
So at this time of day, what countries are people posting from?

Also, post this most strangely evil curse you can imagine.
>curse to have a X hairs appear in your mouth every day at 3am for an entire year, where X is the number of days you've had the curse


am I the only one that doesn't like interspecies in fur smut?

Creamy still here. Still willing to keep conversation going.
>US poster

I like it personally. More variety. I especially like the predator/prey combos

I do not understand that fursuit thing either, and it's definitely not a thing where I live. But hey, if some guy wants to cosplay at a con or something, I won't hold it up against him

I heard a guy say once
>may the fleas of a thousand camels nest in your crotch
it seemed more awful the more I thought about it

also trapped in that country


Maybe, but when they start saying stupid shit like, "It's a hate crime that they won't let me creep around my local shopping center and school zones wearing this!", that's when the mental handicap becomes more apparent for most of these people.

yeah but they probably shouldn't be able to breed right

Good way of putting it!

Yeah that's kinda stupid and inappropriate. I am fine with allowing people to escape reality at cons though, even though I would never do it. I am just here for the good art

>also trapped in that country
Don't remind me. I'm just keeping my 'murican muscle car maintenance up so my old Camaro can keep my mind off it all.
>'98 Z/28

Canadian poster here, eh

been trying to get to canada for 3 years, got to australia last year but got stuck coming back after a couple of months. I'd take about anywhere that speaks english... and has a decent business climate


Sorry...couldn't hear that over muh FREEDOM!
*Unintelligible grunt*




Curse anthros to be real, but for that person their name in the anthro community is tarnished due to a qoute taken out of context.

"(A) Paradise shall be created in your image of perfection, but you shall be doomed to never see inside of it's walls"

I'm not a car person, didn't really understand any of that


I don't usually post IRL pictures on this board, ever, so feel graced that I'm showing my car here. I fix my car, so I keep my mind busy.


Hot damn...

I'd move there but I want Justin "current year queer" Trudeau out of power when I go there.





Needs more shark



yeah I was pissed he wont that election, Harper had promised some stuff on immigration that probably would have gotten me in

If I told you that I've spent over $15,000 total on the car, repairs, and modifications, you might not be saying 'hot damn'.

Not until you take a shower!




...Still, though.


You gonna post that, throw in sum fur.



I gotcha, fam!


Nice folder path. And tastes

Dude thanks. Gonna jack to that immediately.


Folder path is totally not suspicious.


Np, it's what I'm here for!




Alright, I'm out fuh real, it's 05:00. Peace and butt grease, amigos. I'll probably be back tomorrow, most likely.





Awe, we'll keep your seat warm!


>4 ears





needs more ears




could you post the Ayn picture and the one above it?





I said needs more shark.




>sandpaper skin



Your face is sandpaper

thanks. Have these two other versions from his patreon.




Nice, had no idea about this one

>sandpaper vagina

damn I don't have any pics like that to use as reaction

still waiting for someone to leak some of lunate's stuff



>7 vaginas.jpg






