So real talk Sup Forums

So real talk Sup Forums.

Me and my gf live far apart from each other because of work, and it seems to be a permanent move on my side. She's willing to come over, and move in to live with me, but there's one problem.

She has a kid. And i don't like kids. I love her and really want to be with her. But that kid is annoying as fuck. But she's really cute, and loves sex a lot. And i mean A LOT. She will let me do anything to her. I'm fact, she gives me blowjobs on command, even if people are watching. She also has same interests as me, and puts me first even though i tell her not to. What should I do?

Pic related: Her

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accept the kid and post more of her

looks kinda trashy. keep fkn her till u loose interest and move on. dont get to emotionally involved cause fuck being a cuck and raisin some other dudes kids

I have. There's a nice vid of me cumming on her face.

I know what you mean. Only thing is that other dude is completely out of the picture. He's like, not an issue or even there. Kid is 3yo.

kids grow up and become less annoying

This user is a faggot. Don't listen to him.

The big questions, OP, are do you LOVE her? Is the father in the picture at all? How old is the kid?
If you do love her, I recommend accepting her kid, too. I was raised by a stepfather, because my real dad is literal human garbage and left my mom while she was pregnant with me. My step-dad was strict and when I was a kid I hated him for it, but looking back as an adult and father, I'm glad I had that figure in my life, and I've told him so. If you love her, and you can be a not shit dad, it's a great feeling, for all three of you.
If the kid is still little (no more than five or six tops), you can have a proper father-son bond, especially if real dad isn't around.

Man the fuck up and be the dad he needs you twat

Dude, if you enjoy your privacy, do not let her move in with you. Im sure shes nice and all that but kids will get into your shit, steal your stuff, lie to you. To top it all off, they will be ungrateful for everything. I had to give the ultimatum to my girl, either send the nephew to live with someone else or im gone.

Single mom detected.

Just because youre with her, doesnt mean you owe anyone anything, including a child. Im not trying to sound edgy man, i just had a terrible experience trying to help raise someone elses kid

here, again. You replied while I was still typing so missed some critical stuff. is correct, kids do become less annoying. Three year olds are awful creatures, but once they turn four or five and start reading they become exponentially less unpleasant, because they can hold real conversations. They might be inane small child ones, but they'll be coherent at the very least. I say go for it.

Other than being a meme and saying my wife's son. (If it was a daughter I'd love to be the dad.) The kid will have a fucked up life and will be sad like you are being rn

My girlfriend lives 100 miles away. she comes up and stays with me 1 week a month. It's perfect.

The thing also falls on the fact that I'm going to school. It's my dream to graduate, and she said she would help me along the way, and help do whatever i can, but i have to help to and babysit. Thing about me, i dont like kids. I'm 23, and i feel young af too play a role model. Shit, i could barely take care of myself. The kid isn't TOO annoying, but he does interfere with our sex life a lot.

I guess it's being selfish. But because being a dad isn't something you can take back next week. Especially with a large move (across the us)

It's a package deal. Take it or break it off.

You're a twat too.
Either you want the long term relationship or not. If you do, man up to her reality. She has a kid. Period. What is she gonna do with him?
Do you want her to feel worse about being a single mom than she already does?

Quit being a faggot

She comes and visits me ever so often. And same with me. With school and bills, shit gets a bit hectic.

>She has a kid.



Let's go away from the father of the child angle for this moment. What's the financial situation? Does she leech off of you?

Move on the kid isn't going away

Keep fucking her until you find someone without a kid.

I've never demeaned her for being a mother. Shit, she's 10x the hardworker i am. Fuck Sup Forums making me feel like a selfish prick... maybe i should man the fuck up. It's just hard imagining being a role model when i kind of didn't have one either (raised by mom only) but then again, i never needed dad. But it would of been nice. I'm fucking conflicting with myself internally lmao

I know that feeling. I was nineteen when my daughter was born, and I was IN COLLEGE. I had a job and went to school, my gf got pregnant and I made a decision. I do night courses now that my daughter is in primary school, because I want to be better and be educated as well. You're right, though, being a dad, even a step dad isn't something you can just change your mind about. Talk to your girlfriend, if she's not unreasonable she'll understand it's a big decision. Also remember, if it's your dream to go to school and graduate, but you feel like this girl is worth it, what's two years hold until the kid goes to school himself? If it's a real goal you'll be back on it in no time, I was.

>maybe i should man the fuck up.

Nope. I spoiled her a lot, but she was reluctant. When i went back to school, sh did her best to help me out, no questions asked. But if i did that move, financially, we would be tight.

