Closeted bi fags, why have you not come out and accepted being part of the bisexual master race?

closeted bi fags, why have you not come out and accepted being part of the bisexual master race?
>sex with whoever
>literally doubling your chances for an orgasm

because the actual master race would rightfully gas you

>he doesn't want the option of GOAT tier anal sex or a vagina

I like dick. I just lose interest in men as soon as I cum.

I fuck my gf in the ass most of the time anyway.
I doubt its better with a guy.

It's hard to explain but it's different with a guy. I've had anal with a woman and with a man. Men can take a better pounding for one.

I dont wish you could test my gf to pin her down :P

Lots of girls are fragile when it comes to anal tbh

Same. Glad someone else can relate.

I just like men in a platonic sense, falling in love with them, kissing, touch ourselves, but the sole idea of gay sex makes me sick for some reason, even oral sex seems really fucking awful to me.
I kissed a guy back in middle school and I'm in love with a former HS classmate, non the less I'm pretty much in the top 1% when it comes to being sexually active and I really fucking love pussy.

My town is not supporting at all of lgbt, only the actually lgbt ones are. I would be disowed if I came out as bi.

That's why have a bro for a fuck buddy is the best.
>Vidya together
>Help each other out of jams
>Person you can confide in
>Sex when you guys need it

move to a new town

literally this. bud fucks are the best


I kinda come out for selected people, I just don't want to create overheading with parents and shit.

I really, REALLY don't care if it's a guy or a grill (or whatever, really), just never had the chance to have a nice experience with a fag tho. A real shame, boys are cool.

I'm in the same boat. Boys are cool for a nice weekend with at most for me though, I couldn't date one long term. I just don't feel comfortable in something that's not just sex with a dude.

if i'm bisexual and not in the closet do i not belong in this thread, OP?

when will the day come when literally nobody has a sexual orientation anymore, no more LGBT politics, nothing, just people having fun with each other's bodies with little to no discussion of what types of things people like - people just go for it and nobody blinks an eye

>the future is coming, the future is here, just give me a wish and i'll make it cum true, my dear

Iunno. Discuss being superior to pleb tier homo & heterosexuals

if you see this image it means you are bisexual

That's where the weird part comes: I'm totally comfortable with it. Can you imagine? Someone that will finally not bitch all the time AND will play vidya better than me? Do want.

Because I'm afraid that I'll freak out while a guy is plowing my ass from behing and dumping his sticky hot load deep inside me even though I want to know what it feels like so bad.

>Because I'm afraid that I'll freak out

W h y ?

Yeah see I don't get taht warm fuzzy feeling with guys, just girls. Something about that soft smile and those gentle features combined with a sweet voice gets me you know?

You forgot to mention
>double chances to get aids or std
>double chances of being depressed or having mental/emotional problems
>doubling your chances of committing suicide
>securing ticket to hell when you final snap and kys
are those 20 or less minutes of pleasure really worth it fucking faggots? I say its insanity

is this really a thing?

how would i find such a friend?

I just feel like I probably would. As soon as I cum especially. I'm afraid I'll feel disgusting with a sweaty naked dude on top of me with his cum covered dick 6 inches up my ass

>I'll feel disgusting

That's literally just iron age moral police society breathing down your neck in the privacy of your own bedroom. Learn to ignore it.

Make friends with a girl who's bi or pan, from there they undoubtedly have a slew of friends who are like minded. Especially if you tell them you're curious and want to experiment. That's how I got with my fuck bud, my gf hooked us up.

i know, and I totally realize that, it's just so hard to ignore it and get beyond that. Idk, maybe I just need a guy to literally fuck it out of me or something

Aw really? Well, I can fall for both equally, although I have a shitload of experience with girls... They're more convenient for me indeed.

Ima still find a nice boy tho.

Ignore it, dude. If it's just sex, then whatever. If it's more than that, you'll have someone by your side to help ya AND play vidya

You sound so nervous, not gonna lie if you lived near me I'd be down to give it to you. Afterwards we could shoot the shit, make it less weird

Yeah like, when I'm with my gf I just want to snuggle up and be emotional with her before we fuck. I love that part. It goes beyond physical things, I love love love the idea of one day getting her pregnant and having kids with her. I used to think it was societal but it's just something I enjoy.

That's the other thing i'm nervous about though, is getting an std even if i'm careful. Which also sucks because i obviously have a creampie fetish. FML

A lot of guys who have gay sex are on PrEP which is effective in preventing HIV. In addition that's not an uncommon fear, you can ask about the last time they got tested and the results from it, just don't be a sperg about it and they'll understand


i am openly bisexual and i love life

>when will it be like it used to be

never again pal. sex sells. division sells.

i'm not even sure. It could just be a phase

never say never

Nah, yousa bisexual now

never. it will become more and more restricted and\or taboo.

that's not how it works m8

pretty much the exact opposite is happening as we type

cause im no cuteboii so noone would like to fuck me anyway

How does it work then

i dunno that's why I don't go round making definite statements

hmm that's a good question user
some would argue that sexual liberty is a product of degeneracy while others would argue it is a consequence of enlightenment. personally, i'm not sure.
if it is a consequence of enlightenment, I would say that is likely to happen within the next 13,000 years when the next golden age of civilization is estimated to crest.
The enlightenment of the human race fluctuates sinusoidally with a period of 26,000 years. In 2012, humanity reached the trough of the dark ages (also referred to as the iron age). This long term calendar is observed in many cultures throughout the world, and throughout time, including the Mayans and the Egyptians.

Trips of truth confrimed

everyone is bisexual

This. When will society stop giving a fuck about who you have sex with?

this to an extent, the "consenting adults" is the best merit, fite me pedos

citation? there's no way my brother would go gay

Butt sex, woman or not... Is unnatural.
Butts don't lubricate themselves, it is dirty (shit comes out of there), and increases risk of prostate cancer (prostate is a sensitive gland...not meant to be pounded!).

Also your rectum only has a thin layer of skin, and a lot of blood vessels around it, when getting fucked hard that layer of skin often gets damaged allowing fecal matter + bacteria into bloodstream. Which can cause cardiovascular diseases.

Still fancy buttfucking faggots?

You made me sad. I play vidya, too. And I almost never bitch.

But I get what you mean, i haven't encountered any other girls like me.

Anyhoo, I'm out as a bi girl. It is the correct way to be. But one of my friends makes fun of me for it all the time. Like being a bi girl doesn't matter. Or they're gay men's biggest enemies. (He's a gay guy)

ya its called the procession of the equinox

timestamp tits