muh back hurts

>Was it the Earl Thomas hit?
>Did it happen against the Jets?
>Will he ever play for New England again?
>Is this the end of his career?

Is this guy always getting hurt?


He ded.


the jets end yet another patriot player

Wimpy pussies like this are going to kill the NFL

Is Mr. Glass a HOFer?

No. He was easily on track to be a first ballot HOF but with his stats now he just doesn't have it.


So, he's the TE version of Sterling Sharpe (pbuh)?

Fucker is gonna have the body of an 80 year old by the time he hits 35

More like the TE version of Bo Jackson


good riddance

Is this real?

And got so far

Of course not you fucking retard

>The most physically dominant player in the league is an injury prone glassbabby
Nice tough sport you have there.

poor white men and their backs

>Has more rings than your country has world war wins
Nice nation you have there

Everytime I hear about this dude it's always about a season ending injury. What a pussy.


Yes, his the disk between his L4 and L5 is ruptured. fortunately the patriots have a patented synthetic replacement for connective tissue, he should be good as new before the playoffs.

>15 February 1945

Can the Pats still make it to the bowl?

Wonder why his back is so fucked...


and got so far

They were winning games without Gronk so yes. He'd be back for the AFC Champ or SB

Kys faggot