Femanon here. Anyone else think peanut butter gamer is fucking hot?

Femanon here. Anyone else think peanut butter gamer is fucking hot?



Also jeff



There are rules, you know.

listen you know the rules, post tits + timestamp or GTFO

too bad he's die hard liberal though.

No. No he's not. Fuck off shillary. He even got into an argument with his brother mcjones who is a liberal png isn't

Lmao take one step onto his twitter, you'll see what I'm talking about.

That's what I'm referring to you fucking idiot

>he isn't a liberal fucking shillary
>PBG posts multiple LIBERAL IDEAS to twitter
>that's what I'm referring to you fucking retard

haha mkay

And by the way, I like PBG, but I just hate is beliefs.

He was entertaining until his "Lol I'm so silly xD" stick wore off

Good God you're fucking retarded he got into a literal massive argument with his brother mcjones for posting ANTI LIBERAL comments you stupid fuck, they're still not talking hes not in the upcoming hardcore terraria season 3, once again fuck off shillary

Ew no. He looks like someone who'd marry a Duggar. That Mormon look about him; shit is a turn off.



Dumb. Ass.

This is his wife, unicornism

Stupid. Fuck.


Typical tryhard conservative edgy 16 year old mistaking 4 numbers for 5. Fucking retarded piece of Trumpian trash.

Can you count? Are you a fucking preschool dropout holy shit. Who the fuck can't count to 4

it was a simple mistake of typing quints instead of quads lmao lets calm down.

Right - so many similar letters confuses you, I know.

Thanks for proving my point

Holy shit it's a simple mistake bro.

Wew lad.

Fuck you

What she's cute

Good comeback - you're awesome at this Sup Forums stuff kiddo!

I can't help but think she looks like a child.

I was watching Always Sunny a few days ago, and I noticed he looks a lot like Mac/Rob McElhenney in the show. Anyone else agree?

Pbg is a fucking retard man child and you should feel bad fuck you, God I hate him

Too bad he isn't funny

I just tried to watch a few of his videos holy shit he is bad at video games, and he looks and acts like a total faggot

Infinitely better

Nice quads. Anyways, what these retards mean by liberal is far left. It's unclear where McJones falls on the political spectrum, but PBG is clearly to his left.

Looking? No. Otherwise yes.

Ayy girl wassup...

Just remember, this is projared's wife

Tits or gtfo you know the rules

Quit engaging with this no timestamp titties showing cunt

Never said it was a femanon, could just be a faggot.
He is OP after all.

this is probably the lamest thread ive ever seen a youtuber make about themselves.

Aaaaaaaand I'm fucking blind.

He's alright. Nothing special though.

Apparently someone needs to clarify.