let them into amrica to continue torment onto others. Good plan

Trump bombed the facility after calling up Russia and asking for permission

what a fucking cuck

hope you brought your umbrellas, its time for a shitstorm!

I don't think you realize it is liberals who support this. Conservatives are the ones who are mad at Trump right no.

MFW planes still carrying out Syrian missions from the same airfield that Trump bombed the shit out of to show we mean business..Blown the fuck out....Trumps weak as he'll...

They had plenty of knowledge. They knew their was no proof it was Assad and that trump warned the Russians beforehand meaning anything of value was moved.
Nice waste of 100+ million dollars.

>Be 2016
>Obama pulling out of middle east
>Void formed in absence, terrorist groups mass resources and troups, begins making moves.
>Obama warns of chemical weapons use, threatens action.
>Obama takes no action. Nor begins countermeasures to terrorist takeover.
>Be 2017
>Chemical weapons used again
>Trump immediately responds with force.
>Continues to make efforts toward resolving terrorist takeover.

>4 years ago

A lot can happen in 4 years fuckhead.

He didn't "ask for permissio" .. when's the last time the US asked for permission to intervene in anything? They forewarned the Russians, who condemned it from the beginning.

Ye bro, use your brain. Look at the conservatives that don't like that he did this. McCain agreed to it and he's the one pepepublicans always bitch about.

I'm liberal and I am glad he bombed the shit even though it seems like it missed half of the shit.

No one cares about some sand nigger kids, go tell it to the starving african children you republican cuck

Ya cause like, we have an agreement to let them know (they have men at that location) and you know not having ww3 good plan...

Hilarious that Putin of all people needs to teach the US about humanity. I suppose we all know they only think about their next burger so shouldn't expect much more from them.

Not me I voted for Trump, because I hate Hilary, and voting for a third party would have been a wasted vote.


Lol if you think the US is actually here to intervene for "freedom and peace" .. they'll oust Assad and put whoever they want in power. Then 20 years from now they'll oust him and put a new person in. This has been American foreign policy in the Middle East for decades.

Are you forgetting all the republicans bitching because Obama took so long to leave? Or the fact there is no proof who used the chemical weapons?

Bsdd attempt at moving the goalpost. You don't even have an argument. Sounds like you don't want to admit that killing children is wrong. The fuck is your problem?

shit the russians have men at a chemical bombing facility?

Liberals more or less wanted to bomb Syria, you dumb asshole.

Lol that gif

But it also gave them plenty of time to warn Assad who no doubt moved anything of value.

That was my understanding they had people at the airfield... russia is working with the gov to fight isis... we kinda just fight everyone...

wrong bombing

But Obama did, several times in the past. Are you retarded? Read a fucking book.

so russians are working with the government...who chemical bombed it's own citizens?

This is what the media isn't saying, definitely not your libtard cnn

I see a fucked up sandnigger.

Niggers, of all kinds, are a scourge. If some sandniggers want to kill each other, then we should let them.

Don't be a nigger loving cuck.

And people were afraid for Hilary putting us in a war in syria. And yet here we are.


Obama killed kids, trump didn't.

WTF is this bait thread. It's not the libs bitching you fucking moron. It's the god damn populists that are bitching. You know, his base, the main reason he got elected. Maybe he should have stuck to his guns and what he promised and talked about for the past 4 years instead of caving like a bleeding heart lib when he saw a couple dead kids in another country that means nothing to us.

Who knows who killed the children? Why would Assad use chemical weapons as he starts to win? And when he knows the US has boots on the ground. It makes no sense. Add to that the fact his forces until fairly recently only owned tiny pockets of land mainly in the capital shows it probably wasn't him that did it.


