Ask The Fucking 8 Ball

Ask The Fucking 8 Ball

will i ever fuck Taylor Swift?


Will my ex ever get back with me?

Should I dump her nudes?

Is OP a fag?

I was literally just about to post that.

am i hot as fuck?

will i be alone forever

sorry mate. i will think bout you when i will fuck TayTay

so ?

Should I suicide?

Does she like me?



Will my life ever get any better?

Is this eightball true?

I feel as though I am about to be wrecked.
Should I check myself?

are you gay

I hope that kid fucks Taylor swift.

Will I be forever alone ?

I have been wrecked. I should have done what Mr. Cube told me.

Asking again.

is whitney really an m&m?

Is there any way to get my ex back that doesn't involve using a gun?

What about with a gun?



Thanks 8 ball, guess I'll use the gun:D

Should I talk to her

should i get high

Well, can I pass ORACLE Java programming certificate?

Fuck yeah!

I hurt so bad inside, will it ever fucking stop?



will there be a terrorist attack with more then 1000 people death

is the meaning of life suffering?


W i go to P


damn wtf

should i die within 90 days?

stay home?


Does Elodie care about me ?

What should I name my daughter?

Is she single

Am i ever gonna get my dick sucked?

okay, I'll ask again, Am I ever getting my dick sucked?


Should I start a tard tales thread?

should i smoke some weed

Am I going to get this job I interviewed for?

>donut holes
they're called timbits

Will I pass my math test?


is this meme outdated?

fckn really?

does she love me

should i continue to pursue alex?


Asking again if this meme is outdated or not

will we fuck?

ok is there a difference between the long john and the maple bar

Will Kek deliver on pic related tonight?

Will I get sum S U C C?

Is she the one?


Will me and Amelia have sex tonight?

will i ever get to see my stepsister naked

Will everything be ok?

Are you telling the truth?

Is Trump being turned into a globalist kike?

will i get laid tonight at the bonfire?


Should I?

Will I get my dick sucked before summer?


Will I have my life in order by June 2017?

Will I stay home all night or go out tonight.

Should I just give up, go to sleep and not wait for the Rick and Morty torrent?

I said, from where I am right now, will June 2017 be a happier and prosperous time for me? Talking work career here.