What is next for the Chris-chan saga?

What is next for the Chris-chan saga?

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My guess is that "she" finally goes full homo... or kills himself when Barb dies.

Someone pretends to be Chris from an alternate timeline or future and messes with him.


It could be like that My Future Self and Me episode of South Park.

1. Someone pretends to be Chris from a far distance future where Chris is successful and Quikville is a real place
2. Convince Chris to run for mayor if he wants to obtain this future
3. ???
4. Profit

Ideally happy marriage. It's not fun any more.

Does he deserve a happy end?

I think he dose. Other than spurging out at retail employees over the color of Sonic's arms on a display, he's not a bad person.

death by infected taint

I'm surprised he's still alive. If he was in any third world country he'd be dead.


>halp muh bills are due!
>geif monies plox
>check out muh new toys that I *totally* didn't buy with money that was supposed to be spent on bills.

I don't think there's much left for him to do. But then again every time in the past I thought he couldn't top himself, he somehow pulls it off.

There isn't much to do now. We just watch and see if he finds a way to top himself.

What's he been up to recently?

What about his mother dying? Something interesting is bound to happen when that rolls around. I'm very curious to see how he'll live or act when that happens.

Last I remember, he made death threats to Donald Trump.

Wow, dude's still around?

I'm going to need the latest entry to ed

stunning and brave

i dont know.

i was one of the original trolls who told chris-chan to transition. i dont know if i was the first, cuz he responded "why do people keep telling me that?"

sometimes i wonder if i told him to transition because deep down i knew he wanted to be trans. the signs were all there: the sailor moon poster, the idolizing girls, his weird fixation on gender, his self insert as Rose in the comic.

Or if i just enjoy bullying people. i mean we made him post naked pictures, fuck himself, humiliate himself, publicly post his dates online. making him fuck up his hormones was deliciously hilarious.

prolly a little of column a a little of column b

It's people like you who make the internet a fun place. Thank you for you service

Can you imagine if someone would slip an opioid? I bet he'd O-D within a month

Underneath all the sperging, he's still a pretty terrible person.

Just because he's messed up doesn't mean he's not an asshole.

The post-mother saga, where one of two things will happen
>He gets his shit together with no one else to be dependent on
>He becomes a homeless bum with no one else to be dependent on

Homeless Chris would be like the end of TTGL

I like the idea of Chris running for mayor but he's far too lazy to actually do anything like that, how do we make it happen?

oh, dont be so bombastic. if i know chris chan, he'll put in the bare minimum of effort to survive.

>christina's mom dies
>she is surprised to learn she has to move out of the family estate
>city evicts her
>she posts on facebook that the city is transphobic for evicting her
>ahuviya harel agrees
>they move in together and become the next episode of Hoarders

Chris running for mayor would definitely be a challenge. One user said to pretend to be Chris from the future, but apart from the challenge of actually getting him off his lazy ass (which is near impossible), I think a decade of trolling has made him somewhat self aware, so I'm not sure if that would work.

Being Chris from the future sounds too much like the Liquid Chris-saga but I think it could work. But could Chris legally run for mayor or is he too mentally disabled to run?

Ahuvia and Chris would make the perfect duo of Autism.

He hit a dude with his car, then when the guy he hit asked the judge to leniency and got the charge reduced to a misdemeanour, Chris went online and called him an asshole and a Jew who hated autistics.

He's a completely terrible person. If you think otherwise, you haven't been following christory very long.

I mean, have there been political leaders with high functioning autism?


We need to somehow make a convincing story for Future-Chris to tell to present-Christina to run for mayor, any ideas?

Idk if he'd be allowed to since he has criminal records, but if something like that could convince him to make some sort of effort, it would definitely be one of the best CWC sagas

The bigger issue is that he's banned from like half the businesses in his county and is a well known ne'er-do-well, so no one would vote for him. I doubt he'd even be able to get enough signatures to run in the first place.

How much support could he gain? I think he could get a lot from ignorant SJWs who are hopping onto his fandom because he's a tranny running for mayor. From what I understand his town is a pretty small place so I think he could largely do it without the mainstream media making too much of a fuss about it until he wins.

He'll shit himself and do nothing.

