Degrade her for nudes/info

Degrade her for nudes/info

that chested whore, i bet she has the tits of a 12 year old. disgraceful
>in b4
>tits or gtfo


for calling her a whore

im scared for the meat curtain toppings under that muffin



why does she look prepubescent but also in her 20s at the same time

idk but i like it

it's something lib education majors have down?

What a fat fucking smelly loose cunt, Head from her would be amazing if you didn't go soft worrying about her biting your cock off

that explains it

youre right, she might eat it

her fat self sucks to please

Feminist at her best right here

i might let her breathe on it
>she might eat it

Couldn't I just degrade her and leave it at that?

lol no she has a career to build


What's that, being the "before" model for Jenny Craig?

now thats. ice. fucking. cold

lmao well some manager of a Walmart is really gonna enjoy her in the back room some day

It's like a more attractive Amy Schumer.

10/10. Would attach plow.



I mean she looks pretty degraded already

Stay back! It's the event horizon.

stick a sharpie in her pooper

lol not till her school is up here

good plan

We call her Laura Ingalls Wilder.

Because her ass is the size of a Little House on the Prairie.

She's feeling California

But looking Minnesota

this incentive thing might have worked better with a more attractive cadaver