Does this look like 1/16 of weed?

Does this look like 1/16 of weed?

The density can vary so much between different weed.
Also, I have no idea what that coin is, so I dunno how big it is..

Yep, looks pretty close.

Btw, postcode? Fellow ausfag here.

4074 and yeah i thought so

Also, you probably paid for that massive fucking stem, you should tell your dealer to cut the shit or give you extra.

Nowhere near me, 2066.

is this an aussie thread? yes looks like weed CanadianFag reporting in from Ontario

damn :/
yeah aussie thread and yes as in looks like a 1/16?

what is a 1/16th exactly ?!

to me It looks like it maybe a Gram or Gram and half 1.5 1.6

a 1/16 is 1.7 grams

yes then I was right.. 1.5 1.6 just under 2 grams
sorry bro we dealz in grams n shit lol

How muich you pay for that in Aussie dollars? In Canadan I'd get that from a bro for 10bucks 15 at most 10.00 CAD

Looks more like 1 weed, but okay. If its just 0.0625 weed.

too easy...I normally get on a 1/2 which is 14 grams and im helping out a friend so i just chucked alittle bit more in

Ain't a bag of weed unless it's at least a quarter. Any less is a waste of hookups time.

OP here
from where i am $10 a gram
so $140 for a half
$280 for an ounce
not for helping a friend and i have no idea what 1.7 grams looks like so i thought someone could help.

That's about 50 millilitres, roughly quarter of a cup.

yeah Half ounce 14 grams or a Full 28g which is an (ounce) .. here in Canada goes for 200-240$
14 half 100-120
this is good skunky kush too that when you smoke you cannont hide.. Everyone knows whats up when they smell it.

nah fam

Canadianfag here woah that is pricey they chargeing you 10 dollars a gram straight up. must be killer stuff I hope

who the fuck buys 1/16ths

fucking numale faggot
looks like shit too`

somebody who wants just a little high or who just smokes in a while. Now chill

then buy a dub or an 8th
but i can tell you're some immigrant shitter, so i don't expect you to know what you're doing

Threw alittle extra in and I'm just going to sell it as is as 1/16...


Fukn ausfags

OP here
yeah i would never but a 1/16 but that's what my friend wants so like

people that live where i do where it's $30 for that much and you'll be lucky if it's even 1.5

stop saying 1/6th cunt, legit never heard a soul use that term here in AUS. It's a stick mate. A stick. You sound like the most clueless, street conscious lolly pop lady I have ever seen type in my entire life. Don't sell it, throw it away, stick to ADHD meds and Clearasil.

not everyone on Sup Forums is from fucking AUS cunt i said 1/16 because not everyone knows what a fucking stick means moron

>so like
kys yourself

The fact you don't know what 1/16th is from eye means that its time for you to get back on the boat and head to bronycon and find yourself a nice husband that can shelve some kets to be able to bear your hideous appearance.

Yes, but who the fuck buys a 16th?

Because I only buy 1/2's and ounces lol

You jelly of my oil pen?

Who buys a teenth these days?! This isn't 1939

anyone near 3189?