I don't even think he would be able to run considering his criminal record, but if he at least made some sort of effort, and got denied by the city, I'm sure whatever hijinks Chris would take against the city would make for a new saga.

>shits himself constantly at the first sign of stress
>loves playing with children's toys
>eats shitty, unhealthy food
>is basically useless with having a mother looking after him

Chris is an anthropomorphised fluffy pony.

Plus if word got out that he was running for mayor, the other trolls would link his content, nudes, and other things. So his running would be short lived.

>Chris is denied by the city
It'd be funny watching him freak out and condemn it as some sort of conspiracy against him. I still say we do the Future-Chris one but since we probably can't get him to run for mayor, any ideas?

Chris is clearly not actually trans, though. It's all a plot to get china, with a healthy dose of delusion thrown in for good measure.

yeah well, if you collected all the trans in a big room im sure some of them would be autistic retards.

i mean you gotta admit some of the shit he did was questionable as fuck

I've found that generally when I believe that something bad will happen in a situation like that, the opposite actually happens, because people on disability who cheat the system always get what they want for some reason.

What I want to say though, is that Chris will end up in a group home because there is no way he can make it on his own, and his only other family hate his guts.

The freakout afterwards would definitely be hilarious, and I think that would be the end goal of this new saga. How I see it going is have someone who sounds like Chris to call him and say he's future Chris who becomes mayor, convincing him to run. Then he makes an attempt, but gets denied, then he freaks out about it. Then us, the trolls, make sure to spread the word throughout Social Media, gaining more attention to the whole situation, and hopefully get some SJWs on board to support Chris. But there's two big problems with this
>Chris is lazy as fuck, and probably won't even make an effort
>A decade of trolling has left him more self aware of trolls, and it's possible he'd see through the troll.

Here's what I think he's trying to do:

So, he has his daughter prophecy, right? He's supposed to have a daughter named Crystal, as was foretold by Beargod. It wasn't specified HOW he'd have this daughter though.

We know he's been freezing his jizz in his kitchen freezer. I think he's planning to become a woman, growing a vagina and uterus by way of those YouTube hypnosis vids, then impregnate himself with his own sperm, thus fulfilling the prophecy.

He's trying to outplay Beargod.

HOLY SHIT that'd be great

I mean, he's stupid enough to think that could work, right?

That's what I think this whole trans saga is about.

this sounds quite believable.

What if we scrap Future-Chris but make it his own daughter from the future telling him to run for Mayor? Something happens in her timeline which Chris needs to fix in the present, cue Chris getting denied because of his criminal record, we make a bunch of fake virtue signalling accounts to gain support, real SJWs bandwagon in after they learn a tranny wants to run for mayor, Chris actually ends up gaining support and possibly running and winning due to peer pressure from SJWs.

I feel like he'll die from sepsis. I'm surprised that hasn't happened already, honestly.

well he thought his infected gooch piercing was a newly grown vagina, so anything is possible

Like, maybe we're seeing Chris all wrong. Maybe he doesn't even want a boyfriend-free girl and hates kids, but he feels like he's bound to this prophecy by a vengeful ursine deity and must fulfill it. Maybe every day of his life is an immense struggle against a destiny that was forced upon him.

Maybe Chris was actually a tragic figure all along.

Yea, I like the idea of it being Crystal more than future Chris.

I'd be down. Can you imagine if Chris actually won? It'd be like Trump again, but like, 1000x more stupid and hilarious.

Who are we gonna get to be Crystal though?

One of those dudes who does the loli voice acting threads.

Alright, yea. Should we spread the word around?

The end goal is to hopefully get Chris into a career of politics where the Democrats notice his popularity with SJWs and young people considering his internet celebrity status(of course they don't realize or care how twisted he is, they just want the votes), with support he'd run against Trump in the next election or after his first term.

What kind of catastrophic things can we work into the script Crystal says to Christina about how horrible the future is?

Might as well.

We could have Crystal say something about Trump gets elected a second term and does something awful, and Chris must run for mayor, and once Trump sees a Transsexual as mayor, it'll stop the horrible thing from happening.

Doesn't Chris have an "evil twin" or something in his comics? We could say how he is conspiring with Trump and in Crystal's timeline has Chris and their family hostage or something to that extent.

