Anybody want to get hypnotized?

Anybody want to get hypnotized?

It's about 15 minutes long and gives no permanent effects besides a suggestion that you'll be able to go under easier next time.

anyway, here it is, let me know how it goes if you try it.

Neat, gonna listen now

Awesome hope it goes well


That was actually quite relaxing. Thanks for the audio.

That was pretty cool op, I didn't think it would work but at the end of that countdown I was so relaxed and heavy, cool stuff

Glad you liked it, and thanks for trying

Same to you man, nice to see that it worked for you. It's definitely a neat sensation

Woah that was fucking crazy its like i had a 5 ton weight on my body.

same fag

I don't think so

Yeah the heaviness really gets people lol, this is your first time trying hypnosis?

you were hypnotized to think that

So, what was supposed to happen?

It made me poo cheers op

Ive tried it but its never actually worked like that it was so weird i couldnt feel anything but relaxation

I actually really enjoyed that.

Erm. More please?

It's basically a hypnosis session without a goal, or a sample of how it feels, where you were woken up would usually be the point where you're given suggestions to carry out. So if it went good you would have fallen into a light-medium trance.

Well that's something, cheers

Cool, looks like this one worked pretty well for whatever reason, you might actually find it easier to go under in the future.

I don't have anything else recorded but I could add you somewhere to figure out some more sessions.

i found some hypno audio back in the day some lady was saying that im a cow and i need milking and my cock needed milking

made me so hard and i almost came without touching my cock

anyone heard it too?


Nice one. I'll not put up an email on here but you can add me on steam, id is Bawsey

that's the first time I've had any hypnosis, wasn't feeling 100% of it but it was still really good, thanks for that user!


Cool, I'll add you in a bit

No problem, glad it went alright on your first try, thanks for giving it a go

Isabella Valentine? she was the biggest one back in the day depending on how long back in the day it was.

Can hypnosis fix depression?

I wouldn't rely on it, but it can help you change yourself, you still have to put in effort. Hypnosis can help you change things about yourself that you want to change or improve on, it's like a boost to willpower.

So no as a quick fix but yes in conjuncture with other methods of improving your situation, I'm also not a therapist so I'm not too knowledgeable about this type of hypnosis.

Was kind of skeptical about the whole hypnotism thing but that was actually really cool. Wasn't 100% but I feel like I was holding back quite a bit. Thanks Op

Glad you went ahead with it, it's a really nice experience if you let it happen, if you ever try it again it should work much better for you now that you've experienced a bit of it.

I guess I'll keep cutting my wrists until I become an astronaut.

Sorry user, just gotta wait for space travel