katana under bed, i'm gucci. see you in the green zone

Closest thing to my left : the lid to the toilet I'm on.
Closest thing to my right : a solid iron fireplace poker.
Surviving friend : Major from ghost in the shell.

Actually, I feel pretty ok about my chances.

Primary weapon is a small rock my niece picked up for me at the park, but secondary is a pump action 12 gauge loaded with slugs.

My friend is the baby from Boss Baby

sour mix, mousepad, archer. Gotta say, im not sure how bad this will be. Either amazing or horrible

combat knife left
bong right
gremlins (minions yo)

I have a bat to my left and an airsoft gun to my right. Danny Rand is my sidekick.

A lighter
Sunny from into the badlands
Get em sunny ima hide

Ive got a fan a shoe and Sam Winchester

iphone lightning cable
box of tissues
luke cage

...I'm actually okay with this

Printer on my left
Unhinged door to my right
Ricky TPB
i'd say i'm fucked

Half a watermelon, half a watermelon, gallagher

Left: towel. Right: bath mat. Friend: Lorelai Gilmore. I will survive.

Corndog on my left
Ketchup to my right
Some history guy is my surviving friend
i'd say im fucked

Left:Small .22 Saturday night special
Right:A small heavy handle bar from a jack.
Surviving friend:Pablo Escobar from Narcos
I think I'll do fine

Sliding closet door and an empty bowl...
Got Guts at least.

switchblade on my right and naked gf to left,rick sanchez is friend.if gf doesnt count as object then on the night stand on her side is my stash brief case i got like a zip of boomers and some gs of spirit molecule some needles and a scale

Primary weapon: high school yearbook (I'm an adult over the age of 18 don't ban.)
Secondary weapon: finely sharpened pencil.
Surviving friend: Rick Sanchez of universe c-137.

Not bad

Holy mother of god im Superfucked. I got toilet paper and a bottle of fucking lotion. And Ive got Clay Jensen along for the ride.

Why tf is there a fire poker next to your toilet?

Very, left=pillow, right=phone, survival buddy=space dandy. Good news is I'll be fine next episode.

An empty plastic water bottle
A glass mug
Walter White from Breaking Bad

left> a small lighter
rigth> napkin
friend> Liam Neeson

>welp Liam must take care of me bois

On the left: a matress
On the right: a blanket
Last Show Legends of Tomorrow
Nice, im save and can sleep whereever i want.

Avengers assemble!!!

My phone, my pillow, and the Care Bear community (no main character) I think I'll be ok.... Rainbow blast those fuckers

A dull metal claymore, a packet of lemon juice, and Ragnar Lothbrok. We'd be fine.

box cutter, fleshlight, morgan from TWD. I'm only slightly fucked

Well i have a vase to my left a computer to my right and that girl you killed herself from thirteen resins why

Right: toiletpaper
Left: nothing

Friend: adam from the goldbergs

I would use the tissues to wipe luke cum off my face

I'll be ok

a seat cushion, medium cola and kirito
at least i'll have an enjoyable viewing experience while I watch my gf get gang raped by zombies

>Smaller, floppier book
>Jim Gaffigan
I'm doomed.

(left) foldable lawn chair

(right) very expensive,sharp arts & crafts scissors

And Shaun from Shaun Of The Dead cause I don't really watch shows.

My chances of survival? Meh. At least It'll be entertaining.

Keyboard of my massive computer
Tamotsu from Akiba's Trip

I'm in good hands.

Kek I'd sit back & watch my gf get taken by zombies too

>fourth doctor

I think I'll do alright.

I'm fucked

Remote Control
Some fag from a documentary



11 month old daughter


box of nestle luxury choclates


...i like my odds.

So your telling me i have to traverse a dagerous Zone? Well there must be a way to rephrase this... DANGERZOOOOONE
Shemag on the left
Cutter on the Right
ARCHERRRRRRRR THIS IS GOING TO BE (as much as i hate to say this) EPIC

glass mug
walter white

pretty fucked

While I only have a toolbox and a digital watch, I watched Into the Badlands before bed, so I'm fucking sorted.

I'm fugged.

plastic spoon
hydro flask
The Iron Fist Danny Rand

a case of 7.62 rounds to my left, a guitar to my right I can't even remember the last show I watched because I never watch tv i think it was samurai jack or athf...

Lmao I'm so fucked the last show I watched was masterchef.