Or that it will touch The Donald in his Heart-Place and he'll reverse all of his badness and introduce Chris to the father/mother of Crystal. But something has altered the future that allows Crystal to be born and only CWC can save her and the bright future he helps build.

Yes, that is perfect

We could tell Chris that Evil Chris is conspiring with Trump to do something awful, and that once he becomes Mayor, it'll touch the Donald in his heart place, and he won't want to do the awful thing he wanted to.

Guys, I don't mean to shit on your cornflakes here, but Chris has been dealing with trolls for over a decade. He's surprisingly smart about this shit these days. He's not gonna believe a wacky story about his future daughter and evil twins.

If you want to troll him, it needs to be something subtle, plausible, and grounded in reality.

I think he'll fall for it. The man is pretty impressionable.

Well, it turns out that, when he was just a baby, he was sent to Earth from the planet Hedgehog. That's what we'll be exploring in the next arc.

That is true.

No, he really won't. He has weens trying shit like this basically every day. He's an idiot, but even a hamster learns not to bite the electried pellet eventually. He'll sigh, ignore it, and possibly shit himself, then go about his day.

You're wasting your time with something like this. It has to be something way more simple and believable.

Do you have any ideas to get him to make an attempt to run for mayor?

Jesus you're right

You need to put the idea in his head. Make him think he came up with the idea. Maybe something about how a trans person running for office would help counter Trump and Pence's anti-trans policies.

Again though, you can't just suggest he does that, you have to plant a seed, let him arrive at the idea himself.

So Inception him but in real life?

>tfw this is actually spot on

Crystal from the future could be largely responsible for that though. Do we have any voice actors for it yet?

A hero must contact Christina
>Pose as a F to M trans
>Convince him it's not gay for them to date
>Time passes
>Fuck him in the ass one night then tell him it was all a ruse
>Call him a faggot then leave


As fun as it would be to be future Crystal, the other user is right. Chris has gone through a decade of trolling, he may be an idiot, but he's more self aware about the trolls now. If we want to have him run for mayor, we have to make it seem like he came up with the idea himself. Make subtle hints about how a Tranny mayor would hurt Trump and whatnot

This is a good thread, not derailed no shitposting only a nice discussion on how to fuck even more our beloved autist


eventually one of two things will happen:
>the men in white locks him up at the nuthouse
>reality catches up with him and he an heroes

personally, i wish that he discovers otherkin and starts believing that he was sonichu all along

C̶h̶r̶i̶s̶-̶C̶h̶a̶n̶ "Stephanie Bustcakes" won't do anal, even with women.


sooner or later barb will die and the ball of wax will melt entirely

I doubt his extended family will have much interest in subsiding an autistic manchild and he will wither become homeless or be placed into a group home somewhere

>ITT: oldfags troll newfags

It's so obvious...

"He that is unrighteous, let him do unrighteousness still: and he that is filthy, let him be made filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him do righteousness still: and he that is holy, let him be made holy still.
Behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to render to each man according as his work is"
-Revelation 22:11-12.

His extended family wants nothing to do with him or Barb. Even his half-brother on Barb's side won't talk to them. When Barb dies (and it'll be soon), Chris is well and truly fucked.

>i wish that he discovers otherkin and starts believing that he was sonichu all along
This would be the greatest thing that could ever happen!

how much of the minimum payments he's been making comes from barbs social security? I'm surprised that the house has not been taken for debt or back-payments yet

Then someone sneaks into his house at night and paints his arms yellow, and Chris has a complete breakdown.

He sleeps during the day mostly you fool.


>Not blue

I still say that we should get someone to pretend to be Crystal from the future since it has potential to be pretty funny.

>Stephanie Bustcakes

Apparently, Barb is perpetually in debt. She manages to make minimum payments to avoid having the house taken away, but they still have debt collectors after them constantly.

Also, most of the money Chris spends on toys is from his tugboat, or money that retards on the internet give him/shit he sells to said retards.

>Barb is in perpetual debt
I thought boomers were supposed to be smart.

He thinks he has "big swinging titties".

Let's set him up with the Beast, Joseph8276!

True. Hedgehogs are nocturnal.

This is most likely

>y-yall got the p-pussy I'm very happy to work