>She has a kid. And i don't like kids
Walk away, son.
That's your deal breaker, cuz she ain't leaving the kid behind.
Also, the sex will slow down, she's trying to snare you.

Look. I'm not saying you should be OK with taking this kid in. At all. I wouldn't be.

But that doesn't matter because the kid is there. Period. There's no way around it and there's no point making her feel bad about it.

You don't love that bitch you just want the pussy. If you aren't going to accept her kid, end it. There's no point in making people miserable because you are areond them. Also kys cuck for fucking used goods

"dating a single mom is like playing somebody else's saved game"

This. You're absolutely delusional if you think this will work out in the end.

Find someone that matches all of what you want, not some of what you want.

Damn. That was an option. She did suggest to wait 2 years for the move so he can go to kindergarten, but. It's 2 years. It would have to be determined on trust and will at that point.

Never raise someone else's child. You get taxed enough to do that already.

Thats just the thing. SHE'S all i want. Literally the dream girl. I'm Mexican, and it's hard to hook up with white girls lol. Idgaf if she's been fucked by someone else. Who hasn't, and the whole kid thing, I've fucked milfs, ain't nothing wrong with that.

Single mom still detected.

I can like someone without being responsible for their poor life choices.

The kid isnt his, to say that he absolutely has to fill the roll of fucking father just to be with this chick is a fucking dumb and selfish expectation.

I dont make you wipe my ass after i take a shit. I dont have to fill a father role just because you were irresponsible and had a child with someone else.

The kid comes with the package, and if you don't feel ready for that, that's fine man. 23 is pretty young and there's nothing selfish about wanting to finish school or not wanting to take care of a kid. It's not an easy choice. To be honest, even if you love her, you're still pretty young and there's a good chance you'll meet someone else you'll also love who doesn't have a kid or who is even better for you. Or maybe not. Life is a gamble. But just avoid doing anything you'll regret.

Look at it like this. You agree, you wait the two years (remember you get like $2k back in taxes for supporting a kid, which you will have access to if you share finances fully. You can also claim the child as a dependent on your own W4, resulting in a milder income tax), go back to school when the kid is at school himself. If it ends up not working out, you guys break it off and you get back to it anyway. I will say, though, because I'm not a completely wide-eyed idealist, to be careful not to get her pregnant yourself. Like take steps to prevent it.
Being a dad is easy. Do stuff with the kid, teach them good life skills, be stern but not a dick.

I guess I'll play it through for now. I got some time before the decision comes up, but recently I've been asked about it repeatedly by friends and close family. It sucks saying, i don't know.

Dude, there is more than just this one chick out there and not all of them make poor irresponsible life choices and have kids.

Yep. Taxes do sound swell. Alright. I'll play it through. Plus, she pretty crazy, i might be able to convince her to let me steam us online sometime. "We're into public shit" and that has always been on my bucket list

Yeah that kid's going to be a financial burden. Not to mention if you ever want to have kids of your own. You give up a piece of your life when you move in with someone. You give up an even bigger piece of your life when you have a child. Be very careful. If you don't want to be a father just tell her. She's better of knowing now than knowing when you move it or when you inevitably kick her out. And then what? "Oh user I left my place to be with you. Can I atleast stay here for x months till I can get my feet back on the ground?". It's also better for you.

"What should I do? Pic related: her"

Have you tried plastic surgery?

True. Dont think i haven't considered it. So I'll take her 2 year plan. If i do end up falling for someone at that time, I'll make a decision then.

Of doesn't suck at all. I'm the user saying to for it, mind, but this isn't a small decision, and you should really take your time making it. I was a young father, I'm having fun with it, and I'm still pursuing my goals. It's not for everyone, though. Really think it through. She'll understand if you're taking time to think about it.

I was afk for a while before hitting that so I was unable to read the updates.

Best of luck OP. Hope you find your answer in those 2 years. Don't feel obligated to push through just because you feel like you owe it to them. But at the same time don't be a douche about it. Open communication in the 2 years will be key.

Only one parent or guardian can claim a child on their taxes. Only one person is going to get that big chunk for the child.

Cuck alert

Thanks Sup Forums for the talk. I could think straight now.

Guess who it will be? Haha.

Dude just fucking dump her. Are you just fucking codependent now and afraid that if you break up you won't have a sex slave on command anymore?

We would share assets. she used the money for our 2 plane tickets coming up. She's not selfish financially

>What should I do?
Either figure out how to enjoy being a stepdad, or break up with here. There aren't any other options here. It's not like she can just get rid of the kid to be with you.

