State your job, salary, and age. I'll start:

State your job, salary, and age. I'll start:

Chef at Wendy's
$12.50 hourly
25 years old

chef at Dunkin Donuts

Sheetrocker/Carpenter/General Labor
10$ Hour tax free

Are these wages good to live on????

CSA at Wawa

not really. $15+ is usually lowest you can live on in half-decent area apartment

Baker's Delight

Space AeroEngineer
$60 an hour
18 years old

Sysadmin (installs Adobe Reader).


must be nice

Congrats on the raise wendybro, it used to be like 8,75 no?

CAAT agent at Capital One (essentially a floor waking help desk for phone agents. Hard to describe by title alone)


With night shift differential, $20 an hour

Chef at CIA
14 yrs

Laid off Oil Worker
~$2000/month Employee Insurance

>$12.50 hourly

You got a raise? Yesterday it was 9.50

Father's business soon to be 2nd generation

Retired night stocker
$1,200/mo Social Security.

alberta 2bh

why do you get to make $2000/month doing nothing while i can only make $1000/month full time...

IT Solutions Architect for an ISP

Male escort $800-1000 a day

Yea. Wbu?

Are your clients male or female? And if it's a mix of both, do men pay more?

Chef at Carls Jr.
$14.50 hourly
25 years old

Sr. Software Engineer at Snap Inc
$230.000 / year

Chef at KFC
$ 16,50 hourly
25 years old

Trash Engineer, Ray's Trash $100k yr.

Doctor- 5000$ India

Art Director

Darn, you burgers earn little.

Public bus driver/instructer
32 yo

Nuclear Plant Engineer, 3$ hour, 25, Spain.

Ink technician
£20,000 annually

Bitcoin Investor
$14.000 / week

Janitorial Specialist $42 hr. plus benefits

Ford motor company
19.50 an hour

In year?

Software Engineer at Booz Allen Hamilton
25yrs old

Waiter at Retirement Home

You have to live in SF or can you spend all of that on rent?

"Financial analyst" (quotes because it's not the good kind)

Pastor/molester $7.25 hr plus benefits

Atleast its £

Vape Store Manager
Couldn't say hourly, but $1,500 to $4,000 monthly (after taxes, paying staff, store shit, etc.)

It technician

I switched after an unsuccessfull attempt at social (unssuccesfull because you get paid shot and have to go into a ton of debt to do it).

I wish i'd fallen for the stem meme years ago, i would have a house and significantly less debt.

Yep in a year, 2 years out of med school, 25(m)

Because he made 8k working

Biomedical engineer
I get free latex gloves

Yeah, but remember, we have muh 2nd ammendment, muh freedumbs, muh free market

It's embarassing how little we respect ourselves. Americans would rather be poor as long as they convinced themselves that they're a light dab of elbow grease away from being a millionaire.

Operating Engineer. $36 & change/hr. 40yr old.

chemical lab worker (too lazy too look up the correct translation, can be quite compicated)
3k/month before taxes, 1.9k after

Verizon Sales rep
11.00 an hour/Unlimited commision.
20 years old.

27 yrs old

Sup Forums data miner
$100-1000 a day

todays going to be a good day thanks everyone

Infantry Soldier in the idf
about 450$ a month


im a job, age and salary

Engineering student

If not troll, can i ask some info, like education/training? Ive thought more and more about trying out data mining but ive heard it requires top level math/stats knowledge or phd, etc. Whats the real story? Can some or most of the fundamentals and practical skills be self taught?

Private investor

This month, about a $3hr


$14-$20/h (I get placed on different sites frequently and the wage depends on where I am working)

President of everything
infinity an hour/$

Log data tech for microsoft data center
21$ an hour
25 y/o

You're a 7/11?

Janitor/Custodian for [city name here]
13.38/hr, 14 in a month or so

Fuck, forgot age

30 per hour
29 years old


Fuck you and fuck your unions. You get paid as much as a cop who saves lives and undergoes years of rigerous training. Meanwhile you and your 2.5 gpa and english degree get paid 30 to cuck vulnerbale youths and push SJW agenda. I know plenty of veterans who would like to get paid that much.

Suck it fag boy.

>years of rigorous training

my sides


Heavy equipment mechanic

Americans are just stupid and one of the worst working countries in the world. They just have an 'good' economy because they exploit their own country Hardcore since 250 years. And other countries which want to drop the Dollar or habe oil. Otherwise they would have 3rd world economy and 95% labour Slave worker

I know really nice murricans. But they are so fucking brainwashed and their politics is so fucked up

You like torturing muslims?

Wow so this is how you treat a veteran? I busr my ass on two tours and put my life on the line so a burger flipper and a kindergarten teacher can insult me? Jesus, this is what's wrong with america.

Crew member at Round Table Pizza
$11 hourly

$35 per hour
27 years old

> training
Pew pew pew ... There is nothing worse trained than an US cop

I just detect here butthurt uneducated guy which is envy in people actually using their brain for money

Roblox server admin
1,000,000,000 per hour
0.000768527 years old

Listen, there is nobility in blue collar work. The economy is shot because of people who don't vqlue yheir work no amount of education can teach you the same thing that rolling up your sleeves and busting your ass and sweating for 12 hrs can.

Catastrophic insurance adjuster

In office $34/hr + any overtime I want

In field major catastrophe averages about $7,000 a week but generally last only 2-4 months at a time

30 yrs old

ADT Installer

Cyber Security Engineer

You're not a chef.

graphic designer
40k a year
23 years old

things could be worse

I never noticed this before but the logo's collar looks like it's spelling out "mom"

Head chef White castle

Diagnostic radiologist, partner in private practice group.

$600-800K per year, depending on how much debt we're carrying for new scanners.


Permanent disability. 1300 every 14 day. 28 years old.

Literally started working at my father's construction company today, did t ask about pay, but due to minimum wage laws and tariffs I'm looking at 15$+ and hour

I'm 18

You speaking about work which an robot can do too. You are just cheaper than a robot otherwise all those people were jobless.

How much do you typically make with commission a Month?

ATM tech
$32 hour

no job (student)
2k in savings

Senior advisory systems specialist
App. 200k USD


Teachers are literally the backbone of society, in the developed worlds

They influence nearly everyone that becomes an adult. They're the ones that teach them most of what they know. They damn well should be paid decent wages.

not using "YOU'RE"
nice way to ruin a meme
fucking NIGGER

eSports Redactor
1800 PLN/month

President of the United States
70 years old