>Be 2016
>Obama pulling out of middle east
>Void formed in absence, terrorist groups mass resources and troups, begins making moves.
Completely inaccurate
>Obama warns of chemical weapons use, threatens action.
>Obama takes no action. Nor begins countermeasures to terrorist takeover.
There was real no evidence of chemical weapon use until now
>Chemical weapons used again
See above
>Trump immediately responds with force.
Apparently his advisers had to put together a picture slideshow for him because he doesn't understand written reports and they all basically told him it would be a good idea to use the plan Obama set up(the plan to attack this particular base with tomahawks has been ready for about a year now) to make it seem like they were doing something to gain favor in the US due to terrible approval ratings. Unfortunately for Trump it got out that he called Russia and Syria to tell them we were going to be bombing that base.
>Continues to make efforts toward resolving terrorist takeover.
Yeah, Trump is really worried about a bunch of disgruntled third-world sandniggers with 60 year-old tech taking over.

Do... Do you white nationalists forget that nationalism failed? And glorious leader put a bullet into his own brain?
What was so glorious about that? Arrogance and ignorance will lead to a quicker defeat than compassion.

That being said. There is no right answer here, though Trumps answer was obviously heavy handed. Also still reinforces the idea he an Putin are circle jerking over the middle east for profits. HEY, maybe ISIS 2 will go after Russia

Umm check the new moron. Not In this attack but trump has killed hundreds of kids already, mainly in Iraq though.


Why were there children at the military airbase trump bombed?

If they don't want to get hit with gas then they should stop supporting the rebellion, it's as simple as that.

ummmmm no, Russia condemned his actions.

"Cuck" such a libtard millennial

Trump hasn't done shit. If you want to talk about civilian deaths, take a look at Obama's drone strikes you fucking moron. How he was never brought on war crime charges is beyond me.

Yeah, we should let them bomb our kids instead, otherwise we're being islamiphobic.

Getting rid of Assad is a great idea.
Just like getting rid of Hussein, Mubarak & Gaddafi... Look how great these countries evolved!

do you even know what MAD is?

>asking proof for a question

Read it again moron. If you still can't figure it out go back to school.

Obviously you failed to check the news. Since trump has been in power hundreds of civilians have been killed. Though as I said mainly in Iraq. Google is your friend.

>Continues to make efforts toward resolving terrorist takeover.
Also, these aren't terrorists. We bombed another countries military who are fighting against the terrorists.

You can't deny refugees and then play the compassion card. He did it for political sway, that's all.


>How he was never brought on war crime charges is beyond me.
Get this little pussy off Sup Forums. He actually cares about a bunch of sandcoons.

He didn't kill anyone. He just sent a message. Fuck whoever condemns him.

I've been told the problem is it makes little sense for Assad to use chemical weapons now, considering their momentum in the war against ISIS, and the international consideration for the use of such weapons. So there's no motive.

In this sense, Trump was a tool to respond so quickly.

Haven't really looked into it too closely tho tbh. cbfd



he was wrong he should of just talked to them. Thousands of people who died for no reason other then just working their job died today...sucks.

If it's brown put it down
Fuck Muslims and fuck non-white "people"

This guy...

You're perfectly right. Politically and militarily it makes no sense for Assad to use chemical weapons at this point in the fight.
And considering until recently he only occupied a tiny percent of Syria it's unlikely he still has control over things like chemical weapons.


Have you ever read a book that wasn't a picture book?

>white nationalists
That's not a thing, stop saying it like it's a thing
There's nationalism and then there's everything else, Nationalism is by default white as well as brown, tan, moca, and whatever hell color Abbos and injuns are.
Nationalism is to stay true to the nation and keep it true to the people and it's native population so in white nations nationalism would be for whites, in sandnigger labds for sandnigger skin tones, India for reddish brown, etc etc
Get fucked you bluepilled cuck


So supporting a rebellion against a corrupt evil dictator makes it ok to have illegal weapons used on you? Seems legit.
I can understand Assad thinking like that. Pretty sad when westerners feel the same way.

>it's almost like a blueprint used over and over and over