It doesn't matter who receives the tax credit if they share finances, which I mentioned. Only one parent can claim the child when they file at the end of the year, but on your W4, both parent/guardians can claim a dependant if they support the child financially.

Nah. I'm pretty sure i can, but sex isn't the only thing i like, she's a fucking nerd like me, can cook, is nice, funny, and blah blah blah. Read the first post. I tell the girl i love her because shit's more than just sex now

Is this going to be your first time living with her for a prolonged period of time? Cause fuck. People can change real fast when they don't have prep time to put on their faces.

Yeah. She didn't take kindly to the, "let your mom take care of him" jokes. She knows I'm indifferent about it. Last time we spoke, she made it clear to me that there would be no hard feelings against me if I don't want to step up to the role of step Dad.

Nah, we lived together for half a year, granted not too long, but not much changed (except dealing with the kid of course)

Want the woman? Take the kid too. Thats it and that all it will ever be. Try and find a common interest with the kid and build a bond with him. Sit down and watch his favorite shows with him, sneak him some cookies when mom says no. Some shit like that.

Kids are annoying no matter if they're yours or not. Make a go of it op!

Don't fucking come to Sup Forums for life advice first of all. Second of all you don't even know what you want, but judging by your attitude I know I really wouldn't want a faggot man child like you for a step father. Like it or not the kid is part of the package. No offense intended just bants bud.

>he posts after not reading a thread full of fairly sound advice from both sides

Jesus you're a fucking grape

>end up falling for someone at that time
Yeah, she's just your fucking safety cushion. Don't be a fucking douchebag to this woman.

Grape reporting for duty. I got work in eight hours and haven't slept I gotta skim like I skim your dad's cum off your mom's vaginal canal with my tongue to prevent your conception. That's right it's me... Doc.

That's why i asked Sup Forums. user is brutal af and will tell it like it is. You get the best of both worlds on these threads.

And i don't blame you. Like i said multiple times, jumping into a father role is hard. I stand by my thoughts, it's hard, but regardless, i do love her. If she's giving up a lot for me, maybe i should to

I second this. This is the type of shit women do man don't act like a fucking woman. If you think you can do better you can do better. Just remember there might be no turning back.

Post vid

Well dude, I'm not trying to be, but a long distance relationship is bs. I Don't know what 2 damn years have in store for me. What if she cheats. What if i do? Then if it happens, it's not meant to be, and i don't want to lie to her about it. Shit, I'm not looking for a different candidate, but shit hits the fan without you noticing at times

Sounds like you have some very insightful and mature introspective. But seriously/b/ is all either people ill equipped to give advice or spergeru like me. There are nuggets of goodness here and there I will admit. I really think you would consult close friends or family that you know aren't dysfunctional and fucked in the head if you haven't yet.

It's a decision on your part. If you consider it a possibility then you're probably not that into her, or have low ethical values. Honestly if you're ALREADY thinking of cheating that's a flag. It may just be anxiety speaking but that's definitely not a good thought.

Are you particularly anxious?

I have. Don't get me wrong. But mom says, "school first" sis says, "do what you want" friends say, "if she makes you happy do it". So it's a generic answer with them.

Nah. I'm not an anxious person, and i haven't thigh about cheating on her. But like i said, me right now and me 1 year from now are most likely gonna be different.

I don't know man. I don't know. We're playing out the scenarios but at the end of the day we won't know how shit plays out. How exactly is she with other men? Does she have a lot of guy friends. There is the stereotype that a single mom puts out more to grab a guy.

Yes, she has more guy friends than girl friends. But i literally know them all. They're all fucking betas that think girls like them because they say hi to them. I haven't thrown the possibility out that it could become an issue, but if it did, she would be fucking herself over if i ever found out.

I feel you bro, guess this is one of those things. Man blazing his own path and such. Just try to approach this with as much pragmatism as possible. Don't consider the sex and the white girl fantasy so much. There are plenty of white sloots who love beaners. Try to consider this from a more practical perspective like "can I live with his person and her child". "is this the right thing for me". "am I using her as a fallback bitch". "do I truly love her". "Am I comfortable living with the additional responsibilities of relationship with my now local GF and her child". "is op a faggot". "am I really ready to settle into something long term"

>is op a faggot
Op is always a faggot.

I ask myself that everyday. Sometime i wake up wanting nothing but her, and other days i questioning myself more about the future. Shit is scary. But then i think about shit like, last night she crocheted a scarf for me while i was playing MTG with friends.

Be the beta and raise someone else's mistake.

What format? She sounds nice dawg but I really can't say.

