You back to your house after a long workday

you back to your house after a long workday.
see this.
what do?

Tuck them all in for a good night's sleep.

ask them why they are wearing hospital bracelets

Make them brush their teeth first. $10 says they didn't do it yet.


>See that
>Take a deep breath
>Oh well here go again...

That one on the right looks like she needs a good fucking. I'd tuck the other two in to bed.

Start explaining to them why Frog Girl is best girl.

That depends only on if I'm home alone OP.


>justo say "Good night girls"
>That's all

Take a pic and post it on Sup Forums asking:
"you back to your house after a long workday.
see this.
what do?"

Read to them from the Bible, make them get a shower, brush their teeth, and tuck them in.

Calling you stupid would be an insult to stupid people.

ask where I can get me a pepe tshirt too

>keep entering in Sup Forums knowing it

"the bible"

Ask these kids what the fuck they're doing in my house

MFW OPs IP is being added to every watch list out there

what the fuck get out of my bed. ive had a long day at work and im tired

that's pretty meta dude

me on the left

First, brainwash them into being lesbians.
Not into acting like lesbians, but legitimately having a romantic/sexual preference for girls.
Next, I'll begin their unauthorized CIA training.

>I can say "would you like to somke weed"?

fuck kill marry

is it physically possible to even somke weed?

Train them to be super ultra good in fight and shootouts, after this, kill them all, and say, i am better...


The only honest awnser

Is that so? Please, continue.

Mumble about the FBI trying to get me agian then go drink heavily like i always do.

"Proceeds to throw bacon @"


turn 360 degrees ans walk away

I would say
"Why are there kids in my house?"
and then call their parents/police

I'm not a pedophile,faggot degenerate like you guys.

what this

there are so many actions missed before "turn 360 degrees and walk away"..........

i would think they were ghosts and/or this was a set up and/or i am in the wrong house

It's a masked image, we gotta crack it with gmask

>I'm not a pedophile
Yeah sure

wtf is that buddy


i feel like i don't wanna even see this picture, just gotta real good feeling

Woah, it's been ages since I've seen one of these. Gonna need to see if there's a linux version of that yet.

Tell them to stop sleeping in the living room. I bought those beds for a reason.

bet its a zoomed in face

Ask them a 6 hands handjob

hints? not really sure which one to start with

Me:"It is WAY past your bedtimes! Off you go."
Tuck them in and read them a nice story.


What's the thing called again? All I remember is it starts with G

bottom left i see an eye ball possibly



I'm new to gmask, can you give me any pointers?

never mind, I'm a literal tard and didn't see the "gmask"


should i call the fbi?

What is this?

wow it's been a while I don't think the program is still around


Wonder how the fuck I can somehow magically afford a home.

Solved it, its goatse niggas.

Just give us the answer

call their parents to come pick them up.

what are you some kind of hipster communist using fancy words like that? Fuck off faggot

K i'd post the pic but the children are naked in it.
It's a murder scene, the aftermath of a rape /homicide of little kiddos.
Reporting this picture, it should be illegal.


good work

kek's wish

can you tell me how to solve it? I am really bad at gmask, I'm guessing you need a password for this one anyway?


prove it, whats the sequence

post it

Ask them a 30 fingers handjob

Really Nigga?

>Being this new
Fucking new fag kids.

"you ever seen a grown man naked?"

They're dead.

fuck off spiderman


what's the password

fugg... i've been on Sup Forums too long. i'm not a pedo, but that girl on the right looks good as fuck, good to fuck

))))________)-) - - -

Search the house for chris hansen

>360 degrees
>180 degree turn=going in direction you walked from
>360=facing same direction you turn from
This should be basic knowledge user

>Why are you brats in daddy's bed?
>Go brush your teeth.
>Where's mommy, I didn't see her in the kitchen when I got home?

Q, FL, CP, - x 2, + x 1 on the remaning block

You all lazy nigger are hopeless. I dont know why you wanna look at a prolapsed asshole.

People don't know that a 360 is a full turn, it's sad.

My batch of clone material is ready.

Removing antigens and tissue types from the ... donors ... will finally allow me to become the little girl.

(seriously, in our creepy transhumanist future, you know Zuckerberg is going to get put into the body of a five year old girl)

Hello new friend


>being this easily baited

Agreed. She needs it.

>Taking the bait
Inb4 hurr I knew what it was.

that's contradictory


Sorry but im only into 2D girls. Get out of my goddamn house.

Whip it out, jack off & cum all over them
