Just learnt a 20 year old pressured my sister into showing her videos and pictures of herself

Just learnt a 20 year old pressured my sister into showing her videos and pictures of herself.

Threatened to commit suicide if she didn't have sex with him (This nearly worked but she denied him last minute)

So, anons, how do I kill someone across the country?

I don't know how you're gonna kill this nigger

but you should post your sister's nudes



jog across the country and gain a huge following like forrest gump, then when you reach his home tell your mob he is a child predator. let your mob lynch him and leave.

I would try... but he lives in a town with like a million KKK members and if even one of my joggers is black we're all getting lynched.

Yo go tell this guy to come to your sisters house and set him up. Tell your sister to tell him to come to her house and then wait when he comes over than when he's there kick his ass

She's 12 AKA still lives with our parents. Don't want to trigger them. I could give him my address and say its hers, though.

well if its cheese pizza then just inform police or what ever and have happy dreams of some big nigger named Donavin ass raping them till kingdom cum

Get him sent to jail for sexually exploitation. They don't take kindly to rapists/sexual predators there. If your sister is a minor, he's gonna be even worse off.

The police have already been informed, but they have to do some bullshit investigation first. Plus we live in Dixie while he lives in one of the Great Lakes States.

Forgot to finish what I was saying:

It's gonna take a while. I'm hoping that they don't do some bullshit questioning where they treat her like shit like 'so did u consent and agree to everything kid.' Really feelin' those homicidal vibes.

Since the crimes (production and possession of Child pornography, sexual interference and child luring) cross state lines, the feds will probably get involved. He'll likely be sent to a federal penitentiary, where he'll be at the bottom of the barrel. After a few trips to the hospital, he'll be put in isolation for his own safety. After 10 to 15 years, he'll be released, put on The List, and never be able to get a good job, use the internet or live within miles of a school again.

His life is mostly over. Live yours with the satisfaction that he gets to feel as small as he made your sister feel. Except no one will try to help him. For now, just help your sister get through this.

The people who will talk to her will be people who deal with sexual predators for a living. This isn't some college girl who had morning after regret, this was an online abuser who manipulated a child. Helping the victims get justice is their bread and butter.

Just found out he had a daughter with his girlfriend. My family is losing their shit while I'm trying not to kek.

You're making this sound like he's ruined not only his own life but a few other people's as well.

Yeah. Pretty horrible for the people around him, but I'm glad he won't have the chance to fuck up anyone else's life. Still kinda want him to die tho.

I get it, but to quote the Buddha: holding on to anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.

C:\>pskill \\

I mean, it sounds like you just make your sister not send nudes to him and the problem resolves itself.

Read the thread dude. She's twelve. As in prepubescence. As in he's a sexual predator.

Her age is not the issue, it's the way she was treated

doesn't change anything

Welp I'm thinking he's looking for more twelve year olds now you've shut him down on your sis.

What's his details. Post them here. Also proof of his faggorty, see what happens?

you should pressure your parents to turn off the internet and cancel your data plan. that will keep her safe.

I can pose as a twelve year old and bait him if you like

Excuse me for raining on the pedophiles/ehebiphile's parade, but children of the of goddamn 12 cannot consent to sexual acts by law, so yes, her age does make it a fucking problem, and that's ignoring the fact that he emotionally manipulated her into sexual acts.

Post his Info we will handle the rest and prove that he did it. That's all not that hard.

call the cops see if I care.

That's not cheese pizza

Inform Chris Hansen with Crime Stoppers. He is doing a new series called Hansen vs Predator and I'm sure his people could have fun baiting this guy.

Please do

Well OP, apparently he's already on his way to killing himself since she didn't have sex with him. He's gonna do the job for you.

Requires his details and proof of this faggotry

Sorry I thought you were the OP, and I guess you thought I was as well kek

>OP please make this happen


Hope someone fucks with him.

Just tell you sister not to fuck him. It'll work itself out.

Well you should probably call kekistains national police and they'll sort it out