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>the great weeb war of 1999



Crazy watching it over and over again seeing different people die from shrapnel and shit.

Die hoars :D


Cheers user!

> liveleak.com/view?i=a0f_1491495235

Nigger kid at the end is laughing.

that was israel

Muslims blow everything up

It was? I assumed it was russia because of the writing and the ak

god damn piece of shit nigger

those broken legs...


there it goes again with the random thumbnail







Off to the glue factory!

"He was a pillar of the community, and had a bright future."


>>die from shrapnel and shit

Damn, I didn't know they put shit in those bombs. Gross.


"he was such a good boy"
which war is this from???


Did he die gagging on dicks

i still wonder the story behind this. why would someone do it and why would someone else photograph it

"he would of had such a bright future"

Whats happening there? Does he shoot the street?

yesus that bull stuck the horn through the throat and out the nose

turnicate that mofo


I'm not sure I've ever seen anyone that actually seems to be killed by the bull before, so thanks for that user.

"it's you're not your." one little typo and thats what happens.

poor bull is defending itself humans are turds

Does who shoot the street? he was shooting at someone then the cops shot him

sometimes i wonder whats the point of the replay.. 'yes, i know. we just watched it.' but this time it was 'oh my god it ripped his face completely open'

snapped his neck too according to the source

during WW2 some of the Japs used to do this...sickos...they are indeed obsessed about their tiny weiners


sick bastards that need to die

oh gee, ya think?

female asian driver? or no brakes wut

And why should any stupid idiot post it...

No the miracle was real. He really could fly. Just have faith in Muhammad.


No fucking shit genius. Got any other obvious facts you want to point out?

I have no idea about this one, would love to find the source myself

He was down. Why did they shoot?

god damn, the pocket check at the end; fucking niggers lol

It appears that he had a gun on him and was trying to use it. Look closely.


mmmm hooked three today
yum yum yum yum yum

keked at that filename

One dead, three others wounded. Waste of an explosive.

Ah yeah. Looks like he has a gun in his hand

beautiful, this bull really knows how to fuck up someone

Fair enough. Really strange video.

just pretending to be stupid to derive humour? thats even more retarded. you're still a fucking idiot.

poor horsie :(

>Damn, I didn't know they put shit in those bombs. Gross.
Uhh they actually do. Remember the Boston marathon bombing? It was widely reported they filled their bombs with nails, glass, etc. What wasn't said so much was how they put their own shit in them. They wanted it to infect peoples wounds.

He was getting his keys back.
His friend wouldnt let him drive because they were drinking.

Plus, he was a nigger

kek holy shit, wasn't expecting that. I wonder what the story behind that one is

Can someone explain to me what the fuck is this thread?

yum yum yum yum yum yum

>Does he shoot the street?
Yup, first shot looks like it might have been somewhere close to on target, then he kills the road a few times before the cops light him up.

what the fuck is this?

it's called a rekt thread friend, basically people getting fucked up on camera
Mere bullets cannot stop The Crimson Chin

just gtfo, nf

Superman went on holiday to the middle east, some dumbfuck took a shot at him when he was out for an evening stroll.


Im gonna go ahead and play devil's advocate here, but why are mods happy for pictures like this but CP is instaban+fbi? Surely this is worse than the emotional trauma of sexual contact.

tl;dr why is kiddie fiddling seen as worse than kiddie beating/killer?


is it the true power granted to those who believe in allah?

thats what rust is like

Whoever edited these needs to be beheaded.


It's got nothing to do with what is worse and everything to do with liability and federal law

That's a good question. I guess it's because it's illegal to posses cp but not pictures like ops

Mmmm delicious!

*sigh* you're not helping your case. at least you love yourself.

>has never heard of a "dirty bomb"

You're so new.



sauce ?
I find it very satisfying to watch this fat fuck suffer from his indulgences

anyone have that video of the dude who thinks there is a camera in his eye?


found one

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?


A dead Negro is a well-behaved, law-abiding civil Negro. Promote Negro civility.