I paid $40 for this. Did i get ripped off?

I paid $40 for this. Did i get ripped off?

>double dubs decides

Other urls found in this thread:


Nah, he seems like a chill lizard.

You tell us mister triples

lizarddoggos are good doggos.

are you fucking memeing? what the fuck is double dubs

Those lizards are common as fuck. You got major ripped off.

dude thats a super common lizard if you live in the south you can grab one of the wall outside your house you got ripped off bad

it's a lizard.


You're using American money so you got ripped off when it comes to life.

Kill yourself.


Because Leafy is trash.

What makes you say that? He's informative and funny.


Neither are true. Literally all he does is make fun of random people. I'm glad Niggerfaggot destroyed him.


>idubbbz fan
Litearlly all he does is make fun of random people, open boxes and say offensive shit.

I'm not a personal fan of his, but he doesn't attack anybody personally and I like his business model. Leafy bullies someone then his fans target them afterwards. Fucking the person over for probably a good long while. If your youtube channel thrives on negativity then it's a bad channel.

He is agains it, read descriptions of his videos.
He has to be mean to keep the act up, it's satire.

>being this new

those faggots sneak into my house all the time, ill sell them to you at $30 a pop.

He doesn't actually care, he puts that in the description just so he can say he does. Do you really think people listen to that? If he actually cared then he would make more of an effort to explain a joke.

it's dubs you moron

*To explain it's a joke* Sorry, tired.

He was saying that to OP
Who has Trips
You moron

>to explain a joke.
If you have to explain a joke, it's not funny.

no shit faggot OP has dubs


>He doesn't actually care
Prove it
>Do you really think people listen to that?
When was the last time something bad happened because of him? Exactly.

It's common sense. Why are you defending him? What does he do that's positive? What could you possibly like about his content?

>It's common sense.
Not an argument
>Why are you defending him?
Why are you attacking him?
>What does he do that's positive?
He makes funny videos

>He makes funny videos
Not an argument.
>Why are you attacking him?
Because he has no talent.

Like I said, thriving on negativity is a terrible premise for a youtube channel. Only children think making fun of someone is entertaining. GTFO underage.

He's cute. Keep and cherish forever.

Feed it tiny crickets and love it forever. Clean its terrarium mulch every other week by scooping out the gross bits, and change the mulch once a month. Keep a shallow dish of distilled waters so he can enjoy it and also drink. Have some nice sticks and rocks for him to climb, too.

Also, please hold him more gently.

Dude, you can find these in any back yard during the summer.

Go put your glasses on, m8

Not even to mention all of his videos are literally the same with different people. Clickbait titles and thumbnails. Sometimes his fans release personal contact information of some of the people he has "roasted", fucking them over. His fans have literally made death threats towards them as well. Considering 98% of his fanbase is children, he is a terrible role model and he teaches kids to be mean to each other.

They are on. The fuck is your problem?

I am legitimately convinced that the two faggots arguing about YouTube channels in this thread are underage, and underage by a lot. Can we get some help from the mods?
>Or you fuckers better show some I.D.

it's satire
Failed quads.

Like this person said
If you have to explain a joke, it's not funny.

Why do you think I am underage? I just dislike Leafy and this faggot pissed me off defending his shitty channel.

This is now a shitty youtuber thread.
Did you guys know he beats his kid?

If not underage, then definitely autistic. Show some ID instead of getting defensive, don't even need a face just the age part will do.
>Also more convinced that it's the fucker you're arguing with that's underage than you, but the sudden defensiveness on your part is making me believe otherwise.

Because there is no reason that you should think that I am underage. Is it because I am arguing with someone over the internet? Is it the way I say things?

Who is that? I've never heard of him.

Fat middle aged man complaining about feminists ruining magic the gathering.

"funny" political videos

lol. Sounds like quality content.


Those things are all over my deck during the summer.

Simple little anoles.

Come to SC and they're free everywhere, just have to avoid redneck dumbfucks everywhere