What went wrong?

what went wrong?

That was a sick game.

he missed the forced draw in game 10, he fucking had it in his pocket the cheeky slav

too slow


Why does this dude dress like an old NYC Jewish man in the 1930s?


he had the win and could have forced draws all along

he was also fucking slow

Rapid format is trash tier for short attention spam niggers.

As much as I enjoyed watching the games, and as much as I'm happy Magnus won, I have to agree with you.

It doesn't make sense for a Classical match to be decided by Rapid games.

Why is he dressed like a vicar?

Why aren't we all dressed like vicars?

He didn't deserve the title frankly speaking because he admitted that he even didn't see that forced draw.

Also, was it game 9 that he had a chance to actually win but didn't see that variation either?
Carlsen did all see those lines atleast.

It was never about Karjakin winning or not, but just about whether Carlsen could keep his shit together.

i agree, and so does magnus in fact. rules are rules, but they will be changed, i'm almost certain.

not enough autism

>Orthodox Brother
>successful with women, married twice
> good looking
> socially apt

Nothing went wrong. He will reclaim the title

Magnus is the King; no one could have beat that shit.
No, my 20th century friend. That's just a cop-out. The truth of the matter is that while we both know that Sergey has the power to win Magnus also has to power to win AND the power to not lose.
When you understand, you shall know.

vicar in a tutu

How did he win the candidates? How did 7 other people fuck up so hard?

>> good looking
as seen in this and other photos

>>successful with women, married twice

>successful with women
choose one

you can only post in this thread if......

here ya go, no that's not Rafael Nadal - that's Sergey!

>karjakin lost so he must have played bad
he played well, both here and in candidates.

Realistically who can stop Magnus now?

i can

pyotr svellskan

check your 2018 bracket

A pigeon.


No one any time soon people say Wei Yei is coming but for him too it will take 3-4 years and then also it will be a uphill task.

Carlsen's boredom can stop him the most tb.h.

There is no Goat tactical player like Tal today who can counter the positional play.


He can do it.

Oh man, it's over now.

No more chess fun.

This sucks desu