Post kik sloots names, share wins

Post kik sloots names, share wins

Uptight milf type Brit


Disconnected, unfortunately

SoRPhie - My sister, see what you can get

tjencojr send whatever..I'm bored


friskykitten34 it's her Snapchat, but she loves attention, let see what you can get

ejackson1212. has bf but total slut


Sounds like underage, otherwise no reason to sell it so hard


"Femininst" whore into beastiality with a rape fantasy who loves being degraded

stop posting her she doesnt give nudes

all your doing is being a dick

She is 18 almost 19

OP obviously fucking hates her. I feel bad for her.

she is a sweet person who deserves better

doesnt reply


It's cause I was working on her

good luck then

any update?




Probably a "nice guy" that got mad she didn't put out for him. Hope they track and arrest him.




Any with face?

She must like it or she'd change her kik

maybe she has had the same kik for years
and has friends she enjoys talking too
and doesnt want to delete it due to creep neckbeards who have never talked to a real women before

Any progress my guy?

No updates, she's probably caught on

How did you start with her? Send her a shirtless pic?


She's gonna call the cops on you lol

Person who keeps posting her is a girl. The girl is so boned.

I just sent a shirtless picture of me because my usually stellar opener didn't get a read. She rated me 8 and then I proceeded to self sabotage myself accidentally because I'm retarded and now it's just on delivered. Oh well, you live and you learn.

Nevermind, it's a he.

Dick pic followed by "how's this angle" then whatever's on screenshot


closet sissy faggot sleeps with his own father and other married men, has sucked dick for meth

She would have already done it. I still think she likes it.

sucking off his dad

god your a fucking creep




Newtoon2 fat whore


any luck?





Genietehkexin dp should tell you enough about her


here's a dumb lesbian sloot to humiliate and degrade. Nicolesaccount

i may have fucked up with a grill bois

what one?

Confidential information at this time. She'll most likely be back.

posting ex-gf's pic before she got married to another man
her kik used ot be JessLim89 before she blocked me..

Why bar the eyes

because it was edited way back when she was together at the time..

post kik name if keen to chat about gfs

So how does this Work? They get messages from strangers and they're cool with it?


Biguglymonster she sent this easily but then shut me down fast

I like bitch that Share her nudes


Used to chat with her then it phased out. Has a bf but likes the attention


I like how she pretends to act surprised that people are randomly messaging her. her kik has been posted here for so long


most of them fucking hate it to be honest
people just dont learn and keep posting the same names because they are sad about being turned down

As someone who has been posted here a lot, it's always still a bit of a surprise unless I have like 10 people messaging me, and even then I still have to figure out where they're coming from and stuff

more of that lol

you got posted here alot ?

that must be annoying

Let me send you my dick. Post kik

and do u like dick pics or dont u?


god you guys are pathetic

what r u fuckin autist expecting on Sup Forums?
are u severly retarded or baiting u fuckin reddit kike?

god she got so was fun

Who wants more of her nudes

you messaged her?
well you tell her i just hope she choosed to marry the right guy after all despite me treating her the best and all. her husband aint a good guy, thats for sure

a friends name or sth?

It really is.


I don't

considering you posted her kikname on the internet
your not a good guy
your just a prick who cant handle rejection

More of her face?

whats the lamest pickup line you have gotten
and do you troll with the people who message you

Someone can cum in this pic for more of her nudes


i am not a messenger dude.i was just having fun.she got really angry about invading her privacy.



Cute lil dyke with a tight ass

i have more if needed

Definitely can't be my pickup line.

Any more?
