Would you consider getting muscle implants?

Would you consider getting muscle implants?

if they looked as awful as those, no

Guy looks better before

No, just go to the gym you fat piece of shit.

Women get breast implants because they can't just magically grow boobs without getting fat. Men can just work out and get muscles. So there is no fucking point to having fake muscles. Stop being a pussy and get some real ones. Fucking betas

muscle implants are more pathetic than having no muscle

said no female ever

No, because that is fucking gay.

KEK. That isn't even same guy. Don't believe everything you see straightaway. Or did he magically had to after the implants?

Is that literally just fat sculpted like muscle?
I'm going to be sick...


no and I would never date someone who has breast implants

Very few guys can get the super-defined 6 pack or 8 pack by just working out. Most male models with these work out but the sharp comic book super hero definition comes from surgery and cosmetic artistry

Fucking this. People have talked about Ryan Reynolds having abdominal implants for forever

Just work out

As a dude who works out 3-4 days a week, I can honestly say. Go fuck yourself. Muscles are a statement, they say I give my all to look like I do, to feel how I feel and there is nothing you can do to fake it. fake muscles always look fake and they can't change the fact, that you're still a lazy piece of shit.

>implying you'd ever have that choice

even worse than breast implants. what kind of a piece of shit would want that?

you are retarded. every man is capable of having perfect sculpted abs and the such, have you seen African and South American tribes? they are fucking ripped. know why? because they are outside every fucking say hunting or fucking around eating natural food, while people in America sit around all day at work eating fat sugary fucking foods all day then go home and sit around the rest of the day eating fat sugary fucking foods. quit being retarded

manlet detected

tard detected
you need very low bodyfat% to have a 6pac doesn't have much to do with working out.

No, you could get muscles like that in a couple of months, even with little effort.

Fuck, you must be the definition of stupid. It's 40% working out and 60% nutrition. Talking about actors a bit juice from time to time

I got them. They're great. Best decision I ever made. Do should definitely do it.

Eat well
Boom, six pack

No I'd rather just work out for like 5 hours a week

Must be the Africans in all the gay porn you watch. All the Africans in my National Geographic are either scrawny or fat-ass.

Nah, it's vain and stupid. I probably would get the plastic surgery if I was really unhappy with how I look, but I prefer hitting the gym, and slowly getting ripped while also getting stronger, correcting my posture and you know... doing something from time to time.

Since my only "beauty" problem is that I'm a 5'7 manlet I'm probably never going to get any plastic surgery.

wow. you really can't argue with stupid. I didn't even say anything about working user, I said the reason we don't have and is because of our fucking lifestyles of sitting on our asses all day long and eat foods high in FATS and SUGARS, which contributes to having a high% of body fat, retard. also when I was 16 years old I had a good 20% body fat and still had perfect six pack abs. again I say try harder

yep, because those are in colonized countries where the white man took their fucking land and hunting grounds, then forced them onto uninhabitable lands where they couldn't fucking hunt or grow food or leave to live somewhere else, then they were plagued with white man sickness. quit being a so fu king stupid and open your eyes the information is out there

Yep, they look so amazing!

lol no, you gain nothing by doing that, just learn to workout and stick to it, it will change your life, you develop a better work ethic, a higher self esteem, a better body and overall feel better and experience better physical/mental health

Roids alert

Ah, gay and nigger

>learn how to workout

That's not how you spell "take tren" m8

> "me selfie.png"

Yeah alright, calm down you fat bastard.

Why though?
3 years of


3 years? You can do that in 6 months with a proper diet and basic cardio.

Thinking about doing that too, I don't want loose skin after weight loss, so I might just save up and get some sort of surgery in a few years

Start with a new haircut and Lasik.

That's a 2 month old pic, I chose it because it's my favorite selfie. I have a haircut right now and I have contacts for when I weld. Any good weight loss tips in the meantime to prepare for surgery.

You can get ripped abs easily by losing body fat. I'm a piece of shit with a desk job, but once my body fat percentage is low enough, my abs are clearly visible and well defined.

Adding muscle and losing the belly fat are two different issues, but neither is impossible. You just need to realize that you need to do both.

I dated a girl with fake tits. She's now my (first) ex-wife.

>20% body fat and still had perfect six pack abs
Where was this 20%? Did you have manboobs bigger than Hitomi Tanaka's? Did you look like the Michelin Man everywhere except your abs? What alternate universe did this take place in?

