Post a country with better food than Britain

Post a country with better food than Britain

>you literally can't

why is concentrated shit flowing out of that bread. what the fuck.

America is the best at everything including high quality foods. Fuck off britbong

trips o' truth


Any other country period.


>b-b-but look at this pie

Dude they made french fries

i hope you realize NO actual food in india looks like that

/thread, was about to say this actually

id say the uk

America because of Louisiana

The only good food you faggots have is fish and chips. Literally everything else is dog shit. I mean come on, man. Beans on toast? Really?

What's it like knowing the rest of the world is laughing at your salt sugar fat tastebuds ameritard?

There aren't mcdonald's in every other coutnry Amerifat shill


Belgs are french but nice try


o damn user, that's crazy, it's not like there is a general consensus that british food sucks or anything held by the entire world

> Post a country with better food than Britain
> call that food
> in Britain

America, cause we have everyone elses food, but better.

It's ten past six in the morning in the UK, I doubt there are many Britons here.


what are you talking about? england is known for their terrible food and are the butt of jokes because of it.

Famine stricken Somalia

Your (you) seems to imply that replying as you did would almost indicate wit, and defame me. Joke's on you, it'll never cure your autism

That looks like dog food. But then again it IS British food.

God bless america and fuck everyone else.

Stay mad, mohammed.

The Netherlands, because

You mean BELGIUM. Fuck the netherlands, you piece of shit.

Canadians would add Maple Syrup(the real kind of syrup not cancer corn syrup like muricans)

>idk the point of your post because it didn't really make sense, but it kinda just made you look more retarded

ITT: butthurt Amerifats get upset that the rest of the world likes things other than fast food

Still tastes better than that fucking wood juice.

are you even trying ?
Italy is the best


wood juice>plant juice

You seem to be partial to dick juice, user. Stop being a faggot. Wood juiceis for canacucks like you.

Educated women in America will agree
Trudeau juice>Trump juice


Wow! It makes you delusional as fuck too!

Stay mad, niggerfaggot.

not having cancer>having cancer

Everybody's going to hate on that comment but it's true, depending on what state you're in you can get any kind of food on this planet as good as it can possibly be made. Not to say the majority of food in general isn't shit. Just that if you're looking for something we got a place that has it

2nd r8 b8 m8

That looks like dog food

There's a McDonald's in every first world country, shitdick.

Aside from poor people most Americans eat McDonald's or something like it once in awhile. It's been literally months since I had McDonald's.

Irish, u mad?

All of them.

Being proud of your thought police is even more orwellian then the doublethink you do with feminism and Muslims.

>Amerifat pretending his country isn't a bunch of fat redneck loud mouthbreathing morons

you guys don't have universal health care cuz all your lard asses would drain the entire budget of the government immediately getting gastric bypass surgeries

Auschwitz had better food then England.


I think american food is best. I haven't been to america in a few years, but made me understand why all americans are such fat pigs. food is unhealthy but can't stop eating it because it delicious.

Oh you mean the foods that they took from other countries?
yeah i like those foods.

Thought policing. Something created in US university. Good job guys. Look who's fighting it? A bunch of Canadian.

>Jordan Peterson
>Stefan Molyneux
>Gavin Mcinnes
>Steven Crowder
>get fucked

What do you have? Alex Jones?

Again, poor people problems. Enjoy your Sharia law, Eurocuck

Like every single one lel even africa

Jordan Peterson is being vilified by his own country.


I am from Oregon, lived in Cardiff for years for grad school. The UK has amazing food. The pizza is shite, but everything else is amazing!

Do you know Canada is not only Toronto and Montréal?

Did you read the post I was responding to? I think it's pretty fucking clear I was talking about Canadian liberals not Canadian conservatives. You know what, fuck you I'm going to bed.

>literally fucking anywhere

Given that Ontario and Quebec make up a full 57% of your entire economy, no.

youre right, op. britain does have the best food
pic related

I'd also say this

>This is American conservatives

He's also a fucking top notch lad, the fact that he's being vilified says more about the state Canada is in tbh

The FUCK is this shit?

The Koreas.

Why is it that Europoor fags eat in small food portions?


the american gets aroused at this sight

you are so mad

everyone knows that the U.S. is the greatest country, it is common knowledge by now

man on the moon, Hollywood movies, nukes... I could go on

Only a eurocuck would post an image.jpg

toast sandwich

Vietnamese food by far the most tasty and exotic.

>only reason US put man on moon was to beat russia from doing it first

>literally no one with artistic value thinks hollywood box office garbage is good

>majority of scientists who developed nukes were foreigners, including Einstein, a jewish german who fled

Go on though, please..

Good point but don't worry about Canadians thought Police. Trudeau's pandering to the urban center and Canada is still full of politically incorrect Christians who don't give a fuck.

Yeah who wouldn't get excited at the idea of death from a heart attack?

what has your country done, Europoor?

sucks that our fatasses must get up to help you win a war.

lol good shit user...!

>wasting 2 pieces of bread
>not just having 3 slices of toast


OP is telling porky-pies.

Doesn't matter China will get a moon base before your country.

USA pork chops

It sure feels good being able to buy an 8-piece deep dish pizza for under $10.

The rest of the world can't compete.

Eat shit you fucking foreigners!

USA! USA! USA! Wooooo!

I'm American. Reading is for faggots and libruls.


>tfw you don't have this in your country, so you have to settle for a pound of meat, cheese, tomato sauce, and butter.

How will Ameritards ever recover?

>rest of the world
>rest of the world
>rest of the world

can't you just have your own opinion, buddy? why do you keep trying to validate yourself?

Muhammad cucking you again?

Fucking kek
You imply that China isn't going to eradicate itself in the next 20 years

I'm American and I unironically really like British food. Bong breakfast is best breakfast.


You guys notice how, ten posts into the thread, everyone is arguing about whether or not the U.S. is the greatest country?

When was the last time you saw anybody ever say the U.K. was the best?

How do you fit this into a single person? Cheezus Christ guys

nice try eurocuck

It is funny to see how American fags think they now how to cook things
Stop posting disguting pizza pics

>Not enjoying the good goy jew sandwhich
Jewish NYC deli shops > Britian

when they ruled the world? long time ago mate


this is real.