20% of millennials identify as LGBTQ

>20% of millennials identify as LGBTQ

do you think this number is too low?

too high?

Other urls found in this thread:


1 is too many

Sorry for ignoring post but holy shit who is that in the pic lol?

i don't actually care.

You must tell me who the fuck is in that picture, or at least where you got it!!

>be american
>be a faggot feminist pussy "diversity" loving cuck
I think that number is accurate. Keep fighting the jewish fight americucks



Just do an image search, her name is literally the first thing to pop up

10% is correct

I'm on mobile nigga



No, even that is inflated because it's a nice round number. It's more like 4%

its hard to track people who identified as gay or transgender because the number is so low they cant even fit it on a chart

so it could be as low as 1%


Honestly the world could use more faggots. Might help with overpopulation. I'm straight myself but if cute enough I'd let a twink suck me and I really wanna suck a mixed boy cawk mmm. ;-D
Sorry had to get that out of me.

How much of that 20% is really truly identify, and how much is "oh it's cool to be queer these days" ?

Whatever the number is it's probably too low. With culture the way it currently is, there will always be be people who suppress and lie to themselves and others about this shit, either subtly or completely.

This is exactly what I'm talking about. You are bi curious, not straight. Please stop claiming to be straight you faggot.


I like the part where you identified the rigorous study your source was citing.

Sup Forums has a google image search, this shit ain't that fucking difficult.

Ashley the Bashley

Too high. I know a lot of chicks that say they're bi, just because they think it makes them sexier.

we have a bingo

It's too high. Based on what evidence? Community college gender studies?


This is a pretty mixed group of people.

I'd like to know exactly how those 20% are spread out.


My God ash is cute. What a cute nickname too. Ash..

I'd fuck that.

But now I'm also wondering if it has a dick.

She looks like Dj Qualls

I'll be honest, I think bisexual make up probably the largest single chunk. Then second is probably normal gay/lesbians.

And then there's the inflation with the transtrenders who aren't actually trans but do it for muh victim points.

And then wayyyy at the bottom of the percentage is actual trans people.

I think its too high for a functioning society, however my fetish for them also wants there to be more so i can hanky panky with one im 21 so its still possible. What about you OP. What do you think?

Most girls are bi. There's a lot of "I'm a gender queer trap leprechaun" going around lately too.

What about asexuals?

Yea kinda weird.. im bi sometimes.. but im also SUPER conservative. Im not trying to hide it.. i think just knowing that so many people are gay make people question it who otherwise wouldnt have.


Nah that aint you man



Way to high, alts of teens thin it's hip or cool to be LGBT or it makes them more interesting so they claim they are, so the people who truly are LGBT are most likely around 7 or 8%



Fuck you for using her as the OP pic about a tranny/faggot thread

And fuck you for answering the question

Fuck you too


I think my generation is full of entitled little bitches who think they get to choose what gender they are.

That's a blatant lie


75% of millennials can't spell LGBTQ.

Thank God for AJ. Missed her stupid channel.


I think only a small handful are actually degenerate who have issues with their sex. The rest are degenerates because they are attention whores.


I think the number is closer to 1-2% if you don't include people who identify as bisexual, but I'm pretty convinced that's just a phase anyways. You don't see a lot of old bi people

Where does one acquire one of these for the purpose of sexual relations?

She was 12 at the time of recording the video. Time to bring your A-game and debate that one.

Millenials love labels and cliques, that's why they're are perfect corporate whores.

Very soon corporations will start making LGBTXYZ+ only products and services, and all those retards who want to be "in" will blow their last Starbucks barista paycheck penny on them.

or eastern european countries