Glass mug
and Jimmy McGill, attorney at law

eerily similar

Primary: Fork
Secondary: A box of chocolate covered potato chips I got as an easter present from work
Survivor: Don't even rememeber the last show I watched

Bucket of ak-47 mags and bayones primary....

bersa thunder 380 cc secondary. Which I have ~700 rounds for. Unless you mean "left shoulder" for left, in which case we're talking about the closes with my gun safe in it.

Last show was the expanse. I'm fine.

A table on my left
A coach on my right.
The MC from School Days

Pretty fucking fucked. If im lucky enough my friend can fuck the zombies long enough for me to escape.

cell phone, bed post, tony soprano
i got this

toothpicks and a box
helped by Mike Ross (suits)
i'm fudged

A mug
A computer mouse
the 10th doctor


A plastic ashtray, a wireless mouse, and Topher Grace. Damn.

A gay porno actor.

we'll fuck the zombies to death

A vase, a fireplace poker and Willy from 'my dinner with Andre'

A wireless keyboard, a cell phone, and Archer from "Archer". Acceptable.

Pillow on my right and a pilllow on my left. Larry David from curb your enthusiasm, I'm fucked.

A lamp,

A pillow

Bob Ross.

Sleep tight.

A mug, a cellphone, and Barry Allen aka the Flash.

I'll just have him go back in time and change things :)

aquarium filter to the left
PS4 controller to the right
Bob from bob's burgers

i am pretty fucked

Rick Grimes
>Fuck yeah

I watched Ghost Rider last time, I think I'm fine. I have my dog (or a bigass dustbin if it doesnt count) and the remote control


I have a microphone and a pillow, I'm fucked far as weapons go. But my surviving friend happens to be none other than Joseph Joestar...

I was about to ask the same question

primary weapoon: a pillow
secondary weapon: a book
friend: peter griffin

>Computer mouse
>Peter Griffin

I'm fucking dead

Left: a small cardboard box
Right: my survival knife
Friend: Jon Snow

My odds aren't too bad

A remote
A pillow
Frank from Shamless. Actually not a bad dude to be in the apocalypse with.

computer mouse

To my left: a tube of Swedish kaviar
To my right: a butter knife
Last show I saw was samurai jack

Main weapon: Coca cola.
Secondary weapon: Pills.
Only surviving friend: Ruby Rose.
Levels of fucked: Not much, she can protect me.

A couch
Another fucking couch
Rick Grimes
Even with Rick I'm still fucked

Plastic bag on my left parking meter on my right and Sterling Archer... I'm either fucked or going to get to the end only to be pushed back into the horde

>main weapon
a fucking towel
>secondary weapon
an empty pet bottle
oh fuck what now
everything went better than expected...

My vape to my left and my bong to my right but I got Preacher Jessie Custer from preacher so I'll be fine

Left: Toilet paper
Right: shower curtain rods.
Buddy: Oliver Queen as Arrow.

Probably going to come out ok.

I'm giggling on the toilet about how many others in here are also on a toilet.

A pillow.
A bowl of gemstones.
Daniel wu in enter the badlands.

It might not be that bad.

Keyboard, pillow and joker from p5 im fucked until we just go inside the meta verse and bullshit our way to killing the zombies

Weapons: Mouse & Keyboard.
Surviving friend: pic related

Everything's fine, I guess.


Primary weapon: Rolled up blackout curtains
Secondary weapon: Box of Magic: the Gathering cards

Not looking too good.....

Only Surviving Friend: Medaka Kurokami

I have no issues surviving

An empty mug
A pot of sudocrem
Wesley Crusher

Im going to get rekt

primary; Glass coke bottle.
Secondary; Glasses
Friend; Barney stinson

Weapons: Pillow and a marker pen.
Ally: Sterling Archer. Could be worse

Box cutter
Rick from Rick and Morty.

... I honestly have no fucking clue. Rick will probably just say "fuck this" and peace out. Then again, apparently he's my friend? Maybe he'll care enough to take me with him and bring me on crazy adventures?

... Not likely.

Right: Whiteboard Marker
Left: Pillows
Friend: Batman

I think I'll be alright

Kek. Dragging two couches through the post apocalyptic landscape

Whataburger cup full of water
trash can full of water bottles
Tara from the Walking Dead.

Tara might have gotten fat, but i'd still tap the shit out of that thicc ass.

You'd never get a quiet moment ever.

An angry Carol (wife)
An angry Cat
A balifff from Can't Pay? We'll take it away