Try slightly more credible lies next time.


eugene? Seriously you look like someone who posted on blees thread

go be autism somewhere else

It's never Steven.

What it do steve

So welding makes someone autistic?

i never understood jumping jacks, what are they even good for?

No. I can workout for free and it looks better.

increase your aerobe capacity, lung volume

Abs are made in the kitchen, not at the gym.

i would choose the gay faggot before some douche with fake muscles.

Next to all the things all these anons are saying consider this:
How would they look after 10-20-30-40 years?
Even if they look "good" right after surgery. They probably wouldn't later. Your body changes around those things and can have weird looking consequences.

Warming up.

stamina and it can help you loose that fat you have.

No I would just work out.

everything about you screams rejection from women. kys.

end the suffering now.

Nope, That's not how muscles work. Lower your body fat, you'll see the muscles there. Lifting and doing shitups don't give you muscles, they lower body fat and highlight them.

>Sup Forums discussing how to train and achieve a certain look

fucking laughing my ass off tbh

same here. i don't even want to comment, one of these autismo's will lose their shit and try to prove themselves right about something, yet they've never been in a gym or been on a diet in thier life.

Agree, i just wish that people who dont know shit about any of this would just shut their mouth.

I get the majority of Sup Forums is probably gross and overweight, and that certainly sets the rule, but there's always exceptions.

I'm 6'2 180lbs. Not by any means model / bodybuilder, but I have defined muscles, a six pack and I'm not autistic. Or a virgin. It happens.

If that dude was doing roids he would be fucking enormous.

You're just not a fatass, doesnt make you special.

No carbs ever
Protein and veggies should be your best friend
Avoid sugar as much as possible
Don't eat a lot of fruit
Water no juice

You're biggest problem will be sugar. Don't buy into the fruit and juice is good for you, they are both full of sugar.

Also just start working out 5 days a week. It doesn't have to be super power workouts but you need to get in the habit of doing it.

It will take years to do but you will never get there if you don't start.

7 years a go I was 6'2" and 155 now I'm 195. The biggest hurdle was starting to workout.
You can do it user


Neither does being a shithead to people on the chan

women get breast implants because they are stupid bitches and judge each other on looks and they feel it's a way for them to make their female friends jealous

How was i being a shit head? lol

You're right
you're just retarded

The high blood pressure and body accustomed to sitting on your ass all day must be getting to your head.

When you were born they had to put you on a ventilator, not because anything was wrong with you just because you were to stupid to breathe

Why are you so angry?

>t. pissed off sedentary fatty

Muscles need constant attention. The kind of person who's lazy enough to get surgery for muscles is the also the kind of person who will lose all that muscle within a couple of months after the operation.

I'm not I'm fucking with a douchebag on this thread.

Im a douche for telling you uneducated idiots to keep your mouths shut about the topic of training and body composition, and that i told someone who has a 6pack and "defined" muscles as a result of food habits that arent shit is not special.

Got it

Just stop masturbating. the increased testosterone and your hormones being balanced will turn you in to a alpha.

>dont masturbate, become alpha


Yes calling people idiots and then spouting off about how eating right will magically give you defined muscles. Makes you a douchebag

You have to work out and eat right to gain muscle mass.

>from Sup Forums to /fit/ in 81 posts

>n... no homo

To all life rejects that want to change something, drop your meme farming for 1,5-2 h a day
read the sticky
work really fucking hard
starve a little
fall for all the memes
achieve perfection

Having low fat percentage so it doesnt fucking cover all of your muscle is the definition of DEFINED MUSCLE. If you dont have muscle to show for, too bad lol

I bet you cant even bench 315 kek

Why would you want to look strong if you're still weak as fuck

for girls xDDDD

Something tells me you don't workout at all. Benching that much weight is one hell of an accomplishment and people who have worked out for years cant do it.

> people who have worked out for years cant do it.

Got it in 2.5 years of training, along with a 540 deadlift and 485 squat. Probably wouldnt in 2.5 years of "working out" though

h/w age
press numbers

6'1, 250, 22, just over strict press 2pl8s.

impressive digits (double meaning here)

stay strong

I weigh 170 and bench 315 for reps. 23 years old been working out since 20


you guys are retarded, i'd grind my pussy on that washboard

Prove it

You tig welding? If not using AD makes you a bitch.

How tall are you?

t. 50 year old guy

Seriously, don't you need to be in bed right now?