Simple kill the kid

Faggot detected. Caring for children that aren't your own is fine in my book so long as you birth your own as well. I'd take in an orphan so I don't see what's wrong with getting a little pussy on the side. Refusing orphan faggot. Every situation is unique not everyone is a cuck. And no I'm not an orphan or an orphan raising faggot cuck.

Standard. Had a small tournament with friends for boosters, but everything got fucked when it started raining and a car blew the fuck up a little down the street.

Yeah, I'm convinced i have to give it some time before i make the big decision.

If you love her and want to be with her user you'll also have to learn to live with the kid. A child is a big commitment and if you don't accept that but still stay with this girl then you're going to need to learn to love that kid.

If you can't love her and everything that comes with her, then I would not recommend moving in with her.

Yeah that's the other thing. I do want my own kid. After I'm done with school and get a good job. But doubt that be hard on a 8-10 year old?

Just continue talking to ppl about it. Also try taking five-ten deep breaths exhale slowly and controlled through your gay cock sucking mouth and write down all the things your ideal woman would have. And as if you were on a sinking boat, throw off anything unnecessary for your ideal woman. what results you are left with. Compare against her and see what you get. Also try not to compare these traits TO her during this exercise and think of more your ideal sex robot perfect wife and I mean husband because you're gay.

Single children can be faggots. I think generally, in a functional household multiple children really make a positive impact on a child's morality and human interaction. 8-10 yrs is a large gap but I don't think it'll take you that long to plant your seed in her if you find you want to marry her. By that age if you raise him right he'll be a great rolemodel and companion for your son.

I had two brothers and I'm a massive faggot though


Tbh. That sounds fucking gay. Not a bad idea, but i was never the type to do those kind of exercises to focus. I can tell you right off the bat that this girl is literally my trait list. But baggage is a real bitch. I'm just worried about the parenting, not the girl.

Faggot express just came into station CHOO CHOO. Nice gay faggot container on wheels there... What are you, a Jew?

>But that kid is annoying as fuck. But she's really cute, and loves sex a lot.

Yeah I'm worried about the age gap myself. I think being older would make me think a bit more maturely about the situation than now (at least i hope) but I'm also afraid that i would prefer a mud over another. I dont want to be a faggot to my kids. Fuck adulting.

I was ten when may little sister was born and it never really phased me whatsoever.

Did piss me off at 16 cause my parents always fucking assumedthey had a fucking baby sitter/ taxi cab driver for the little shit

Aesthetics my friend. I stand with what i said. I think the kid is annoying. Lol shoot me.

I could tell. She has little brothers, and the 13yo is literally the babysitter for the 5yo. He doesnt like it. Though hopefully, finance won't be a problem at that time

Well it's gay but fuck you. Also that shit does make a difference. You'd be surprised how much muscle tension that noticeably alleviates. Also get into modem is more competitive and fun and cooler and betterer. Anyway I see what you're saying with your dicklips and all. It's a huge decision and it's mature of you to be deliberating over this so much. Good that you have the introspection to know yourself and the potential implications here. Anyway man I got work in a few hrs I gotta head off here I wish I could chat more but I'm off into the cosmos. Love you buddy pray about the issue if you have faith and if not you'll find your way I'm sure. You seem thoughtful enough to not fuck up. Also you're a faggot. Don't feel bad though. I have an incredibly strong and unexplainable attraction to a lesbian coworker so I'm infinitely more CUCKED.

only 3 , come on, you can educate him and make him nice ! ... WHERE IS THE VIDEO !!

you lived with her for half a year and then she took off and got pregnant and now you're taking her back?

what the fuck....

I wouldn't do it but the kid needs a dad

I always am paranoid I'll have a daughter and become sexually attracted to her in adulthood. I feel like I'd off myself. How do brothers not get attracted to their sisters once they're mature? I have never had a female sibling so the idea of it creeps me the fuck out. Not trying to be weird just help a nigga out.

Lmao thanks. You're probably the biggest faggot here for giving thoughtful advice in Sup Forums. I guess being a faggot is contagious you cuck. Thanks for the advice. I'll have a talk with her later today, and if sonething crazy happens, I'll follow up with Sup Forums.

Lmao it's a 30 sec. Gif.

no dude. it sounds like you're fucking the kid.

Yep. That's exactly what happened user.

Also, checked trips

This is "Should I be a beta and raise another man's kid" the thread.

Your a cuck to another man and your wondering if it's worth it because of good sloppy seconds. I'd say you got your answer cuck boy. Raise the kid and fuck the dumb slut. Resign yourself to the life of a beta boy.

No way in hell id wife that shes fugly